City rail options to be examined

31/10/01 Options for bringing Perth's new railway from the Narrows Bridge to the city centre will be examined by a newly established, independent advisory committee.

Options for bringing Perth's new railway from the Narrows Bridge to the city centre will be examined by a newly established, independent advisory committee.
Planning and Infrastructure Minister Alannah MacTiernan announced the tasks and membership of the Perth City Rail Advisory Committee today.
She said the committee will ensure that a wide range of opinions were examined and that the State Government made the best decision.
"Our advice to date says that an alignment which links Mandurah to Joondalup with access to the heart of the city from an underground station in William Street is the best option in terms of both transport and land use planning," Ms MacTiernan said.
"However, I acknowledge that there are some alternative views which need to be explored.
"To do this I've brought together an independent group with a broad range of expertise to look again at all the options, before we finalise the master plan."
Ms MacTiernan said the committee's tasks were to:

  • seek the views of interested parties;
  • evaluate options and recommend a preferred rail alignment and station locations through the city; and
  • advise on strategies for minimising disruption during the construction phase.
"The committee's terms of reference require them to consider budgetary restraints and the necessity to complete the South West Railway by 2006," Ms MacTiernan said.
She said the committee would be chaired by Stuart Hicks, who oversaw electrification of Perth's passenger rail system and construction of the Northern Suburbs Railway.
Other members are:
  • Frank Bryant, Consulting Engineer, Chairman, BSD Consultants;
  • Carey Curtis, Planning Lecturer, Curtin University;
  • John Hoare, Railway Engineer;
  • Sharni Howe, Architect and Urban Designer;
  • Tony Packer, President, Property Council of WA;
  • David Lock, Town Planner; and
  • Lisa Scaffidi, Perth City Councillor.
The committee will receive technical and administrative support from the Department for Planning and Infrastructure.
Mr Hicks said the committee will call for submissions within the next week and submit its final report early in February 2002.
Media contact: Steve Keogh 9213 6400
