Motor Vehicle Rental CUAMVR2019

Common use arrangement (CUA) buyers guide for agency staff renting motor vehicles.
Last updated:

COVID-19, updated requirements

In response to COVID-19, all contractors have implemented hygiene, social distancing and enhanced vehicle cleaning procedures. Contractors may have changes to their trading hours and locations, including temporary branch closures. Please view the contractor accordion at the bottom of the page for up-to-date trading details.

To limit the spread of COVID-19 in Western Australia travel restrictions may be in place. Please check the latest advice before booking.

Agencies may also have additional measures in place due to COVID-19. Please refer to internal travel policies and practices before making any arrangements. If you are booking car hire through the Travel Management Services CUA, Corporate Travel Management are providing updated travel information through their Online Booking Tool SMART and COVID-19 updates webpage(link is external).  


This CUA has three categories:

The following motor vehicle rental services under this CUA are:

1. Mandatory state-wide for State agencies:

State agencies, with justification and Finance approval, may purchase outside of the mandatory contract for example:

  • at locations where none of the CUA contractors have an outlet or can offer the required vehicle, contact the contract manager with evidence. 
  • regional purchasing is also available in certain circumstances - see buying rules.

Purchase outside the CUA should be in accordance with Western Australian Procurement Rules and Buy Local policy.

2. Non-mandatory for Interstate vehicle rental

Where the CUA is non-mandatory you may:

  • purchase under the applicable CUA from a CUA contractor; or
  • exercise your discretion to purchase outside the CUA, and purchase in accordance with Western Australian Procurement Rules and Buy Local policy.

Before you buy, also check that your purchase falls within your organisation's procurement policies.

Applicable GCOC

The General Conditions of Contract August 2018 applies to this arrangement.

Category A: passenger vehicles

  • Economy car
  • Compact car
  • Intermediate car
  • Standard car
  • Standard hybrid/electric car
  • Full size car
  • Small SUV - 4WD/AWD
  • Intermediate SUV - 4WD/AWD
  • Large SUV 4WD/AWD
  • Premium car

Category B: light commercial vehicles

  • Large 4WD wagon
  • 4WD utility (standard cab)
  • 4WD utility (crew cab)
  • 4x2 utility (standard cab) includes 1 tonne tray
  • 4x2 utility (crew cab) includes 1 tonne tray
  • V8 4WD tray top/single cab
  • 1 Tonne van

Category C: buses/people movers

  • 7-9 seat mini-bus/people mover
  • 11-15 Seat mini-bus
  • 19-23 Seat mini-bus

Out of scope activity

Car sharing and leasing are not in scope of this CUA.

Buying rules

The CUA is mandatory for all State agencies state-wide. Buyers must obtain approval from an authorised officer of the Department of Finance to purchase through an alternative arrangement to this CUA.

This CUA is a pick and buy arrangement across all vehicle categories. You can choose any CUA contractor and can change contractors at any time.

State agencies with branch offices in regional Western Australia that rent vehicles for use in the region have authority to buy locally, up to the value of $50,000 per line item, even when a mandatory CUA exists. However, if they do so, written quotations must be called in the region with at least one contractor from the mandatory CUA being invited to bid. Regional price preferences must be applied if appropriate and the purchase must represent value for money. Regional purchasing can be modified to take into account future changes in government policy at the sole discretion of the contract authority.

The length of hire is not specified, however buyers are expected to make a value for money decision regarding ‘lease’ versus ‘hire’ arrangements and to negotiate rates for longer-term rentals (where it does not breach WA Government Fleet Policy).

State agencies are required to follow Treasurer’s Instruction 411 and the WA Government Fleet Policy and Guidelines.

Other policy requirements

State agencies should be aware of the following requirements under Western Australian Procurement Rules as they apply to purchases from this CUA. The below table is a summary of the requirements, and State agencies are encouraged to review the WA Procurement Rules.

Procurement planning

Request development and contract formation

Requirement WA Procurement Rules
Buyers must prepare an evaluation report.

No, buyers do not need to prepare an evaluation report when purchasing from this CUA.

Buyers must submit an evaluation report to the State Tender Review Committee. No, buyers do not need to submit an evaluation report to the State Tender Review Committee when purchasing from this CUA.
Buyers must publish details of their purchase on Tenders WA. Not when purchasing from this CUA (WA Procurement Rule D8.1(3)).
Buyers must record the purchase on the agency’s contract register, as instructed within the buying agency’s financial management manual. Yes, for all contracts valued at $50,000 (WA Procurement Rule F5), unless alternative arrangements have been approved under WA Procurement Rule F5(6).

