Opening of dedicated tourist lounge in Carillon Arcade
23/10/96 Western Australia's first dedicated tourist lounge in Carillon Arcade was opened today to allow Perth's visitors a chance to rest and relax while they were shopping.
Western Australia's first dedicated tourist lounge in Carillon Arcade was opened today to allow Perth's visitors a chance to rest and relax while they were shopping.
Tourism Minister Norman Moore said WA's growing number of visitors could catch up on information about accommodation, attractions and things to do in Perth.
"Not only is it a great idea for tourists, it presents a wonderful opportunity for Western Australia's tourism operators to showcase their product and for our guests to enrich their holiday," Mr Moore said.
"Visitors will also be able to exchange recommendations, which will further enhance their tourism experience."
International visitor numbers to WA increased beyond expectations to more than 500,000 in the 12 months to March this year and visitor expenditure was up by nearly eight per cent.
Mr Moore said Asians made up a large proportion of the visitors and for them, shopping was a high priority.
"According to a recent Bureau of Tourism Research survey, around 85 per cent of Malaysians, Singaporeans and Indonesians listed shopping as their top holiday activity," he said.
"It is important that facilities such as these are available in a major shopping precinct for our visitors."
Mr Moore congratulated Carillon Arcade owners Hawaiian Investments on the initiative which was supported by the WA Tourism Commission, the City of Perth and the arcade's retailers.
"It is a wonderful example of a tourism partnership working towards a common goal and a positive step towards enhancing this particularly lucrative sector for WA's economy," he said.
Media contact: Anabel Gomez 321 1444 or 222 9595