TRP Archived Conditions

Archived copies of superseded conditions documents published as part of the Template Redevelopment Project (TRP) Pilot.
Last updated:

In July 2024 the Department of Finance (Finance) commenced the Template Redevelopment Project (TRP) Pilot, Phase 1.

Finance has published TRP Request Conditions, Standing Offer Conditions and General Conditions of Contract for use during the Pilot. From time to time those documents may need to be updated in response to changes in law, policy or practice. This page provides links to archived copies of the superseded conditions documents if required for contract management or compliance purposes.

If you have questions about any of the TRP templates, contact

TRP Request Conditions

The current version of the TRP Request Conditions are available the TRP Request Conditions page.

As of July 2024 there are no archived versions.

TRP Standing Offer Conditions

The current version of the TRP Standing Offer Conditions are available the TRP Standing Offer Conditions page.

As of July 2024 there are no archived versions.

TRP Contract Conditions

The current version of the TRP General Conditions of Contract for goods and services procurements are available the TRP General Conditions of Contract page.

As of July 2024 there are no archived versions.