To help inform and shape the vision for the future of the Inner Harbour precinct, the Future of Fremantle project ran a comprehensive 12-month engagement program involving over 1,000 participants and more than 150 hours of activities and forums.
Importantly, the process began with a large Aboriginal Elders workshop that gave the project an initial First Nation’s grounding and understanding of ‘place’ before widening to involve local people and the broader community, business and all levels of government. The ongoing participation of Aboriginal people remained at the forefront of the process, as did the involvement of young people, recognising the importance of their voices in shaping the future of this area.
At the centre of the engagement process were two Place Design Forums held in Fremantle over six days during August and September 2023. The Forums involved more than 300 participants and provided fertile ground for ideas and important conversations to inform the visioning process.