Heritage champions honoured at 2024 WA Heritage Awards
- Seven category winners recognised for excellence in heritage conservation, preservation, and adaptive reuse across Western Australia
- New category introduced this year has a focus on celebrating WA's local heritage champions and places
The 2024 WA Heritage Awards, held tonight at the Walyalup Civic Centre in Fremantle, celebrated the exceptional achievements of Western Australia's heritage champions.
The event, attended by more than 120 guests, highlighted seven award categories honouring outstanding contributions from individuals, community organisations and industry professionals.
The winning entries were selected from 55 high-quality nominations by an expert judging panel.
This year's awards introduced the new category of Conservation or Adaptive Reuse of a Local Heritage Place, showcasing innovative projects that have transformed local heritage sites for modern use while preserving their historical significance.
From the adaptive reuse
of historic buildings to community-led initiatives, the 2024 recipients
underscore the unique cultural heritage found across Western Australia and the
community's commitment to its preservation.
Their work ensures that important places, stories and traditions are
maintained, adapted and celebrated for generations to come.
WreckSploration was acknowledged as the winner in the Contribution by an Organisation category. This non-profit organisation was recognised for its work uncovering the wrecks of the Rottnest deepwater ships graveyard.
Comprising a small a team of technical divers, WreckSploration creates stunning three-dimensional (3D) photogrammetry models of shipwrecks resting at depths outside of the depth range of normal SCUBA. Using skills built up over years of practice and training, they bring back thousands of photographs of each wreck and convert them into 3D models. Through its work, WreckSploration is exploring the depths of the ocean to preserve these shipwrecks and educate the community.
Joint winners were recognised in the awards' newest category, Conservation or Adaptive Reuse of a Local Heritage Place. The newly opened Exchange Hotel Pinjarra was honoured as a regional icon and destination hospitality venue. The Shire of Murray acquired the site in 2012 and set about sensitively conserving and adapting the heritage buildings into a unique place overlooking the Murray River, attracting both locals and visitors to the region.
The second joint winner in this prestigious category is Tomich House. Tomich House, completed in 1971, is one of iconic WA architect Iwan Iwanoff's most distinctive designs. Upon acquiring the property, which had fallen into disrepair and undergone unsympathetic alterations, the client undertook a comprehensive restoration.
The Tomich House renovation stands as a contemporary ode to Iwanoff's architectural legacy by achieving a harmonious fusion of old and new, while preserving the essence of his original design and adapting it to modern living.
A full list of the 2024 WA Heritage Awards recipients can be found at www.wa.gov.au/heritage-awards
Comments attributed to Heritage Minister David Templeman:
"It is an honour to celebrate this year's recipients and nominees, whose exceptional work reminds us of the richness and diversity of Western Australia's heritage.
"From community organisations to major conservation projects, these efforts are invaluable, and they inspire us all to take pride in our State's history.
"I extend my heartfelt congratulations to each of tonight's winners and thank them and the other nominees for their outstanding contributions."
Comments attributed to Heritage Council of WA Chair Darren Foster:
"This year's WA Heritage Awards reflect the high calibre of projects and individuals working across our State to preserve our heritage for the future.
"It has been an absolute pleasure to see such creative and committed work, and I am grateful for the support and enthusiasm shown by the Minister.
"Congratulations to each award recipient - you are helping to keep our shared heritage vibrant, accessible and valued."
2024 Western Australian Heritage Awards
Award: Voluntary Individual Contribution
An individual who has made a significant contribution to the conservation, promotion and/or understanding of cultural heritage in the community, in a voluntary capacity.
- Yolanda Cool, chief executive officer, Heritage Skills Association WA.
- Patricia Morris AM JP, volunteer, City of Gosnells;
- Anne Chapple, secretary, Friends of ANZAC Cottage; and
- Morrie Russell, volunteer, Narrogin.
Award: Professional Contribution
An individual who has demonstrated exemplary standards in heritage through their professional work.
Joint Winners:
- Philip Griffiths, former principal, Griffiths Architects; and
- Nerida Moredoundt, associate, Heritage, Element Advisory.
Award: Contribution by an Organisation
A community-based, non-profit, public or private organisation that has shown a strong commitment to cultural heritage through services, programs or initiatives.
- WreckSploration.
Award: Interpretation Project
A project that celebrates and/or promotes a heritage experience that enhances public understanding and appreciation of a heritage place. This award is dedicated to professor David Dolan who served on the Council as Councillor and Chair.
- Living Water Heritage - River, Land and Sea Country of the West Kimberley.
- Sheiks, Fakes and Cameleers; and
- Esperance Historic Homesteads documentary series.
Award: Heritage Tourism
A business, service or project offering a unique heritage tourism experience and provides visitors with access to and/or interpretation of a heritage place, business or product that provides a heritage tourism experience, and provides visitors with access to and/or interpretation of a heritage place.
- Stories Unseen.
- City of Perth Boorloo Heritage Festival 2023.
Award: Conservation or Adaptive Reuse of a Local Heritage Place
Recognising conservation and/or adaptation of a local heritage place.
Joint Winners:
- Exchange Hotel Pinjarra; and
- Tomich House.
Award: Conservation or Adaptive Reuse of a State Registered Place
Recognising conservation and/or adaptive reuse of a State Heritage Place. This award is dedicated to Gerry Gauntlett, who served on the Council as Councillor and Chair.
- Wearne Hostel, Cottesloe.
- Ascot Kilns (formerly Bristile Kilns), Belmont.
Award: Judges' Award
This award is not open for nominations, however, each year the judging panel has the discretion to recognise a significant contribution to heritage through the Judges' Award.
- City of Busselton.