Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1425 (Standard) - Helena Valley Urban Precinct

The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is seeking public comment on a proposal to amend the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) for land in the Shire of Mundaring and City of Swan.
Last updated:

The proposed amendment seeks to transfer approximately 15.3 ha of land in the Helena Valley and Bushmead localities from the Rural zone to the Urban and Urban Deferred zones and the Primary Regional Roads and the Parks and Recreation reservations under the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS).

The proposed amendment is to be progressed as a standard amendment as the size and scale of the proposed amendment is not considered regionally significant. It does not reflect a regional change to the planning strategy or philosophy for the metropolitan region.


If you would like to make a submission to support, object or provide comment on any part of the proposed amendment, please provide your feedback by using the online submission form.

Written submissions on the amendment should be sent to; or posted to

The Secretary
Western Australian Planning Commission
Locked Bag 2506

Submissions close Monday 19 August 2024.

Late submissions will not be considered.

More information

Please direct queries for more information on the above mentioned proposal to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage by email to or telephone (08) 6551 9000.