Contract management

Requirement WA Procurement Rules
Buyers must submit an evaluation report to the State Tender Review Committee. Contract management or project management plans must be developed for all contracts with a Total Estimated Value of $5 million and above (WA Procurement Rule E1(1)), unless exempted under WA Procurement Rule E1(2).
Buyers must publish details of contract variations on Tenders WA. Not when purchasing from this CUA.
Buyers must seek advice from the Department of Finance on variations. No, State agencies do not need to seek advice from the Department of Finance on variations.

Exemption from using this CUA 

Finance is responsible for processing and approving all requests from State agencies seeking exemption from using a mandatory CUA. Requests for an exemption are considered on a case-by-case basis, and a requesting agency must be able to demonstrate that a business need cannot be adequately met by the relevant CUA.

Exemption requests should be directed to the Assistant Director Procurement Frameworks through an email to the contract manager in the first instance. Requests for exemption may be received by posted letter or email, but must be in writing and provide sufficient explanation and background to enable the request to be considered. The requesting officer should be the Accountable Authority or delegate of the agency.

For guidelines on what to include in an exemption request, please refer to the Purchase from a CUA or my Agency’s Panel Arrangements Guideline(link is external).


As part of the tender process, contractors on this arrangement have provided details of, and have been evaluated on, their corporate social and environmental responsibility, and the initiatives they have in place to support this.

Forming part of an industry that is highly topical in terms of sustainability, this contract offers a number of sustainable initiatives.

  • You can opt to rent hybrid vehicles. All contractors invest in a young fleet and have relatively low emissions
  • You can refuel with E10 fuel offered by Hertz, which helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on fossil fuels
  • All contractors have recognised environmental initiatives in place regarding spill kits, reduction of water in car washing facilities, biodegradable cleaning products and tyre recycling
  • Each contractor has Indigenous employment and diversity targets in place to increase inclusion

Who supplies what?

This table provides an overview of all contractors you can purchase from under the CUA and the goods and services they have been contracted to provide.

Contractor Category A Category B Category C
Budget Rent a Car yes yes yes
Hertz Pty Ltd yes yes yes
Ilha Pty Ltd (Europcar WA) yes yes yes
WTH Pty Ltd (Avis Australia) yes yes yes

You can find their contact details at the bottom of this page. 

All contractors have departures from, or additional terms and conditions to, this CUA. For further information please contact the contract manager (see details on the right). 

Refer to the price schedule for Western Australian contractor locations. Please refer to the contractors’ websites for interstate locations.

What will it cost?


The cost will vary depending on the duration and type of rental vehicle required. Refer to the price schedule or contact the contract manager for further information.

Price basis

Pricing is based on:

  • Insurance: are you self-insured through Risk Cover or another insurance provider, or do you wish to insure the rental vehicle through the contractor?
  • Location: your destination, pick up location (metro, inner and outer regional locations), duration of rental, vehicle type and number of kilometres charged per vehicle type.
  • Additional costs: are you incurring any extras, such as refuelling, GPS, toll, airport and or city premium or one-way fees?

Prices are inclusive of GST unless otherwise stated. Refer to the price schedule for current rates.

How can I compare prices?

The price schedule is split into self-insured and contractor insured rates and additional fees. Risk Cover covers a large proportion of State Agencies for vehicle rentals and therefore the self-insured rates may be more appropriate and better value. Check with Risk Cover and the contractor to ensure you are covered and your account is set up for the self-insured rates. This avoids duplicating payment for insurance and achieves a better rate.

Price breakdown

Pricing for duration of rental is broken down into the following number of days:

Time Descriptor
Less than 3 days < 3 days
Greater than or equal to three days and less than seven days >= 3 and <7 days
Greater than or equal to seven days and less than fourteen days >=7 and <14
Greater than or equal to fourteen days and less than twenty-eight days >=14 and <28
Greater than or equal to twenty-eight days and less ninety than days >=28 and <90
Greater than ninety days >90

There is a daily kilometre allowance applicable. If you go above the daily allowance the specified excess km charges will apply.

