2023 Community Litter Grants recipients announced
The Cook Government is celebrating a decade of community groups receiving more than half a million dollars for projects that help tackle litter in the environment.
- Ten organisations share in more than $43,000 for projects that combat littering
- A total of $584,007 provided since Keep Australia Beautiful Council program began
- Supports community projects that reduce litter and change littering behaviour
The Cook Government is celebrating a decade of community groups receiving more than half a million dollars for projects that help tackle litter in the environment.
Ten organisations are the latest recipients of the Community Litter Grants and will share in more than $43,000.
Track Care WA Inc. is among this year's recipients. The dedicated volunteers carry out clean-ups at locations including the Yeagarup Dunes in Pemberton and the Canning Stock Route. The $7,200 grant will fund 40 spare wheel mounted canvas litter bags.
The Shire of Capel will receive $5,000 towards holding a series of litter-related workshops, competitions and art sessions prior to its Captivate Capel event in March next year.
Each year a diverse range of projects are funded including community awareness education campaigns and equipment to help with litter clean-ups.
Grants of up to $10,000 are available for major initiatives or regional projects, while grants of up to $5,000 are available for local area projects.
For more information, visit Community Litter Grants | Keep Australia Beautiful WA (kabc.wa.gov.au)
Comments attributed to Environment Minister Reece Whitby:
"I congratulate this year's recipients for their dedication to protecting our environment by tackling harmful litter.
"This is a special milestone. The Community Litter Grants program has benefited a wide variety of community groups over the past decade that continue to go above and beyond in raising awareness about the impacts of litter.
"I'm proud so many volunteers are committed to cleaning up our environment through innovative litter prevention projects."
2023-2024 Community Litter Grants recipients and projects:
- Shire of Carnarvon: Clean Community Coffees
- Track Care WA Inc.: Spare Wheel Rubbish Bags
- Nannup Community Resource Centre: Nannup Crafty Kids
- Comet Bay College: Keeping Comet Bay College Clean
- Shire of Capel: Captivate Litter
- EcoSurf Australia: #3minutebeachclean
- Shire of Leonora: Keep Leonora Beautiful
- Shire of Kent: Stop the Toss
- Nannup Garden Village: Take it Home with You Initiative
- Mandurah Offshore Fishing & Sailing Club Inc: Dolphin Quays Waterways Clean-Up