Joint media statement - EOI to open for community housing providers to operate new supply of social and affordable homes

An expression of interest will officially open on Tuesday, 28 January 2025 calling on the community housing sector to own and operate new affordable and social housing being delivered by the continued partnership of the Albanese and Cook Labor governments.

An expression of interest will officially open on Tuesday, 28 January 2025 calling on the community housing sector to own and operate new affordable and social housing being delivered by the continued partnership of the Albanese and Cook Labor governments.

To create a pipeline of affordable multi-residential housing across the Perth metropolitan area, expressions of interest are now open to acquire and operate up to 1,000 social and affordable homes.

The Cook Labor Government is seeking submissions from suitably qualified community housing providers (CHPs) or CHP-included consortiums for 13 build-to-rent projects being delivered on Government-owned land.

Part of an initial investment of $443 million, the initiative is being delivered in partnership between the Albanese Federal Government and Western Australian Cook Labor Government, through Housing Australia, with the community housing sector set to play a pivotal role in the ongoing operation and management of the developments once complete.

Six of the projects, in Wellard, Woodbridge, White Gum Valley, Rivervale, Ellenbrook and Redcliffe, have or will shortly receive development approval and are committed for delivery, with construction planned to commence from 2025.

Through the WA Labor Government's 2024-25 Mid-year Review, $10.3 million was allocated to the remaining seven projects in Butler, Cannington, Subiaco, Bassendean, Kelmscott, Malaga (Ballajura Station) and Midland for the detailed design stage.

The Cook Government, through DevelopmentWA, will construct the developments to a minimum of Silver Livable under the national Livable Housing Design guidelines and a 7-star NatHERS energy and thermal efficiency rating, with successful CHP's to benefit from 25 years of operational funding support provided by Housing Australia via quarterly availability payments.

The one and two-bedroom apartment developments, which range between three to nine storeys high, include landscaped courtyards/communal spaces, are located close to existing/planned amenities such as shops and parklands and are well-situated near frequent accessible public transport services, including several METRONET stations.

Expressions of interest close at 2pm Western Standard Time on Friday, 7 March 2025.

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Quotes attributed to Federal Housing and Homelessness Minister Clare O'Neil:

"The partnership between the Albanese and Cook governments is a great example of the Commonwealth working effectively with states to build more homes for Australians who need them, where they need them.

"We are working right across Western Australia, and the rest of the country to help people into secure and safe housing - because everyone deserves that.

"We want to reduce the stress of housing for Western Australians - the long waits on housing lists, the long queues for rentals, the out-of-reach deposit for first home buyers - we'll reduce these issues if we build more houses, and that's what these projects do."

Quotes attributed to WA Housing and Homelessness Minister John Carey:

"The Cook Labor Government is getting on with delivering a record $4.5 billion in housing and homelessness measures, and this is complemented by significant investments from the Albanese Government.

"In December last year, in partnership with the Albanese Government, we announced as part of the 2024-25 Mid-year Review, a further $443 million commitment for 21 new social and affordable housing projects.

"We're not stopping our reforms to bolster housing supply - this remains a key priority for the Cook Labor Government, and we're calling on the WA community housing sector to own and manage up to 1,000 new affordable and social homes.

"We'll keep doing everything we can to boost housing supply across Western Australia - particularly in the regions."
