Minister urges striking tunnellers to return to work

28/02/06 Planning and Infrastructure Minister Alannah MacTiernan said the decision to continue strike action by workers on the city rail tunnel was completely unwarranted.

Planning and Infrastructure Minister Alannah MacTiernan said the decision to continue strike action by workers on the city rail tunnel was completely unwarranted.
Ms MacTiernan said the Australian Industrial Relations Commission convened last night to bring forward the unfair dismissal hearing against a tunnel worker, to have the case resolved on Wednesday.
"Notwithstanding this commitment, this morning the workers moved to continue a strike when there was a clear remedy available," she said.
"This response undermines the industrial relations system which the union movement has fought hard to establish and maintain."
The Minister said the workers risked exposing themselves to further court action and significant penalties.
"They also jeopardise the Commission's preparedness to hear the case for the dismissed worker," she said.
"It is in their best interest to go back to work immediately and rely on the industrial relations mechanisms which the union movement and the Labor movement have fought hard to put in place.
"They cannot expect any support from a Labor Government when they are refusing to co-operate with the Industrial Relations Commission."
Ms MacTiernan said while the State Government was the client in this case, control over the industrial relations strategy for the project, and responsibility for that strategy, rested with the contractor.
"On this project, Leighton-Kumagai has chosen to operate in the federal industrial relations jurisdiction," she said.
"While we are encouraging all parties towards a resolution - the remedies and penalties are with the Federal Government's Industrial Relations Commission."
Minister's office: 9213 6400
