Perth and Peel Urban Greening Strategy - What has happened so far?

The State Government has committed to developing the Strategy, which is expected to be finalised by the end of 2024.
Last updated:

The State Government has committed to developing the Perth and Peel Urban Strategy. The Strategy will be developed based on the best available evidence and international best practices as well as acknowledging the work of local government and other existing urban greening initiatives.

The preparation of the Strategy will be led by the Western Australian Planning Commission, with support from the departments of Planning, Lands and Heritage and Water and Environmental Regulation. Key stakeholders, including State Government agencies and local governments will provide input through the establishment of project working groups. 

The Strategy will be developed in three stages to ensure we capture the different views of all our partners and stakeholders.  

Illustration of Stage 2 - Strategy Development Phase


Stage 1 – Scoping and early engagement

We undertook a public survey, targeted consultations with key stakeholders and research to better understand who and how people and organisations are engaged with urban greening across Perth and Peel to best target the focus of the Strategy.

The public survey closed on 7 June 2024 and received more than 3,700 submissions over a four-month period.

The planned scope of the Strategy involves several projects based around the following themes:

  • Increasing tree canopy and vegetation on government owned and managed land.
  • Use of consistent digital data in urban forest and tree canopy measurement.
  • Plan green linkages to provide recreational, habitat and biodiversity connections across Perth and Peel region.
  • Identify priority urban hot spots for focusing tree planting.
  • Continuing research into the value of trees and the urban forest for Perth and Peel.
  • Improve general awareness of the importance of tree canopies and urban greening.

Stage 2 – Strategy development (we are here)

We are now reviewing the feedback received through the public survey and stakeholder engagement. This information will help develop the details of the strategy, identify areas of most need and identify how it can support or complement existing urban greening actions.

Stage 3 –Strategy finalised

The Strategy is expected to be drafted during 2024, with a release date yet to be determined.

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