$8.3 million Mowanjum investment sets foundations for Aboriginal water services
- Kimberley community first to receive water upgrades under 10-year program to deliver safer and more reliable water services in Aboriginal communities
- WA's first licensed wastewater treatment plant in an Aboriginal community
- Water Corporation program being delivered in partnership with Aboriginal communities for equitable experience and increased opportunities
Mowanjum, near Derby, is the first community to receive improved water infrastructure under the Cook Government's long-term commitment to raise the standard of water services in Aboriginal communities across Western Australia.
Completed through Water Corporation's new Aboriginal Communities Water Services (ACWS) program, the $8.3 million upgrades have enabled Mowanjum's wastewater treatment plant to become the State's first licensed plant in an Aboriginal community.
The community-led project was delivered by an Aboriginal-owned contractor, Kimberley Civil and Drainage, and involved construction of two new wastewater treatment ponds and relining the existing treatment ponds. The upgrades will enhance the operational and environmental performance of the plant and support future population growth in the community.
Mowanjum, located on Nyikina-Mangala land, is the first major upgrade to be completed since Water Corporation assumed responsibility for water services in 141 Aboriginal communities from Department of Communities earlier this year.
The 10-year (2023-2033) ACWS program will ensure Aboriginal communities have access to reliable drinking water that meets Australian Drinking Water Guidelines and wastewater services that meet or exceed relevant standards under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.
Water Corporation is partnering with Aboriginal communities on all aspects of the ACWS program, including ways to increase opportunities, while contributing to a strong community-controlled sector and improved health outcomes. Engagement has commenced with 32 of the communities to better understand their individual requirements and identify potential improvements.
Commencing in April 2024, Water Corporation will deliver a further $2 million minor works program in Mowanjum, including upgrading a wastewater pump station, pipe renewals, and an irrigation project to create green community spaces that support positive health outcomes.
Comments attributed to Water Minister Simone McGurk:
"Everyone has the right to safe and reliable water services, which is why the Cook Government is committed to ensuring Aboriginal communities across WA receive water services that meet or exceed the relevant standard under Closing the Gap.
"The upgrades in Mowanjum are the first, important step for this long-term program, which will progressively upgrade water infrastructure in Aboriginal communities over the next 10 years.
"By working together with the communities, Water Corporation will not only be improving water services but also helping affect long-term change that improves the health and wellbeing of residents."
Comments attributed to Aboriginal Affairs Minister Tony Buti:
"This is a life-changing program by the Cook Government to ensure Aboriginal communities can access safe and reliable drinking water.
"I am very pleased that this program is underway and will deliver a host of benefits to these communities and the bonus is the Mowanjum upgrades were delivered by an Aboriginal contractor, Kimberley Civil and Drainage.
"The initiative supports empowerment, self-determination and wellbeing for Aboriginal people which is in line with the WA Government Aboriginal Empowerment Strategy."
Comments attributed to Kimberley MLA Divina D'Anna:
"Mowanjum is a wonderful community, and I welcome the Cook Government's investment in its water services.
"Safe, efficient, and reliable water services are a foundation of healthy, sustainable communities. Over the next 10 years, Water Corporation's program will help enhance health and wellbeing outcomes in Aboriginal communities, and further progress our State's reconciliation journey."
Water Corporation's Aboriginal Communities Water Services fact file
- Water Corporation's Aboriginal Communities Water Services program manages water services in 141 Aboriginal communities across WA.
- Staged over 10 years, it will deliver water infrastructure upgrades to provide safer and more reliable water services.
- As a State-owned water utility, Water Corporation has the expertise to ensure these Aboriginal communities receive water services that meet or exceed the relevant standard under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.
- Previously, management of water services in these communities sat with Department of Communities before the WA Government transferred responsibility to Water Corporation on 1 July 2023.
- The 141
communities, of varying sizes, are located in:
- Kimberley (101 communities);
- Pilbara and Mid West (26 communities); and
- Goldfields and Central (14 communities).
- Water Corporation has overall management of the services with operational support delivered by existing local and Aboriginal-owned regional service providers, who maintain the water services and infrastructure.
- Improved monitoring and reporting is being implemented to better understand individual requirements and identify potential improvements, following comprehensive infrastructure condition assessments.
- Communities with critical water service concerns, such as operational safety, water quality and water reliability, will be prioritised for upgrades.
- Under the previous Essential and Municipal Services Upgrade Program, Mowanjum, Ardyaloon, Bayulu, Bidyadanga, Djarindjin, Lombadina and Beagle Bay, as well as several town-based communities, were identified as priority communities for water and wastewater upgrades.
For further information on ACWS, visit: www.watercorporation.com.au/ACWS