Consortia short-listed for Perth City section of New MetroRail project

31/05/03 Two construction teams have been selected to prepare detailed proposals for design and construction of the $200million New MetroRail City Project.

Two construction teams have been selected to prepare detailed proposals for design and construction of the $200million New MetroRail City Project.
The project includes tunnels and underground stations within the Perth CBD, to bring the fast direct Mandurah-to-Perth railway from the Narrows Bridge to the city station.
Planning and Infrastructure Minister Alannah MacTiernan today announced that two organisations had been short-listed from a high quality field of five contenders.
The two teams are:

  • CityConnect (Clough/McConnell-Dowell/Obayashi Joint Venture):
    Clough is a major, local construction company with a strong national and overseas track record. (Clough was a partner in the Graham Farmer Freeway and Woodman Point Treatment Plant projects). McConnell Dowell is a large multi-national with extensive project experience, including underground works; Obayashi is a major Japanese underground construction specialist with extensive tunnelling experience, especially in Asia.
  • Leighton-Kumagai Gumi Team:
    Leighton is a major Australian construction company with extensive local, national and international experience. (Recent local experience includes the Narrows Bridge duplication project). Kumagai Gumi is another major Japanese underground construction specialist with extensive Asian tunnelling experience.
"The teams were selected on the basis of demonstrated capability to successfully carry out the City Project works," Ms MacTiernan said.
"Applicants were assessed on financial capacity, management systems, resources and experience, understanding of key issues, programming and management of public relations, safety and environment.
"CityConnect and Leighton-Kumagai Gumi are outstanding teams with extensive local and international experience and proven track records in on-time and on-cost delivery.
"Under the innovative relationship-based design and construct contract model we have adopted for the City Project, the two teams will prepare detailed proposals over a three month period leading to selection of a preferred proponent.
"In recognition of the expertise required for this project, the model provides for payment of a design fee to the unsuccessful proponent in return for rights to intellectual property contained in the bid.
"This approach will enable Government to realise the full benefit of the highly specialised design skills required to prepare bids and ensures that the significant commitment required of the proponents is recognised.
"The relationship - contracting model encourages the contracting parties to work together in the delivery of the work, incorporating risk sharing mechanisms and rewards for outstanding contractor performance.
"The relationship-based approach has been enthusiastically received by industry."
It is expected the preferred proponent will be selected by the end of 2003, with construction to commence early in the New Year (2004).
Minister's office: 9213 6400
