Template Redevelopment Project

Department of Finance templates for goods and services procurements facilitated by Buildings and Contracts officers as part of the TRP Pilot (Phase 1)
Last updated:

In July 2024 the Department of Finance (Finance) commenced the Template Redevelopment Project (TRP) Pilot, Phase 1.

The TRP will be delivered in several phases, with Phase 1 covering certain Finance-facilitated goods and services procurements. Refer to the Pilot Scope section below for more information. The first Requests using the new templates will be released from mid-August 2024 onwards.

When all phases of the Pilot are concluded, the TRP documents will be implemented on goods, services, community services and works procurement across the sector.

Finance worked with the State Solicitor’s Office to develop TRP Pilot templates. The new templates align to the procurement framework under the Procurement Act 2020 (WA) and aim to provide benefits to government buyers and suppliers including:

  • templates that are adaptable for use with goods, services, community services or works procurements;
  • greater clarity and consistency across procurement documents; and
  • improved document functionality.

Information about the Pilot scope, links to the core TRP templates and supporting resources available below.

Additional guidance and internal resources for Finance officers are available on the Buildings and Contracts Hub.

Contact TRPadvice@finance.wa.gov.au if you have any queries about the TRP Pilot or the new templates.

TRP Pilot – Phase 1 Scope

Phase 1 of the TRP Pilot covers procurements:

  • facilitated by Finance (Buildings and Contracts) with an estimated contract value below $5 million
  • for goods and services (excluding cleaning, ICT and maintenance)
  • including agency standing offer arrangements, but excluding Common Use Arrangements (CUAs)

Phase 1 commenced in July 2024 and is expected to last approximately 12 months. The pilot duration will be reviewed and confirmed in February 2025.

If you have an upcoming procurement and you have questions about whether it will be within the scope of the TRP Pilot, contact your Finance Customer Team procurement contact listed on the Department of Finance Agency Procurement Services Contact List.

If you have questions about the Pilot or the TRP templates, contact TRPadvice@finance.wa.gov.au.

TRP Request Documents

Links to the current versions of the TRP Request Documents are listed below:

  • RFO / Request for Offers – this is the principal approach to market that describes the Requesting Agency’s request for supply, specifications and contract details.
  • Response Form – this is the document that the specifies the responses and related information or evidence that each Response must complete and submit as their Offer.

PDF versions of these documents are available on WA.gov.au and Word versions are available to Finance officers on the Buildings and Contracts Hub.

TRP Conditions Documents

Links to the current versions of the TRP conditions documents are listed below:

If the conditions documents are updated in response to a change in law, policy or practice, archived copies of the superseded versions will be published on the TRP Archived Conditions page. 

Other TRP Resources

Refer to the TRP Templates – Overview Guideline for guidance on using the new templates and key differences in terminology and content between the TRP documents and the current whole-of-government goods and services templates.