Under the contractor-insured rates, the following excesses apply if you damage the vehicle:

  • passenger vehicles (including SUVs and 4x2 utility vehicles): $550 (incl. GST)
  • light commercial vehicles (including trucks, buses and 4WDs): $1,100 (incl. GST)

Premium location fees

Airports around Australia charge the contractors a fee for the use of their facilities. The fee is passed on to customers and represents a percentage premium on either the 'time and kilometres' component of the rental or 'all rental charges'. In addition, contractors may also charge an additional fee for pick up in an airport, capital city, or premium location.

The fees are subject to regular review by relevant local authorities and hence are subject to change during the term of the contract. Please refer to the price schedule for the latest fees.


You are responsible for all fuel costs during the rental and for:

  • returning the rental vehicle with a full tank of fuel
  • paying the contractor for a full tank of fuel for the rental vehicle at the contractor’s standard fuel price

Other fuel options are available, contact your contractor for details. 

Infringement fees

You are responsible for any parking, speeding and traffic infringements issued during the rental period. Processing fees associated with infringements do not apply to CUA users.

Rental vehicle insurance

When you create an account with contractors under this CUA, you will be required to make a choice with respect to insurance. Under the ‘self-insurance’ option, the contractors do not provide any insurance cover. Under the ‘contractor-insured’ rates, the contractors will cover the costs for any damage above the specified excess ($550 or $1100 incl. GST) unless there is a serious breach.

Upon account set up, you are required to nominate your preference. Once a selection is made, the choice will be recorded in the account details/customer profile and the selected option will apply to all rentals connected with your account. If you want to change these arrangements, you should write to the relevant contractors and request the change.

Check your policy with RiskCover or alternative insurer as non-government employees e.g. volunteers, careers or temporary contractors may not be insured to rent a vehicle. If that is the case, you may wish to specify which rates apply and to whom they apply.

If electing to self-insure, the contractor will require a certificate of currency from your insurer and a letter authorising the self-insurance option.


State Agencies insured by RiskCover are automatically provided with comprehensive cover for vehicle rentals. Drivers are required to have the consent of the public authority to use and operate a hire vehicle for official business purposes. Cover provided by RiskCover will be subject to the terms, condition and limitations of the RiskCover’s Cover Document and Fund Guidelines.

This coverage is provided at no additional up-front cost. However, where claims occur these costs will reflect in the public authority’s loss history and may affect fund contributions (premiums).

If a customer elects to adopt this approach then rental vehicles are not covered by the insurance offered by the contractors. If an accident occurs, RiskCover/organisation's insurer will be responsible for any cost associated with the accident depending on the policy.

Customers must immediately notify RiskCover/their insurer of any circumstances likely to give rise to a claim. The appropriate claim form and supporting documentation must be submitted to RiskCover/their insurer.

For State Agencies there are several advantages to selecting the RiskCover self-insurance option.

  • Rental rates are lower
  • The insurance cover provided by RiskCover is less restrictive than that is provided by the contractors
  • RiskCover provides comprehensive reporting of claims and accident history to support risk management
  • There are no excesses unless a public authority has elected to carry one
  • There are no age excesses
  • There are no restrictions on the use of the vehicle by probationary drivers
  • Overhead and under body damage is covered
  • State Agencies do not have to notify RiskCover of the hire arrangement at the time of hire

State Agencies are encouraged to contact their client service manager/fund services coordinator at RiskCover to discuss their individual circumstances. Further information is available on RiskCover’s website(link is external)

Other approved bodies need to consult their insurance or risk management areas to ascertain their organisation’s preferred approach.

Contractor-supplied insurance

When customers select this option, the contractors will cover the costs above the nominated excess. This cover provides the customer, subject to the following paragraph, with insurance against damage to, or loss of, the rented vehicle and damage to other vehicles and property. In the event of an accident, the customer will be liable for a general excess.

General insurance excess includes insurance for unsealed but gazetted roads, and single accident collisions including animal damage:

  • for passenger vehicles including intermediate SUV and 2WD utility vehicles excess is $550 (incl. GST)
  • for commercial vehicles, including trucks, buses and 4WD excess is $1,100 (incl. GST)

The contractor’s insurance at a minimum will be void if:

  • the driver is a probationary driver
  • the driver is under 21 years of age
  • the driver is under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • the vehicle is used to carry passengers or goods for payment
  • the vehicle is used in places where they are unsuitable for the vehicle type. Please see 'vehicle usage' under how do I buy? for details
  • the vehicle is used in contravention of the relevant Traffic or Road Safety Act
  • the vehicle is used to carry dangerous substances
  • the vehicle is deliberately misused or abused
  • there is inadequate safeguarding of the vehicle from accident, damage or loss

Contractors have additional terms where their insurance is void. Please contact the contract manager for details.

