Prior to submitting an application for a Liquor Licence, the applicant must seek a Section 40 Certificate from the responsible planning authority, which is generally the local government.
The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is the responsible planning authority for land use and development on certain land only, for example, land reserved Parks and Recreation by the Metropolitan Region Scheme. In these cases, a Section 40 Certificate is required from the WAPC instead of the local government.
The following information is to be submitted to support applications for a Section 40 Certificate when it is required from the WAPC:
- Application form
- DLGSC - Certificate of Local Planning Authority – Section 40 (LLD/15) form (with applicant section completed)
- Record of existing Development Application approval(s) or information on when the existing land use first commenced
- Site plan – showing street and lot numbers (to scale)
- Floor plan – identification of area proposed to be used as part of license including alfresco areas.
- Information on proposal eg hours of operation
Please note that a Development Approval from the WAPC may be required if a liquor licence is inconsistent with an existing approval, or results in a change of use. For lodgement of request for Section 40 certificate or any other enquiries please contact
How to submit your application
Certificate of Local Planning Authority - Section 40 Application Form
To submit an application, download the form, complete the form on screen, save and submit the form and any other attachments to If the attachments exceed the email size limit, please request a Large File Transfer from the above email address.