Premier unveils new State Cabinet
Premier Alan Carpenter will retain the crucial economic State Development portfolio as part of his new look 17-member State Cabinet unveiled today.
As State Development Minister, Mr Carpenter will have specific responsibility for trade and investment, development approvals and facilitating major projects. John Bowler will assist the Premier in this role and will assume responsibility for other areas of the portfolio.
Mr Carpenter will remain the Minister for Public Sector Management and Federal Affairs.
A new Science and Innovation portfolio, to be headed by Francis Logan, will be created to strengthen the Government's focus on biotechnology, innovation, research and development and emerging technologies.
"These industries are among the fastest growing, most important sectors in the global economy and will play a growing part in the diversification of the State and national economies," Mr Carpenter said.
The Premier said senior Ministers Eric Ripper, Jim McGinty, Alannah MacTiernan and Ljiljanna Ravlich would retain their key portfolios, continuing the stability and experience in the State Government's key areas of treasury, health, infrastructure, and education and training.
Senior Minister Kim Chance will assume responsibility for food, including food labelling and will become the Minister for Agriculture and Food; Forestry; the Mid-West and the Wheatbelt.
A group of Ministers entering Cabinet after the 2005 State election will have new and increased responsibilities.
John Bowler will take on the industrial relations portfolio as Minister for Employment Protection and will assist the Premier in State Development.
Mark McGowan will become the Minister for the Environment while retaining the Racing and Gaming portfolio.
John D'Orazio will continue his role as Justice Minister but will have the new responsibilities of Police and Emergency Services and Community Safety.
Jon Ford will retain his existing portfolios and gain Local Government and Regional Development.
Francis Logan will become the Minister for Energy and take on the revamped portfolio of Science and Innovation.
Other Ministers will take on new challenges under the Carpenter Government.
John Kobelke, who has worked tirelessly in the Consumer and Employment Protection portfolio, will gain Sport and Recreation, while taking full responsibility for Water Resources.
Sheila McHale will gain the important economic portfolio of Tourism and will also take on Indigenous Affairs in addition to her existing portfolio of Culture and the Arts.
Michelle Roberts will take on the important portfolios of Housing and Works and Consumer Protection and also gain Heritage and Land Information.
Margaret Quirk will continue in her capacity as Minister for Disability Services; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests; Minister Assisting the Minister for Federal Affairs and gain Women's Interests.
New Ministers David Templeman and Norm Marlborough take on significant responsibilities.
David Templeman will become Minister for Community Development; Minister Assisting the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure; Seniors and Volunteering; Youth; while Norm Marlborough will become Minister for Small Business; Peel and the South-West; Minister Assisting the Minister for Education and Training.
Mr Carpenter said Mr Marlborough would be responsible for continuing and expanding the State Government's work in skilled migration and would continue his work in the training area, which he had done successfully as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Education and Training.
Premier's office: 9222 9475
The full list of State Cabinet portfolios
Alan CarpenterPremier; Minister for Public Sector Management; State Development; Federal Affairs.
Eric Ripper
Deputy Premier; Treasurer; Minister for Government Enterprises; Minister Assisting the Minister for Public Sector Management.
Kim Chance
Minister for Agriculture and Food; Forestry; the Midwest and Wheatbelt.
Ljiljanna Ravlich
Minister for Education and Training.
John Kobelke
Minister for Water Resources; Sport and Recreation.
Jim McGinty
Attorney General; Minister for Health; Electoral Affairs.
Michelle Roberts
Minister for Housing and Works; Consumer Protection; Heritage; Land Information.
Alannah MacTiernan
Minister for Planning and Infrastructure.
Sheila McHale
Minister for Indigenous Affairs; Tourism; Culture and the Arts.
Mark McGowan
Minister for the Environment; Racing and Gaming.
Francis Logan
Minister for Energy; Science and Innovation.
John Bowler
Minister for Employment Protection; Goldfields-Esperance and Great Southern; Minister Assisting the Minister for State Development.
John D'Orazio
Minister for Police and Emergency Services; Justice; Community Safety.
Jon Ford
Minister for Local Government and Regional Development; Fisheries; the Kimberley; Pilbara and Gascoyne.
Margaret Quirk
Minister for Disability Services; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests; Women's Interests; Minister Assisting the Minister for Federal Affairs.
Norm Marlborough
Minister for Small Business; Peel and the South West; Minister Assisting the Minister for Education and Training.
David Templeman
Minister for Community Development; Minister Assisting the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure; Seniors and Volunteering; Youth.