State waste infrastructure plan: Western Australia

A key deliverable of the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030, which provides a comprehensive approach to meet the waste and recycling challenges of today and transition toward a more circular economy.
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Long-term planning for waste infrastructure at a state level is the basis of headline strategy 6 of the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030, and is a foundation of the waste strategy review and draft waste strategy, currently out for public consultation.  

The State waste infrastructure plan has been developed in consultation with industry, local governments, State Government agencies and the community. 

Its purpose is to provide a long-term information framework to guide decision-making for the planning and development of waste infrastructure in Western Australia. It is a living document, base of information that can be built on, expanded and updated, in alignment with waste strategy priorities.  

With an outlook to 2050, it focuses on the built waste and recycling infrastructure needed for the state to achieve waste strategy targets in 2030. It includes some of the waste infrastructure characteristics, needs, challenges and opportunities unique to each region, and outlines government waste infrastructure principles.

The whole document or individual regional summaries can be accessed below.