This CUA has been replace by CUAPCS2024. For more information please email the Contract Manager
Common Use Arrangement (CUA) for Printing and Copying Machines and Solutions (PCS2018) allows you to obtain the goods and services to print, copy, and scan paper documents at your site(s).
It consists of the following categories:
- Panel 1: multifunction devices (MFDs)
- Panel 2: single function printers (SFPs)
- Panel 3: managed print services (MPS)
- Panel 4: consumables
This CUA is mandatory for the Perth metropolitan region and non-mandatory in the regions for public authorities. If your delivery point is regional WA you may:
- purchase under the applicable CUA from a CUA contractor
- exercise your discretion to purchase outside the CUA, and purchase in accordance with Western Australian Procurement Rules and WA Buy Local policy.
Before you buy, also check that your purchase falls within your organisation's procurement policies.
In accordance with Western Australian Procurement Rules, you can buy outside of this CUA and directly source from an Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE) or Aboriginal Business
Applicable General Conditions of Contract
The General Conditions of Contract (August 2017) applies to this arrangement.
What's on offer?
Show morePanel 1 – Multifunction devices (MFDs)
An MFD is a document output machine that performs two or more of the following functions: printing, copying, scanning, and faxing.
Panel 1 allows customers to make outright purchases of MFD products, with the option of buying additional Cost-Per-Copy (CPC) maintenance plans. These optional CPC maintenance plans are paid for on a ‘price per page printed’ basis for a period of up to five years and include the replenishment of consumables.
For further information, go to:
Panel 2 – Single-function printers (SFPs)
An SFP is a document output machine that can print paper documents, but cannot copy, scan, or fax.
Panel 2 allows Customers to make outright purchases of SFP products, with the option of buying additional Cost-Per-Copy (CPC) maintenance plans. These optional CPC maintenance plans are paid for on a ‘price per page printed’ basis for a period of up to five years, and include the replenishment of consumables.
For further information, go to:
Panel 3 – Managed print services (MPS)
MPS is a way in which customers can purchase the ability to print, scan, copy, and fax paper documents on their premises without having to own or lease the devices.
Instead, the printing and copying machines are typically owned by the contractor, who charges an all-inclusive CPC fee (or another equivalent billing method) for the right to use the contractor’s machines for a period of up to five years.
In return, the contractor will provide ongoing maintenance and optimisation of the fleet, including machine maintenance and replenishment of consumables.
Panel 4 – Consumables
Consumables are the toner cartridges, drums, and other components that allow an MFD or SFP to output paper documents.
Customers that do not have a CPC maintenance plan with an MFD or SFP contractor can purchase consumables from this panel on an as-needed basis.
For further information, go to:
Out of scope activity
Panel 4 (Consumables) does not include copy paper. This can be sourced under Category B - Copy Paper of CUASTA2014.
Buying rules
Show moreThe products and services under this CUA are mandatory for purchases in the metropolitan area as defined by Zone 1 in the Buy Local Policy 2022 and non-mandatory for all other regions.
Panel 1 (MFDs) and Panel 2 (SFPs)
The following buying rules apply to purchasing MFDs and SFPs under the CUA:
Monetary threshold | Buying process |
1. Products and/or services valued at $700 and below |
CUA is non-mandatory. Customers can choose to use the CUA for purchases of $700 and below, or they can choose to source the required products and services through the open market in accordance with the minimum requirements of the Western Australian Procurement Rules. |
2. Products and/or services valued at up to $250,000 | Panel members may be accessed directly. |
3. Products and/or services valued over $250,000 | Request a sufficient number of written quotations from relevant panel members. |
Panel 3 (MPS)
The following buying rules apply to purchasing MPS under the CUA:
Monetary threshold | Buying process |
1. Products and/or services at all values | Request written quotations from all panel members. |
MPS is a quotation based panel, and there is no price schedule. Therefore, please seek competitive quotes from the panel according to the buying rule above.
As a general guide, there are two sets of services that are available from the MPS panel:
- Assessment services
- to provide you with an optimisation roadmap and a review of your printing and copying fleet. These services are available for customers that do not have the internal capability to perform their own assessment, or those that wish to seek a second opinion.
- Optimisation and ongoing maintenance
- to provide you with a term contract of up to five years where you pay a Cost-Per-Copy, or other similar fee-for-service, for the right to use the contractor’s printing and copying machines on your premises.
