Heritage Grants Program

The 2024-25 Heritage Grants program are now closed.
Last updated:

About the program

The Heritage Grants Program offers funding assistance for the conservation, future planning and promotion of heritage places. There are two primary funding streams under the program, State Heritage Grants and Community Heritage Grants.

A total of $1,221,000 has been allocated to the program for 2024-25. 

Applications for the 2024-25 Heritage Grants Program are now closed. The winners will be announced late October to early November 2024.

To register your interest in receiving updates about future funding rounds, please email HCWAincentives@dplh.wa.gov.au(link sends email) or call (08) 6551 8002.

State Heritage Grants

The State Heritage Grants stream subsidises the cost of physical conservation works, documentation and professional advice relating to the conservation of State Registered places.

Who can apply?

Private owners of State Registered places  

What types of projects can receive funding?

Physical conservation works, for example:

  • structural stabilisation
  • masonry repairs
  • re-roofing works
  • mitigation of damp

Preparation of conservation management planning documents for State Registered Places or a place in the Heritage Council’s assessment program.

How much funding can I apply for?

Grants of up to $50,000 are offered for conservation works projects and up to $16,000 for documentation projects, on a dollar-for-dollar basis.

Your project may be eligible for Major Conservation Project funding of up to $100,000 if it meets one or more of the additional criteria:

Community Heritage Grants

The Community Heritage Grants stream subsidises the cost of educational activities, community engagement and interpretation projects that celebrate a State Registered Place, a place in the Heritage Council’s assessment program or group of local heritage places.

Who can apply?

  • not-for-profit organisations
  • businesses 
  • local governments

What types of projects can receive funding?

Education: such as specialist conservation talks and heritage tours.

Community engagement: such as heritage trade skills workshops and training.

Interpretation: such as interpretive signage, audio-visual interpretation experiences and heritage tourism products.

How much funding can I apply for?

Grants of up to $10,000 are offered per Standard Project.

Your project may be eligible for Major Project funding of up to $30,000 if it meets one or more of the additional criteria:

  • A. Community capacity building, including the use of new or existing partnerships.
  • B. Promoting historic heritage education in a primary, secondary, tertiary, or vocational setting.
  • C. Significantly contribute to reactivation of a heritage place.

The minimum funding to any one project is $1,000. All funding is offered on a matched basis, in-kind contributions can be accepted under the community stream.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I apply for funding assistance for a project I have started?
No. Costs incurred or work undertaken before a grant agreement is signed by both parties cannot be reimbursed, this includes any consultant fees associated with the preparation of the grant application.

How many quotes do I need for my application?
It is recommended that three quotes be provided for all project tasks. A minimum of two quotes per task are required.

If I am successful, do I still need to get approval to undertake the work?
Yes. The offer of funding assistance under the Heritage Grants Program does not remove the requirement for any approvals or permits that may be required for the project. These may include Development Approval or a Building Permit. It is recommended you contact your local government to discuss what approvals may be required. Approval timeframes should be considered when planning your project. Fees for approvals and permits cannot be reimbursed under the program.

How do I know if my property is on the State Register or Assessment Program?
To check if your property is on the State Register or the Heritage Council’s Assessment Program, search your property address on the Heritage Council’s information portal inHerit. If you are unsure if your property is on the State Register, please contact a Heritage Officer for assistance on 6551 8002.

I have just purchased a property and it is on the State Register, can I apply for funding assistance to renovate?
To be eligible for funding assistance with conservation projects you must have owned the place for three or more years. If you are eligible, you can apply for assistance with conservation work.

When will successful applicants be announced?
The Department of Planning Lands and Heritage will contact successful applicants following the announcement. Successful projects will be announced by the Minister for Heritage via media statement. These applicants are expected to be announced October/November 2024. 

Where can I get assistance with my application?
If you would like assistance with your application, please contact the Heritage Grants Team via HCWAincentives@dplh.wa.gov.au or via (08) 6551 8002.


Find out more

For full information on the program see the Heritage Grants Program Applicant Guidelines.

If you have any queries regarding the Heritage Grants Program, please do not hesitate to contact the Heritage Grants Team.

Heritage Grants Program Applicant Guidelines 2024


Contact: Heritage Grants Team 
Phone enquiries: (08) 6551 8002. 
Email enquiries: HCWAincentives@dplh.wa.gov.au

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