The contractors should not be offering additional insurance to CUA customers to reduce the excess and the systems have been designed so as not to allow additional insurance-related payments to be made by accounts linked to the CUA.

Additional charges

In general, there should be no additional charges other than those identified in the price schedule. If there are for example purchases relating to equipment required to enter a mining site, customers must agree to these charges with the contractor prior to vehicle rental.

Payment and invoices

Payment can be made by opening up an account with the contractor. Payment terms are 30 days from the date on the invoice.

Customers please note that you are not required to pay for rental services upfront at the time of making the booking.

Payment by purchasing card

You may also elect to pay by purchasing card at the time of picking up the rental vehicle. There are no additional surcharges or merchant fees for payments made by purchasing card.

The government Purchasing Card offers a quick and convenient method of payment allowing many goods and services to be efficiently purchased.

Always remember to inform the contractor that you will be paying by government Purchasing Card, at the time of ordering the product or service, and ensure they clearly understand that they must send the tax invoice directly to you, the cardholder.

Making the most of this contract

Buying tips

Choose the cheapest rental rates

Each contractor has different rates for each vehicle type, pick-up location, excess kilometres and duration. Maximise savings by choosing the cheapest rate for the duration required.

Vehicle type

Ask yourself "which type of vehicle do I need?"

If you are staying within the metropolitan or inner regional area, choose the most economical vehicle for your requirements. If in the regional areas, are all the roads you will be traveling on sealed? If so, you may not need a 4WD or large vehicle and a more economical choice may be available to you. Do you intend to go off road or on roads that are not sealed? Contact the contractor to discuss whether you need to be self-insured for off-road use and the most suitable vehicle for you and your safety.

One-way fees

Each contractor has different one-way fees. If this is a requirement, consider the total cost including one-way fees for each contractor before choosing the cheapest.

Refuel before vehicle return

Refuel before returning vehicle to avoid costly refuelling charges.

Airport fees

Avoid airport or city centre surcharge fees by picking up from a depot or town.

Online booking

If you book online through a contractor or the Travel Management Services CUA, you will be quoted an admin fee. This should be removed once a booking is made. Please check that this fee is removed – inform the contractor if it is not.

Lease versus rental versus pooling

For longer-term requirements, you are expected to make a value-for-money decision between renting or leasing a vehicle. Alternatively, check if another department has a fleet vehicle that they do not require for that period.

You can also find a list of government vehicles able to be rehired from disposal for a short term in the Fleet CUA eDecision Aid(link is external). Read the WA Government Fleet Policy and Guidelines for further details.


Save by choosing self-insured rates and setting up accounts to automatically provide the self-insured rate if your organisation is insured by Risk Cover or another insurer. Contact Risk Cover / your insurer to discuss your organisation’s policy.

Vehicle use

Agencies are encouraged to ensure that users of the CUA are aware of the inherent risks involved in off-road vehicle use.

Do I need to approach Finance to buy off this CUA?

No. The procedure has been made simple for agencies to contract on their own using the prescribed processes detailed in this buyer’s guide and price schedule. You do not need to negotiate any additional terms and conditions. Finance has negotiated terms and conditions and the CUA terms and negotiated conditions prevail. Note that the Finance Contract Manager is always available to assist you as needed.

Do I need to get quotes?

No. This CUA offers fixed prices for all services. Check the price schedule for the best rates and simply contact the noted contracted suppliers for the services you wish to order. Vehicle rentals over 90 days can be negotiated and you may wish to get quotes in this instance, however for longer-term rentals, please review leasing options and the fleet policy to determine value for money.

How do I buy

Setting up an account

Step 1:

Contact the relevant account manager for each of the contractors to obtain an account application form.

Step 2:

Complete the application form detailing address for accounts and confirmation of government funding or letter of authority to open the account. The contractor will give you an account number(s). You will need to quote this number(s) each time you place a booking.

