Federal support for WA's resources sector welcomed

The Cook Government has welcomed the almost $20 billion in funding support for critical minerals processing and resource exploration announced by the Federal Government last night as part of its 2024-25 Budget.
  • Production tax credit to provide significant support for critical minerals producers
  • Funding support to develop common-user facilities for small and medium players
  • Significant investment in data and maps will help industry find new mineral deposits
  • New production tax incentive to ramp up renewable hydrogen production                          

The Cook Government has welcomed the almost $20 billion in funding support for critical minerals processing and resource exploration announced by the Federal Government last night as part of its 2024-25 Budget.

A 10 per cent production tax credit totalling $17.6 billion over 14 years for critical minerals producers will support existing downstream processing activities as well as those entering production in future.

The Federal Government's $10.2 million investment in pre-feasibility studies to develop critical mineral common-user processing facilities and help small and medium-sized aspirants become producers, will also be broadly welcomed by industry.

A further $566.1 million commitment over 10 years will support industry in finding new deposits of minerals and sources of energy and help build a Future Made in Australia.

This significant funding will deliver data, maps and other tools for use by the resources sector that will point the way to new discoveries, help power the economy and commit to the full mapping of Australia over the next generation.

Western Australian producers will also benefit from a $5.8 million critical minerals trade enhancement initiative aimed at accelerating trade efforts to realise a premium for Australia's critical minerals that are produced to high environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards.

The Cook Government also welcomed the Federal Government's new $6.7 billion Hydrogen Production Tax Incentive of $2 per kilogram to encourage production of renewable hydrogen over the next decade.

Another important initiative is the $2 billion investment in a new round of the successful Hydrogen Headstart program to provide long-term certainty for the nascent industry, which will be critical for green iron and steel opportunities.

Western Australia is well positioned to play a significant role in Australia's critical minerals strategy as a leading producer and exporter of battery materials with strong environmental, social and governance credentials, and the announcements in yesterday's Federal Budget acknowledge this State's critical role in the global transition to net zero.

Comments attributed to Premier Roger Cook:

"I congratulate the Federal Government for its foresight and vision to assist Western Australia in becoming a world leader in the downstream processing of critical minerals and production of renewable hydrogen that will be essential in transitioning the globe to a low-carbon economy.

"These commitments represent a big vote of confidence in the future of Western Australia's powerhouse resources sector, and acknowledge its ongoing importance to the national economy.

"I welcome the inclusion of all 31 critical minerals as qualifying for a production tax credit, which is something that industry has been calling for.

"This news will come as welcome relief - particularly for WA nickel and lithium miners facing extremely challenging market conditions.

"These investments also complement our $500 million Strategic Industries Fund investment unveiled in last week's State Budget to deliver common-user and other enabling infrastructure at strategic industrial areas (SIAs) across regional and metropolitan WA.
"Collectively, the measures announced in the 2024-25 Federal Budget provide a supportive environment to help underpin future investment decisions for major critical minerals and hydrogen projects moving forward."

Comments attributed to Mines and Petroleum Minister David Michael:

"These are significant investments in the future of Western Australia and Australia's aspirations to become a major global player in the downstream processing of critical minerals.

"A recent report commissioned by the Association of Mining and Exploration Companies found the downstream processing of critical minerals could add $2.4 billion and 4,220 jobs to Australia's economy by 2035.

"I'd acknowledge the efforts of the sector's peak industry bodies in advocating for a production tax credit and other initiatives to support the downstream processing of critical minerals in Australia.

"I also look forward to working with my Federal counterpart Resources Minister Madeleine King towards securing the balance of funds required for the development of a Critical Minerals Advanced Processing (CMAP) facility.

"The CMAP common user facility will focus on upstream and midstream activities to support mineral processing, high purity metal refining and advanced materials manufacturing.

"It will enable companies a quicker pathway to commercial-scale investment decisions on the downstream processing of battery and critical minerals in Australia.

"The State Government committed $100 million to the CMAP in its recent State Budget with the facility contingent upon matched funding from the Commonwealth."