Optimisation and ongoing maintenance is intended to provide you with a term contract of up to five years where you pay a Cost-Per-Copy, or other similar fee-for-service, for the right to use the contractor’s printing and copying machines on your premises.
If you have already requested quotations from all suppliers for an assessment and you wish to progress your MPS project to the ‘optimisation and ongoing maintenance’ stage, you do not need to request written quotations from all panel members again. In that instance, you can choose the supplier that offered the best value-for-money optimisation roadmap at the assessment stage.
Panel 4 Consumables
The following buying rules apply to purchasing consumables under the CUA:
Monetary threshold | Buying process |
1. Products and/or services valued at up to $250,000 | Panel members may be accessed directly. |
2. Products and/or services valued over $250,000 | Request a sufficient number of written quotations from relevant panel members. |
Other policy requirements
Buyers should be aware of the following requirements under Western Australian Procurement Rules and Treasurer’s Instruction 820, and whether or not they are applicable to purchases from this CUA.
Requirement | WA Procurement Rules |
Procurement Planning
Buyers must prepare a procurement plan and submit it to the State Tenders Review Committee | No, not when purchasing from this CUA |
Buyers must involve the Department of Finance. | Yes, where the total estimated value of the proposed procurement or variation for MPS under Panel 3 is $250,000 or above, in accordance with the terms and conditions of its partial exemption. For all other Panels, buyers do not need to involve the Department of Finance when purchasing from this CUA. |
Buyers must obtain approval from an authorised officer of the Department of Finance to purchase through an alternative arrangement to this CUA. | Yes, for all values and delivery locations where the purchase of goods and / or services under the CUA are mandatory (WA Procurement Rule C2.2). Please note that State agencies are not required to request advice or approval from the Department of Finance, regardless of value, to purchase from an ADE or an Aboriginal Business (WA Procurement Rule C2.2). |
Request Development and Contract Formation
Buyers must prepare an evaluation report. |
Panels 1, 2 & 4: No, not when purchasing from this CUA. Panel 3: An evaluation report must be developed for all contracts. The detail of an evaluation report must be commensurate with the value, risk and complexity of the contract (WA Procurement Rule D7(2)) |
Buyers must submit an evaluation report to the State Tender Review Committee. | No, not when purchasing from this CUA. |
Buyers must publish details of their purchase on Tenders WA. | No, not when purchasing from this CUA (WA Procurement Rule D8.1(3)). |
Buyers must record the purchase on the agency’s contract register, as instructed within the buying agency’s financial management manual. | Yes, for all purchases above $50,000 (WA Procurement Rule F5), unless alternative arrangements have been approved under WA Procurement Rule F5(6). |
Contract Management
Buyers must prepare a contract management plan. | Contract management or project management plans must be developed for all Procurements with a Total Estimated Value of $5 million and above (WA Procurement Rule E1(1)), unless exempted under WA Procurement Rule E1(2). |
Buyers must publish details of contract variations on Tenders WA. | Not when purchasing from this CUA. |
Buyers must seek advice from the Department of Finance on variations. | No, State agencies do not need to seek advice from the Department of Finance on variations. |
Exemption from using this CUA
Finance is responsible for processing and approving all requests from State agencies seeking exemption from using a mandatory CUA. Requests for an exemption are considered on a case-by-case basis, and a requesting agency must be able to demonstrate that a business need cannot be adequately met by the relevant CUA.
Exemption requests should be directed to the Assistant Director Procurement Frameworks through an email to the contract manager in the first instance. Requests for exemption may be received by posted letter or email, but must be in writing and provide sufficient explanation and background to enable the request to be considered. The requesting officer should be the Accountable Authority or delegate of the agency.
For guidelines on what to include in an exemption request, please refer to the Common Use Arrangements Procurement Practice Guideline.
Show moreAs part of the tender process, contractors on this arrangement have provided details of, and have been evaluated on, their capacity to recycle, in particular:
- the provision of a consumable cartridge collection service from the Customer site
- recycling of toners and printer cartridges
Who supplies what
Show moreThe matrix provides an overview of all you can purchase from under the CUA and the goods and services they have been contracted to provide.
Please view each contractor's relevant procurement lifecycle documentation, including details of their regional supplier networks.