Step 3:

At the time of setting up your account, you can:

  • nominate whether you want to be self- insured or contractor-insured. For more details on self-insurance refer to the insurance section under what will it cost? 
    • If you are self-insured, your account will be allocated the discounted rate in the price schedule
    • Check your policy with RiskCover or alternative insurer as non-government employees e.g. volunteers, careers or temporary contractors may not be insured by RiskCover/insurer to rent a vehicle. If that is the case, you may wish to specify, which rates apply and to whom they apply
  • specify which documentation will be provided to the contractors as authority to rent, for example a purchase order number, cost centre number or purchasing card if charging back to an account

For those customers who already have an account with any of the contractors, the new rates will be uploaded against your profile. However, please check the CUA price schedule to ensure you are getting best value for money.

You cannot participate in reward programs or promotions such as frequent flyers or win prizes if you are renting a vehicle through this contract. 

Booking a vehicle

Booking directly with a contractor

When booking a vehicle, make sure to give the contractor:

  • a minimum notice of 24 hours for a passenger vehicle and 48 hours for a commercial vehicle for a contractor to guarantee a vehicle
  • at least 72 hours’ notice for cancellation of a specialised vehicle or a vehicle that was required for one-way travel in a regional location

Vehicles are provided on the basis of a 24-hour rental day, commencing from the delivery of a vehicle to the customer’s location or the receipt of a vehicle by the customer at the contractor’s location.

Bookings for each contractor can be made via telephone to their reservation centre, email and online.

Step 1:

Select the contractor(s) that best suits your needs (considering location, price, availability and service).

Step 2:

Call the appropriate contractor’s reservation number. Alternatively use the contractor's online booking tool or the Travel Management Services CUA online booking tool (where flights are also required).

Step 3:

Identify your government agency or approved organisation by quoting the correct account number and advice that you want the WA Government contract rates on CUA MVR2019. These account numbers link you to the CUA rates.

Step 4:

Provide details of the rental, including:

  • renter’s surname and first name
  • renter’s contact number
  • pick up date/time/location
  • arrival flight number (if applicable)
  • return date/time/location
  • type of vehicle required
  • contact name and phone number of person making the reservation
  • purchase order or cost centre number

Step 5:

Note the reservation number for the rental.

Booking through Corporate Travel Management (CTM)

You can also book car hire, at CUA rates, alongside any other travel arrangements made through the mandatory CUA for Travel Management Services CUA TMS2017

You may need to quote or include an account number for the relevant contractor when booking car hire through CTM if they want to link back to a specific car hire account.

Account numbers

If your organisation has established an account with a contractor, you will be required to quote your account number provided by the contractor when booking a vehicle. If you are unsure what these account numbers would be, contact the relevant contractor's account manager.

Collecting and returning vehicles

When collecting a vehicle:

  • quote your reservation number or the name the booking was under at the pick-up counter
  • provide your driver’s license details and company ID if required
  • advise the form of payment to be used if not already done at booking time, e.g. Purchasing Card or hard copy of purchase order
  • confirm your contact information
  • sign the rental agreement (to note in the event of a conflict between terms, the CUA negotiated terms and conditions prevail)
  • take keys and vehicle condition report to check vehicle for any damage.

When returning a vehicle:

  • you are responsible for returning the rental vehicle with a full tank of fuel, or paying the contractor’s standard fuel price unless an alternative fuel option has been agreed
  • park the car in one of the contractor’s designated bays
  • look over the vehicle for any damage and take time-stamped photos of the vehicle (particularly if returning the vehicle after hours or with a key drop off service)
  • hand back the keys at the pick-up counter or key drop off location and report the vehicle condition
  • either wait for contractor’s staff to check in the vehicle and finalise costs or receive a tax invoice by post at a later date

Vehicle Usage

You may use all vehicles on a road, which is properly formed and constructed as a sealed, metalled, or gravel road.

Agencies are encouraged to ensure that users of the CUA are aware of the inherent risks involved in off road vehicle use.

Budget Rent-a-Car

Customers may use vehicles fit for purpose on all gazetted roads. Prior approval from the contractor is required for the use of vehicles off gazetted roads. Off gazetted road use requires self-insurance. Customers can drive at all times of the day or night in all locations. No additional charges will be incurred for driving between dusk and dawn and will be included in the Contractor’s insurance provisions.

Where the place of hire is in Western Australia, the vehicle can be used out of the state of hire, for example to drive into the Northern Territory, with contractor approval.


Customers can use SUVs and light commercial vehicles on all gazetted roads. Prior approval from the contractor is required for the use of vehicles off gazetted roads. Off gazetted road use does not require self-insurance and the vehicle must be a 4WD vehicle and fit for purpose. Customers can drive at all times of the day or night in all locations. No additional charges will be incurred for driving between dusk and dawn and will be included in the contractor’s insurance provisions.

