Lotterywest grant to support families of children with disability
- Cook Government supports information program for caregivers of children with disability with $381,535 Lotterywest grant to Kiind
- Funding will go towards pilot program which targets early intervention and helps parents navigate the complex system of support services
- Aligns with the State Government's'A Western Australia for Everyone: State Disability Strategy 2020-2030'
Disability Services Minister Don Punch has today presented a Lotterywest grant of $381,535 to Kiind, a not-for-profit organisation that supports parents and carers of children with developmental delay or disability.
The funding will go towards a pilot program that provides easily accessible information for parents who are raising a child aged 0-8 years in the early stages of their disability journey.
Outcomes for children with developmental delay or disability often rely on the capacity of parents and caregivers to seek a diagnosis for their child, build an understanding of the diagnosis, and get the right supports in place during the early years of childhood development.
The parent training program will be targeted at early intervention to help them navigate the complex system of service supports and empower them with the skills, knowledge and information they need to best support their child to reach their full potential.
The program will be piloted for 12 months, delivering 24 online sessions, six face-to-face sessions and a suite of useful information resources for families.
The grant aligns with the State Government's 'A Western Australia for Everyone: State Disability Strategy 2020-2030', which sets the foundation for building a more inclusive WA by empowering people with disability to participate meaningfully in all parts of society.
Comments attributed to Disability Services Minister Don Punch:
"The Cook Government is committed to supporting people with disability and working with organisations such as Kiind to facilitate better outcomes for people with disability, their families, and carers.
"I would like to acknowledge the extraordinary work of Kiind in
fostering a more inclusive community and recognise their contribution in
supporting families of children with disability to reach their full potential."
Comments attributed to Kiind CEO Carrie Clark:
"Families often struggle to navigate the complexities of the systems that support children such as early intervention, health, education and NDIS services. This can lead to inequity where vulnerable and at-risk families go without critical support during these formative years.
"We appreciate the contribution of Lotterywest and the State Government for their support of this pilot program which will benefit Western Australian families of children with disability."