New corrective services chief named

24/11/05 Western Australian Police Assistant Commissioner Mr Ian Johnson will head the new Department of Corrective Services in an acting capacity, when it is established early next year.

Western Australian Police Assistant Commissioner Mr Ian Johnson will head the new Department of Corrective Services in an acting capacity, when it is established early next year.
Justice Minister John D'Orazio told Parliament today that he was pleased that Mr Johnson, currently acting executive director, prisons, in the Department of Justice, had accepted the challenge.
"This new department will have the responsibility for restoring the balance in our corrections system and making community safety and reducing re-offending its top priorities," Mr D'Orazio said.
"As acting commissioner for corrections, Mr Johnson will, with the support of a new Corrections Act, be responsible for the management of offenders, both in custody and in the community."
The Minister said the new department's priorities would include:

  • a better system of assessing and classifying offenders as to their security risk and the level of management required;
  • a more rigorous evaluation of programs aimed at reducing re-offending;
  • better training of staff in both custodial and community operations;
  • better opportunities for recruiting and training staff locally in regional areas; and
  • planning for upgrading and replacing corrections infrastructure throughout the State.
Mr D'Orazio also responded to key recommendations of Justice Mahoney's Inquiry into Offender Management in Custody and the Community - which was released yesterday.
"I strongly endorse the observation that significant reform of our management of indigenous offenders is needed to reduce indigenous over-representation in our prison system and to reduce re-offending," he said.
"I also note Justice Mahoney's concerns about the potential negative impact of public outcry on the management of our corrections system and the need to make the public aware of the inherent limitations of the corrections system.
"The reality that some prisoners will always escape and some offenders serving community sentences will re-offend can never become an excuse for failing to try to improve our performance."
Minister's office: 9213 7150