Where the place of hire is in Western Australia, the vehicle can be used out of the state of hire, for example to drive into the Northern Territory, with contractor approval.

If the vehicle is not a 4WD, it cannot be driven in the following areas:

  • in the Simpson Desert on the Strezelecki Track and the Birdsville Track
  • in the Northern Territory on the Oonadatta Track, the Plenty Hwy, Finke Road (between Alice Springs and Oodnatta), Central Arnhem Road and Arnhem Land in general
  • in Queensland on Bourke Development Road from Chillagoe to Normanton, Cape York during the months from December to May inclusive, Savannah Way from Normanton to Borroloola and the Bloomfield Track
  • any other such location or region reasonably specified by Hertz to you as an area or region which is permitted

No vehicles, including 4WDs, cannot be driven in the following areas at any time:

  • in Northern Territory at the Lost City in Litchfield Park
  • in Queensland on the Old Telegraph Track section of the road to Cape York, Boggy Hole (Finke Gorge National Park), the Old South Road from Maryvale to Finke and Fraser Island at any time.

The vehicle should not be driven in the snow without the permission of Hertz. Specifically the vehicle should not be driven above the snow line in:

  • New South Wales (being Jindabyne)
  • Victoria (being Bright)
  • Tasmania

Ilha Pty Ltd - Europcar WA

Customers can use SUVs and light commercial vehicles on all gazetted roads. Prior approval from the contractor is required for the use of vehicles off gazetted roads. Off gazetted road use may require self-insurance and the vehicle must be a 4WD vehicle. Customers can drive at all times of the day or night in all locations, no additional charges will be incurred for driving between dusk and dawn and will be included in the contractor’s insurance provisions.

Where the place of hire is in Western Australia, the vehicle can be used out of the state of hire, for example to drive into the Northern Territory, with contractor approval.

WTH Pty Ltd - Avis Australia

Customers may use vehicles fit for purpose on all gazetted roads. Prior approval from the contractor is required for the use of vehicles off gazetted roads. Off gazetted road use requires self-insurance. Customers can drive at all times of the day or night in all locations, no additional charges will be incurred for driving between dusk and dawn and will be included in the contractor’s insurance provisions.

Where the place of hire is in Western Australia, the vehicle can be used out of the state of hire, for example to drive into the Northern Territory, with contractor approval.


Customers are not liable for any ‘downtime’ charges attributed to potential loss of business by the contractor whilst repairs are undertaken on rental vehicles which were damaged during a rental, unless a breach of contract has occurred or specifically stated in the price schedule.

Replacement of vehicles

If a vehicle breaks down during rental or the vehicle is unfit or unsafe for use, the contractor will rectify the problem and provide a replacement vehicle within two hours for the metropolitan area. The contractor will advise the customer as to the repair/replacement timeline.

Rental agreement

At the start of rental, the driver will be required to sign a rental agreement. However, the CUA terms and conditions and negotiated terms prevail.

Preferred customer programs

Contractors under CUAMVR2019 offer preferred customer programs at no extra charge. Frequent renters can benefit from faster reservations, rental processing, returns and receipts. Customers are encouraged to contact the respective account managers if they wish to know more or participate in these programs.

For customers who no longer work for a government agency, it will be the responsibility of agencies to recover membership cards and advise the contractors of customer’s card cancellation.

After I buy

Active contract management pays off.

  • Return vehicle with a full fuel tank.
  • Upon vehicle return, check for any additional damages against your vehicle condition report and take time-stamped photos of the vehicle. 
  • Check your invoices to ensure the correct price is being charged.
  • Manage your contract term – keep an eye on your contract expiry date.
  • Test the market on a regular basis to see what the other contractors on the CUA are offering
  • Check invoices for accuracy before authorising payment.
  • Monitor service level compliance.
  • Document any issues as they arise even if they are resolved. This will assist in ongoing contractor performance management.
  • Pay your bill on time to avoid paying overdue interest/late payment charges – these add up.
  • Ensure you have an account that offers value for money by reviewing the contractor rates and establish one or more accounts to ensure you are getting the best value for money.
  • If you are unable to resolve issues please contact the contract manager


Budget Rent a Car

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Rachel Whately (Account Manager)
Direct telephone:
General telephone:
For booking contact information see below

About us

89 007 348 021

Supplies all categories.


