Prison fence construction underway

18/10/05 Work on building new fences around prisoner accommodation facilities at Karnet and Wooroloo minimum-security prisons is well under way.

Work on building new fences around prisoner accommodation facilities at Karnet and Wooroloo minimum-security prisons is well under way.
Justice Minister John D'Orazio said that construction of the fence at Karnet was scheduled to be completed by December 23, 2005 and at Wooroloo in early January, 2006.
Mr D'Orazio said that construction of an entry building and installation of lighting, security and monitoring systems at each site would occur in the first half of next year.
"These fences will make it easier for staff to manage offenders and to control what enters and leaves the prisons," he said.
"They will also improve community safety, but both facilities will remain minimum security prisons with offenders able to undertake supervised activities outside the fenced areas."
The Minister said that contracts for the fencing at both sites were awarded to Kayedar Services following a competitive tender conducted by the Department of Housing and Works.
The 3.6m Belgian mesh fences would be topped with 900mm circular cowling and would measure 1.35km and 1.5km at Karnet and Wooroloo respectively.
He said the design of the entry building had also been completed and testing of lighting, video surveillance and alarm equipment was under way.
The entry buildings would include 24-hour monitoring facilities where operators could view activity around the fences, which would be lit at night, and respond to alarms.
Minister's office: 9213 7150

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