Home WA Government Document collections new Perth Stadium - Design, Build, Finance and Maintain Project new Perth Stadium - Design, Build, Finance and Maintain Project Information on the new Perth Stadium (nPS) – Design, Build, Finance and Maintain (DBFM) Project is provided below. Last updated: 20 February 2020 Project Summary new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Summary (PDF, 604.15KB) new Perth Stadium Addendum to Project Summary Annual Payments to Westadium (PDF, 905.85KB) Project Documents Attachments 1-7 - Not disclosed new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement (PDF, 972.17KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 1 (PDF, 76.24KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 2 (PDF, 30.72KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 3 (PDF, 50.28KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 4 (PDF, 162.92KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 5 (PDF, 382.26KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 6 (PDF, 45.83KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 7 (PDF, 87.8KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 8 (PDF, 52.64KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 9 (PDF, 103.38KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 10 (PDF, 101.72KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 11 (PDF, 4.5MB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 12 (PDF, 6.85MB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 13 (PDF, 852.79KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 14 (PDF, 1.78MB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 15 (PDF, 73.98KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 16 (PDF, 242.43KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 17 (PDF, 197.91KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 18 (XLSX, 250KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 19 (PDF, 187.35KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 20 (PDF, 143.06KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 21 (PDF, 92.57KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 22 (PDF, 11.91KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 23 (PDF, 11.94KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 24 (PDF, 333.48KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 25 (PDF, 154.37KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 26 (PDF, 326.15KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 27 (PDF, 308.45KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 28 (PDF, 327.65KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 29 (PDF, 241.17KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 30 (PDF, 309.8KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 31 (PDF, 306.5KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 32 (PDF, 40.03KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 33 (PDF, 782.56KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 34 (PDF, 15.57KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 35 (PDF, 955.3KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 36 (PDF, 908.18KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 37 (PDF, 4.16MB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 38 (PDF, 261.83KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 39 (PDF, 851.06KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 40 (PDF, 999.55KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 41 (PDF, 11.08KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 42 (PDF, 11.97KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 43 (PDF, 31KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 44 (PDF, 11.04KB) new Perth Stadium Design Build Finance Maintain Project Agreement Schedule 45 (PDF, 480.27KB) Sidebar Provided by Department of Treasury Contact Address: David Malcolm Justice Centre 28 Barrack Street PERTH WA 6000 Locked Bag 11 Cloisters Square Perth WA 6850 Telephone: 61 8 6551 2777 Email: info@treasury.wa.gov.au Submit feedback to the Department of Treasury WA Share Facebook share(Opens in a new tab/window) Twitter(Opens in a new tab/window) LinkedIn(Opens in a new tab/window) Copy URL
Address: David Malcolm Justice Centre 28 Barrack Street PERTH WA 6000 Locked Bag 11 Cloisters Square Perth WA 6850 Telephone: 61 8 6551 2777 Email: info@treasury.wa.gov.au Submit feedback to the Department of Treasury WA