Home WA Government Document collections Forecasts Forecasts This page shows the Economic, Royalty Income and Taxation Revenue forecasts documents. Last updated: 30 October 2024 Economic forecasts Economic forecasts (PDF, 106.46KB) Royalty income forecasts Royalty income forecasts (PDF, 104.54KB) Taxation revenue forecasts Taxation revenue forecasts (PDF, 168.87KB) Sidebar WA Economic Data Provided by Department of Treasury Contact Address: David Malcolm Justice Centre 28 Barrack Street PERTH WA 6000 Locked Bag 11 Cloisters Square Perth WA 6850 Telephone: 61 8 6551 2777 Email: info@treasury.wa.gov.au Submit feedback to the Department of Treasury WA Share Facebook share(Opens in a new tab/window) Twitter(Opens in a new tab/window) LinkedIn(Opens in a new tab/window) Copy URL
Address: David Malcolm Justice Centre 28 Barrack Street PERTH WA 6000 Locked Bag 11 Cloisters Square Perth WA 6850 Telephone: 61 8 6551 2777 Email: info@treasury.wa.gov.au Submit feedback to the Department of Treasury WA