Cook Government supports thriving arts and culture sector in WA
- State Government to support Chamber of Arts and Culture as peak body for WA's creative sector
- $800,000 over two years will help the Chamber to implement their new Strategic Business Plan
- Funding recognises the importance of the arts and culture sector to WA's economy
With the aim of ensuring a thriving cultural and creative industry, the Cook Government is providing organisational funding to Western Australia's peak arts and culture body, the Chamber of Arts and Culture, over the next two years.
This follows an extensive organisational review by the Chamber, which resulted in a new business strategy to integrate arts, culture and creative industries into all aspects of life in Western Australia.
The funding provided to the Chamber will allow it to build its capacity as the peak body for WA's cultural and creative industries, to deliver capacity-building programs, and support industry development initiatives.
The Chamber will provide a voice for the sector, advocating and representing the State's cultural and creative industries on key issues to build and support a vibrant Western Australian sector.
The Chamber will also promote the value and social return on investment that the arts deliver to the Western Australian community and economy, championing the essential place of arts and culture in the economic and social wellbeing of the State.
The Cook Government recognises the importance of a flourishing arts and culture sector for the State and is currently developing a 10 Year Vision for Arts and Culture in Western Australia.
Comments attributed to Culture and the Arts Minister David Templeman:
"I am very pleased to support the Chamber of Arts and Culture as the peak body for the arts and culture sector in WA.
"The Cook Government recognises the great value of arts and culture to our State's economy and the tremendous outcomes that this activity has for community and individual wellbeing and engagement.
"The Chamber will provide a consolidated voice for its members, including arts organisations, individuals, and businesses across a broad spectrum of the sector.
"The Western Australian creative sector has a unique perspective, and it is fitting that we have a collective voice on issues important to the sector, which will also promote recognition of its achievements both locally and nationally.
"I commend the dedicated work of the Chamber, and particularly note the extensive work they have undertaken in the past seven months to review and re-align their operating model and strategic focus as an organisation."