Revitalised spaces win gongs at inaugural Place Innovation Awards

A community-led series of placemaking initiatives at a neighbourhood centre, a game changing level of transparency in infrastructure policy, and the transformation of underused public space into a vibrant hive of activity, have been recognised at the first ever Place Innovation Awards today.
  • Winners of new Place Innovation Awards announced today during WA Local Government Association Convention
  • Innovative solutions from regional and metropolitan local governments recognised
  • Placemaking helps build community connections, activate local spaces and foster greater collaboration within local government

A community-led series of placemaking initiatives at a neighbourhood centre, a game changing level of transparency in infrastructure policy, and the transformation of underused public space into a vibrant hive of activity, have been recognised at the first ever Place Innovation Awards today.

There were 31 nominations for the awards which were established by the Minister for Local Government David Michael to celebrate the most innovative, collaborative approaches to placemaking in Western Australia.

The awards were presented during the annual WA Local Government Association (WALGA) Local Futures Convention, which brings together elected members and local government staff from across WA each year.

Congratulations to the winners in the three award categories:

  • Outstanding Achievement: City of Kwinana - Wellard Village 7 Day Makeover;
  • Metropolitan Perth and Peel: City of Mandurah - Community Initiated Infrastructure Policy; and
  • Regional Western Australia: Shire of Pingelly - Pingelly Pocket/Gnalla Wangkiny Park.

Nominations for the Place Innovation Awards were assessed on their ability to take an innovative approach to a place-based opportunity or challenge, demonstrate significant improvements to standard practices, and show a high level of collaboration with external stakeholders and areas within local government.

The awards are administered by Town Team Movement (TTM), with support from the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC). TTM is a non-profit organisation that enables local communities and governments to connect, organise and act to regenerate the fabric of their neighbourhoods and to create better places.

Placemaking brings together planners, community members, architects, local government, business and other groups, working collaboratively to activate local spaces.   

DLGSC has funded TTM to deliver free placemaking training for all elected members and local government staff in WA. Find out more about this world leading initiative at  

Comments attributed to Local Government Minister David Michael: 

"Placemaking is a great way for local governments to work holistically with local business, urban planners, residents, and local organisations to create positive change and vibrant spaces.

"Congratulations to our outstanding winners and I'm pleased that these awards have provided an opportunity to recognise the achievements of our local governments.

"Innovative placemaking initiatives not only create amazing community spaces but also help to develop a strong sense of community and belonging."

Comments attributed to Town Team Movement co-founder and executive director Jimmy Murphy:  

"At Town Team Movement we strongly encourage thinking outside the box.

"It's great to see these local governments recognised for their innovative approaches to placemaking, working hand in hand with their community and stakeholders to create better places for everyone."

Comments attributed to WALGA State President Cr Karen Chappel AM: 

"I congratulate the winners of the inaugural Place Innovation Awards. The high quality of applications is a great reflection on the local government sector's commitment to working with community to create amazing places to live, work and play.

"It is wonderful to see local governments leading the way in innovative approaches to community empowerment and engagement, and these awards are a great opportunity for knowledge sharing across the sector to drive positive outcomes for our communities."


Outstanding Achievement: City of Kwinana - Wellard Village 7 Day Makeover

The Wellard Village 7 Day Makeover (7DM) empowered the community to generate ideas, and then design, budget and implement a number of placemaking projects to develop a healthy, safe, and vibrant centre, in just seven days.

The project incorporated a youth-led element, allowing local young people to plan and deliver their own projects.

The project was delivered collaboratively by the City of Kwinana, the Wellard Village People Town Team, RAC, and the Wellard community, facilitated by Creative Communities International.

Metropolitan Perth and Peel: City of Mandurah - Community Initiated Infrastructure Policy

The Community Initiated Infrastructure Policy encourages safe, suitable, quality and timely public infrastructure construction and maintenance that is financially, socially and environmentally responsible.

It also embraces the knowledge and leadership of community groups whilst minimising current and future risk to all stakeholders.

In its first year, the policy has been successfully embedded into internal processes, and supports greater transparency and collaboration in community place-based decision making.

Regional Western Australia: Shire of Pingelly - Pingelly Pocket/Gnalla Wangkiny Park

The Pingelly Pocket/Gnalla Wangkiny Park project has transformed the dead space between two underused buildings on Pingelly's main street.

A previously fenced off space has been opened-up, and now features a yarning circle, fire pit, stage for performances, community chalkboards and sheltered area creating a welcoming and inclusive public space.

The project was a collaboration with the local community, local Aboriginal Elders, the Pingelly Aboriginal Progress Association, RAC, the Pingelly Art and Craft Group and the Shire of Pingelly.
