Home WA Government Document collections Avon catchment document collection Avon catchment document collection Foreshore assessments, river recovery plans and waterway assessments for the Avon catchment in Western Australia. Last updated: 24 June 2023 Contents River recovery plans Foreshore assessments Waterway assessments Management strategies and programs Riparian condition reports Related services and information Contents 1 - River recovery plans 2 - Foreshore assessments 3 - Waterway assessments 4 - Management strategies and programs 5 - Riparian condition reports 6 - Related services and information River recovery plans Lower Avon river recovery plan - Incorporating foreshore and channel assessment River recovery plan - Avon Gorge and Deepdale Valley River recovery plan - Beverley to Qualandary Crossing River recovery plan - Beverley Townsite to Edwards Crossing River recovery plan - Foreshore and channel assessment Aldersyde-Kweda River recovery plan for the Dale River River recovery plan - Gwambygine to Edwards Crossing River recovery plan - Mile Pool to Spencers Brook River recovery plan - Northam River recovery plan - Northam to Toodyay River recovery plan - Toodyay River recovery plan - York Upper Avon river recovery plan - Yealering Lakes Foreshore assessments Foreshore and channel assessment of Jimperding Brook Foreshore and channel assessment of Spencers Brook Foreshore and channel assessment of Talbot Brook Foreshore and channel assessment of the Dale River South Branch Foreshore and channel assessment of the Mackie River Foreshore and channel assessment of the Toodyay Brook Foreshore and channel assessment of Wundowie Wetland and Magnolia Creek Foreshore assessment in the Wooroloo Brook Catchment River recovery plan - Foreshore and channel assessment Aldersyde-Kweda Waterway assessments Assessment of the status of river pools in the Avon catchment Waterway assessment for the Lockhart River - Lake Kurrencutten to the Camm River confluence Waterway assessment for the lower Lockhart River - Caroline Gap to Old Beverley Road Waterway assessment of the Camm River - Lockhart River confluence to Hyden Waterway assessment of the upper Lockhart River - Camm River confluence to Newdegate Management strategies and programs Avon River management programme Managing waterways in the Avon wheatbelt Yenyening Lakes management strategy 2002-2012 Riparian condition reports Riparian condition of the Yilgarn River - Caroline Gap to Hines Hill Riparian condition of the Salt River Related services and information METRONET Victoria Park-Canning level crossing removalHow do we use Gnangara groundwater?Interactive water science monitoring and dataWestern Australia’s high value waterwaysFish kill eventsDrainage guidance for sub-division and development planningExtended dry season cause of fish kill incident at Snake CreekWater Online quick reference guides Sidebar Related page Waterways Waterways management plan collection Provided by Department of Water and Environmental Regulation Share Facebook share(Opens in a new tab/window) Twitter(Opens in a new tab/window) LinkedIn(Opens in a new tab/window) Copy URL