$36 million boost to slash green tape, reform approvals

The Cook Labor Government will spend $36.4 million to slash green tape and speed up approvals as part of its ambitious reform agenda for job-creating projects.
  • $36 million to speed up approvals on job-creating projects for Western Australia
  • Additional resourcing to cut green tape and deliver recommendations from the Vogel-McFerran review
  • Part of Cook Labor Government's ambitious reform agenda to diversify the economy while protecting the environment

The Cook Labor Government will spend $36.4 million to slash green tape and speed up approvals as part of its ambitious reform agenda for job-creating projects.

The spending, to be included in the 2024-25 State Budget, will boost resourcing of Western Australia's approvals framework to ensure proponents, stakeholders, and Government agencies receive decisions in a timely manner.

It follows the Cook Government's commitment in December 2023 to overhaul WA's environment approvals system, following a review which found approvals processes had become overly complex and were stifling investment without delivering environmental benefit.

The new package includes $14.1 million to establish cross-sector triage teams within regulatory agencies, which will provide immediate review and rapid upfront assessment of applications received, including for green energy projects.

Another $9.6 million will be invested to boost staffing to accelerate approvals reform, while a $2.1 million investment will expand the Small Business Friendly Approvals Program to focus on reducing the regulatory burden on small businesses.

A further $10.6 million will be invested in the WA Government's new Environment Online system, providing a single system for approvals across Government.

The measures build on a range of initiatives underway by the Cook Government in response to the Vogel-McFerran review, which include creation of the Coordinator General role, exempting regional and local planning schemes from requiring automatic Environmental Protection Authority referral, and securing office space for the EPA in Perth's CBD.

Those changes were funded as part of the 2023-24 Mid-Year Review, bringing the Cook Government's total investment in approvals reform to $44.3 million.

Comments attributed to Premier Roger Cook:

"I want Western Australia to be a global clean energy powerhouse, and our approvals reform agenda is about ensuring we have the systems in place to reach that goal.

"We need an approvals system that delivers timely decisions and certainty for proponents, while protecting our unique natural environment.

"This funding will help to cut through green tape and speed up approvals, unlocking investment in clean energy jobs and setting up our State for the future."

Comments attributed to Treasurer Rita Saffioti:

"Streamlining approvals processes is crucial to support ongoing economic growth in WA by providing greater certainty to businesses and potential investors.

"We're really keen to reduce delays in getting new projects off the ground, which will help us remain the engine room of the national economy while also diversifying and setting it up for the future."

Comments attributed to Environment Minister Reece Whitby:

"Stakeholders, proponents, and Government agencies deserve an approvals framework that is fit for purpose.

"That means decisions that are transparent, good for our State's environment, and made in a timely manner.

"Our Government has set a high standard for environmental protection in WA and these reforms will ensure this remains the case going forward."
