Home WA Government Document collections Container Deposit Scheme - Refund point submissions Container Deposit Scheme - Refund point submissions Submissions received for refund point locations and hours of operation Last updated: 8 April 2022 Submissions received DWER CDS Ali Torabi (PDF, 193.43KB) DWER CDS Australian Council of Recycling (PDF, 181.52KB) DWER CDS Central Country Zone (PDF, 2.47MB) DWER CDS City of Albany (PDF, 336.39KB) DWER CDS Darren Lomman (PDF, 171.95KB) DWER CDS Marra Worra Worra Aboriginal Corporation (PDF, 668.48KB) DWER CDS Marra Worra Worra Aboriginal Corporation Appendix A (PDF, 7.45MB) DWER CDS Mt Marshall (PDF, 216.69KB) DWER CDS Shire of Boddington (PDF, 328.9KB) DWER CDS Shire of Bruce Rock (PDF, 585.24KB) DWER CDS Shire of Cuballing (PDF, 3.56MB) DWER CDS Shire of Narrogin (PDF, 560.79KB) DWER CDS Shire of Ngaanyatjarraku (PDF, 449.77KB) DWER CDS Shire of West Arthur (PDF, 410.3KB) DWER CDS Tomra (PDF, 147.13KB) DWER CDS Town of Cottesloe (PDF, 546.93KB) DWER CDS Town of Port Hedland (PDF, 2.29MB) DWER CDS WALGA (PDF, 1.5MB) DWER CDS Waste Management Association of Australia (PDF, 92.04KB) DWER CDS Western Metropolitan Regional Council (PDF, 827.77KB) Related services and information Container Deposit Scheme - Impact statement consultation submissionsDevelopment of the Native vegetation policyClean Energy Future FundPermacast Concrete Products Manufacturing 394 (Lot 60) Robertson Road CARDUP Intractable Waste Disposal Facility Performance and Compliance Report 2022-23Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in relation to the Pilbara Environmental Offsets Fund (PEOF)Appeals to the Contaminated Sites CommitteeProgram: Index of Marine Surveys for Assessments Sidebar Provided by Department of Water and Environmental Regulation Share Facebook share(Opens in a new tab/window) Twitter(Opens in a new tab/window) LinkedIn(Opens in a new tab/window) Copy URL