Changes to land zonings/reservations in eastern corridor

20/8/96 The State Government has presented to Parliament changes to land zonings and reservations in Perth's eastern corridor following extensive public consultation.


The State Government has presented to Parliament changes to land zonings and reservations in Perth's eastern corridor following extensive public consultation.

Planning Minister Richard Lewis today tabled an amendment to the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) which guides land uses throughout Perth.

Mr Lewis said the 'Eastern Corridor Omnibus No.2 Amendment' would refine broad land use plans in various parts of the corridor to cater for future needs for regional open space, industry and transport.

"The public consultation process resulted in several changes to the advertised amendment," he said.

"The State Government has listened to people's concerns and has deleted or modified some of the proposals in the amendment. The changes include the removal of a proposed rezoning in Caversham, and modifications to proposals in Hazelmere."

The amendment was advertised by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) in November and 71 submissions were received during the three-month public comment period.

Mr Lewis said five of the 17 proposals contained in the amendment had been re-visited following consideration of the submissions and a series of public hearings which gave landowners an opportunity to voice their concerns.

"A proposal to urbanise land in Short Street, Caversham, has been deleted from the amendment, as has the proposed parks and recreation reservation over part of the Disability Services Commission facility at Market Street in Guildford and three small areas in Viveash," he said.

"In addition, a proposed public purpose reservation in the area south of the Great Eastern Highway Bypass and adjoining Stirling Crescent and Talbot Road in Hazelmere will now be rural."

Other proposals included in the final amendment documents will see some 1,000 hectares of land adjoining the Avon Valley National park at Moondyne included in the parks and recreation reservation.

As part of the future public transit rail route to Ellenbrook around 11 hectares of land has been reserved in the Beechboro area between Tonkin Highway and the Perth-Darwin Highway.

Also, there are modifications to the Hazelmere industrial area, rationalisation of the parks and recreation reservation boundaries in Guildford and the transfer to parks and recreation reservation of around 135 hectares of land at the former Caversham Airbase and about 65 hectares of the Swan River floodplain at Viveash.

Media contact: Bronwyn Hillman 222 9595, 221 1377
