Planning reforms to accelerate housing delivery pass Parliament
- Planning and Development Amendment Bill 2023 passes WA Parliament
- Green light for major reforms to reduce red tape and boost WA housing supply
- Reforms include permanent significant development pathway for metropolitan and regional projects and changes to Development Assessment Panels
- Bill delivers on Cook Government's priority planning reforms
Major changes to Western Australia's planning system that will accelerate the delivery of housing supply across the State have been passed by State Parliament.
These planning reforms are a key pillar of the Cook Government's plans to boost housing supply and align with the National Planning Reform Blueprint agreed to by National Cabinet.
The Planning and
Development Amendment Bill 2023 enables
the delivery of the Cook Government's priority planning reforms, which were
identified through significant community and industry consultation undertaken
over the past six years.
Key elements of the Bill to facilitate the acceleration of housing delivery and
cut unnecessary red tape include:
- a new permanent, significant development pathway for projects;
- clearer decision-making in local government for single houses;
- changes to Development Assessment Panels;
- updates to existing planning processes, to further cut red tape and duplication; and
- reform of the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).
The new permanent significant development pathway will create a streamlined, efficient and coordinated pathway for complex proposals of more than $20 million in the Perth and Peel regions and of more than $5 million in regional WA.
For single house developments, the legislation requires decision-making by the local government administration and not the council, except where heritage is involved. These applications will be determined by technical experts, through the Chief Executive Officer or local government employees, ensuring a more efficient process for homeowners.
Other reforms include changes in the membership and operations of the WAPC, a reduction in the number of Development Assessment Panels (DAPs) from five to three and the appointment of fixed-term full-time members and changes in eligibility thresholds for DAPs.
The reforms complement the Cook Government's $2.6 billion investment in social housing and homelessness measures, which includes funding to deliver 4,000 new social homes.
They also build on previous reforms that removed the need for planning approval for some change-of-use applications and small residential projects such as pergolas, decks and granny flats.
Comments attributed to Premier Roger Cook:
"These significant reforms are a key plank of my Government's response to the current barriers to housing delivery.
"As Governments across Australia face challenges with housing supply, Western Australia is leading the nation in delivering planning reforms, taking another important step today towards meeting our commitments under the National Planning Reform Blueprint.
"These reforms focus on five key areas to boost the delivery of homes for Western Australian families as well as the infrastructure required to meet the needs of future generations.
"The passing of this comprehensive Bill complements my Government's record $2.6 billion investment in housing and homelessness measures, which includes delivery of 4,000 additional social homes."
Comments attributed to Planning Minister John Carey:
"As Planning, Housing and Homelessness Minister my resolute focus continues as we are using every lever we can to accelerate the delivery of housing.
"The passing of this Bill is critical in accelerating the delivery of housing across all parts of the housing continuum in Western Australia.
"Our planning reform agenda will streamline existing processes, cut unnecessary red tape and build efficiencies into the State's planning system, ensuring that there are no unreasonable impacts on progressing planning and subsequent development of new homes.
"Our Government will continue to deliver and support reforms to assist WA to meet the housing and density infill developments that it desperately needs to boost housing supply."