New fire station contributes to Ellenbrook's growth

Response times to fires, road crashes and other emergencies in the Ellenbrook region are expected to improve with the opening of a new $3.

Response times to fires, road crashes and other emergencies in the Ellenbrook region are expected to improve with the opening of a new $3.2million fire station.

Emergency Services Minister Rob Johnson today officially opened the facility, which will be staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week by one station officer and three firefighters.

Mr Johnson said the rapid growth of Ellenbrook and surrounding suburbs had created the need for a dedicated fire station in the area.

"The developing estates at Ellenbrook and The Vines have led to an increase in the number of alarm activations, road crashes and properties requiring protection from bushfires," he said. 

"This new station has been strategically located at a site with easy access to the Wangara commercial district, industrial areas and major roads, allowing for fast emergency responses."

The Minister commended the efforts of the local volunteer bushfire brigade, which had previously dealt with the area's fires.

He said while their main role had been to respond to bushfires, the West Swan Bush Fire Brigade had adapted to a changing landscape.

"As development in the area began and continued to grow, these dedicated volunteers took on the extra responsibility of dealing with structural fires and provided a service that the residents in the area could rely on," he said.

Mr Johnson said the Ellenbrook Fire Station was part of more than $128million in funding that the State Government had invested across the next four years to boost frontline emergency services in Western Australia.

The funding included new emergency services facilities, 102 additional firefighters and a permanent increase in the air services fleet.

"This funding reflects the importance this Government places on community safety and the lead role of FESA in managing emergency services in WA," he said.

"We are continuing to support and develop the State's ability to effectively manage and respond to emergencies to ensure all West Australians are well protected."

Minister's office - 9222 9211
