Incentives to boost child protection workers in five regions

The Cook Government will invest $3.7 million for a temporary staff attraction and retention package to boost critical child protection workforce numbers across five regions of Western Australia.
  • Cook Government commits $3.7 million in temporary incentives to attract and retain regional child protection staff for critical roles in five regions
  • Temporary incentive package will provide financial support for eligible staff and comes into effect from 1 July 2023
  • Reinforces Cook Government's commitment to supporting vulnerable families and keeping children safe

The Cook Government will invest $3.7 million for a temporary staff attraction and retention package to boost critical child protection workforce numbers across five regions of Western Australia.

The Department of Communities has developed the package, which will be made available for new and existing employees up until 30 June 2024 in identified critical roles to help bolster frontline staff.

The temporary incentive package will commence on 1 July 2023 and offer eligible staff:

  • up to $13,000 in additional financial support in the Kimberley and Pilbara regions;
  • up to $10,000 in Mid-West and Gascoyne regions; and
  • up to $6,000 across the Goldfields-Esperance and Wheatbelt regions.

These payments will be in addition to existing employment entitlements.

The package builds on a range of other strategies that are already being implemented to attract child protection workers including:

  • frontline talent campaigns of online marketing, career expos and partnerships with community organisations to target State, interstate and international candidates and apply regional recruitment solutions to employ more locally based candidates;
  • social work student placements to provide a talent pipeline and strengthen graduate recruitment efforts;
  • additional targeted international recruitment campaigns; and
  • Regional Talent Registers, streamlining the process of identifying talent in regional areas through a simplified application process for candidates.

The frontline child protection workforce is critical in helping to protect vulnerable young people and their families, and the State Government continues to respond to challenges faced in the current labour market to attract suitably qualified and experienced staff.

Comments attributed to Child Protection Minister Sabine Winton:

"I've had the great opportunity to meet with and hear from hundreds of child protection workers throughout the State over the past six months. These staff care so much for the children they support and work tirelessly to keep them safe.

"The work they do is incredible, and we value what they contribute to our community so much, which is why it's important we support them as best we can.

"A big part of that support is being able to retain experienced staff and attract new people to fill vacancies in these critical regions, which is why we've created this package.

"This package further builds on a range of strategies that the State Government has already implemented to boost our child protection workforce, particularly in our regions."