E: sends email)
T: 13 27 27 (metro)
T: 1300 305 888 (regional)

24 hour roadside

Toll free: 1800 656 550 (Australia)
Or contact the closest Budget office: 13 27 27

Hours (subject to change due to COVID-19)

Please view Budgets website(link is external) for changes to locations and opening hours due to COVID-19.

8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday
8.00am to 12.00pm Saturday
After hours reservation calls are diverted to the Perth airport branch to handle calls up until midnight every night.

Perth City (Hay St)
8:00am to 4:00pm Monday to Friday
Closed on weekend and public holidays

Services offered

  • Provision of a complete reservation and vehicle rental service
  • Intranet booking tool available
  • Located in both metro and regional areas
  • Most regional locations have branches at the airport terminals
  • Offers one-way rentals
  • Customer priority program
  • Accepts payment by credit card
Last updated: 28 June 2023

Hertz Pty Ltd

Show more

Contact details

About us

31 004 407 087

Supplies all categories. 


E: sends email) and sends email)
T: 13 30 39

24 hour roadside

T: 1800 651 211 (select prompt 4, then select state)

Hours (bookings/reservations - AWST time) (Subject to change due to COVID-19)

6.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday
6.00am to 3.00pm Saturday and Sunday

Perth City (Murray St)

7:00am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday

Closed weekends and public holidays

Services offered

  • Provision of a complete reservation and vehicle rental service
  • Intranet booking tool available
  • Located in both metro and regional areas
  • Most regional locations have branches at the airport terminals
  • Offers one-way rentals
  • Customer priority program
  • Accepts payment by credit card
Last updated: 14 July 2023

Ilha Pty Ltd (Europcar WA)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Danielle Lynn and Craig Dommisse
Direct telephone:
61 8 9464 8800 (Perth General)
61 8 9464 8874 (Danielle)
General telephone:
For booking contact information see below
PO Box 469

About us

28 356 747 284

Supplies all categories.


E: sends email)
W: is external)
T: 1300 447 363 (metro and regional WA bookings)
T: 1300 131 390 (interstate bookings)

24 hour roadside

T: 1800 625 035 for passenger vehicles, SUVs and 4WDs
T: 1800 625 035 for trucks, buses and heavy commercials

Services offered

  • Provision of a complete reservation and vehicle rental service
  • Intranet booking tool available
  • Located in both metro and regional areas
  • Most regional locations have branches at the airport terminals
  • Offers one-way rentals
  • Customer priority program
  • Accept payment by credit card
  • New online payment tool(link is external)

Local Europcar WA contact centre hours (subject to change due to COVID-19)

7.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday
7.00am to 12:00pm Saturday
7.00am to 11.00 am Sunday 

National contact centre hours (subject to change due to COVID-19)

5.00am to 9.00 pm Monday to Saturday AEST
6.00am to 8.00pm Sunday AEST

Europcar Perth Airport

Due to COVID-19, Europcar Perth Airport is operating out of T1/T2 carpark.

T1/T2 Desk opening hours are 6:30am - 10:30pm, staff will wait for delayed flights if flight details in booking.

T3/T4 Desk opening hours are 6:30am - 10:30pm, staff will wait for delayed flights if flight details in booking. 

Perth City

This location is open between 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday, 8am to 1pm Saturday and 8am to 12pm Sunday. 

Last updated: 19 June 2023

WTH Pty Ltd (Avis Australia)

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Contact details

Contact name:
Rachel Whately
Direct telephone:
General telephone:
For booking contact information see below

About us

15 000 165 855

Supplies all categories.


T: 13 63 33
T: 1800 021 946

24 hour roadside

Toll free: 1800 063 973

Hours (subject to change due to COVID-19)

Please view the Avis website(link is external) for changes to locations and opening hours due to COVID-19.

5.30am to 7.00pm Monday to Thursday
5.30am to 6.00pm Friday
6.00am to 4.00pm Saturday and Sunday

Perth City (Hay St)

Monday to Friday open 8.00am – 4.00pm
Weekends and public holidays - Closed

For current updates on impact of COVID-19 on Avis locations and opening hours please click here(link is external) .

Services offered

  • Provision of a complete reservation and vehicle rental service
  • Intranet booking tool available
  • Located in both metro and regional areas
  • Most regional locations have branches at the airport terminals
  • Offers one-way rentals
  • Customer priority program
  • Accepts payment by credit card


Last updated: 19 June 2023
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