Contractor | Panel 1 (MFDs) | Panel 2 (SFPs) | Panel 3 (MPS) | Panel 4 (Consumables) |
Auscorp IT | Yes | |||
Aussie It | Yes | |||
Complete Office Supplies | Yes | |||
Fujifilm Business Innovation | Yes | Yes | ||
Konica Minolta | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Kyocera | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Quality Printers and Cartridges | Yes | |||
Ricoh | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Toner Plus | Yes |
Making the most of this contract
Show more- Do your research – use the assessment services under Panel 3 to establish a roadmap to an optimised fleet of printing and copying machines.
- Make use of the Device comparison and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) calculator available as part of the Product Catalogue to assist in identifying the best “fit” for your requirements.
- Actively manage your fleet of Printers and Copiers to ensure you are utilising your fleet of Printers and Copiers to maximise the life of each machine.
- Consider current and future usage requirements before replacing devices. This may present the opportunity to consolidate your device fleet, or substitute lower cost models where they still meet requirements.
- Set black and white printing as the default setting across your printer fleet.
- Investigate “password protect” or “follow me printing” options to reduce wastage and unnecessary printing. The Department of Finance has reduced its copy paper usage by approximately 1/3 through this initiative. Please feel free to speak to the CUA contract manager for further information.
What will it cost?
Show moreThe cost will vary depending on the combination of goods and services being purchased. Please contact the contract manager for further information.
Panel 1, 2 and 4
Refer to the Product Catalogue for Panels 1 & 2 or Product Catalogue Panel 4 for all listed products and services.
If your requirements cannot be met by the listed products and services you can seek quotes from the contractors using the Quote Form (Panel 1 and 2) for any non-listed items. However, you need to document on file that the items listed on the product catalogue cannot meet your needs.
Panel 3
Seek quotes from the contractors using the Quote Form (Panel 3).
Payment by purchasing card
The government purchasing card offers a quick and convenient method of payment allowing many goods and services to be efficiently purchased.
Always remember to inform the supplier that you will be paying by government Purchasing Card, at the time of ordering the product or service, and ensure they clearly understand that they must send the tax invoice directly to you, the cardholder.
Note: the contractor must not impose a surcharge on the customer for payment by credit in accordance with 21.6 - Method of Payment of the General Conditions of Contract (August 2017).
How do I buy?
Show moreDepending on the value of the procurement, you may have to seek quotations from multiple contractors or be able to engage a contractor directly.
Panel 1, 2 and 4
Refer to the Product Catalogue Panel 1 and 2 or Product Catalogue Panel 4 for all listed products and services.
If your requirements cannot be met by the listed products and services you can seek quotes from the contractors using the Quote Form (Panel 1 and 2) for any non-listed items.
Panel 3
Seek quotes from the contractors using the Quote Form (Panel 3) . For more information on thresholds, please see the Buying Rules.
After I buy
Show more- check your invoices to ensure the correct price has been charged
- manage your contract term – keep an eye on your contract expiry date
- test the market on a regular basis to see what the other contractors on the CUA are offering
- monitor service level compliance.
- document any issues as they arise even if they are resolved. This will assist in ongoing supplier performance management.
If you are unable to resolve issues please contact the CUA contract manager.
Auscorp IT
Show moreContact details
About us
For more information, including dealer contact details, please view the Auscorp IT Procurement Lifecycle document.
Aussie IT
Show moreContact details
About us
Orders to be sent via email to
Business Hours: 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.
Contact People
Contact Name: Darren Saggers
Role Title: Sales Manager
Direct Telephone: (08) 9242 8002
Mobile Contact: 0408 107 075
Contact Name: Kate Smith
Role Title: General Manager
Direct Telephone: (08) 9242 8002
Mobile Contact: 0458 367 637
About Us
Aussie IT has been operating for over 20 years and we're a proudly Western Australian owned company.
Aussie IT has a successful track record in supplying all sectors of business from retail clients through to Government and major corporate customers.
Aussie IT has forged strong relationships with companies such as Lexmark, Hewett Packard, Brother, Canon, Epson, Kyocera, Ricoh, Samsung and Xerox.
Our extensive stock holding includes all brands of printer consumables. We have efficient systems and processes in place to ensure orders are dispatched and delivered promptly.
Our professional and experienced staff are there to provide expert, friendly advice to ensure complete customer satisfaction.
Complete Office Supplies (COS)
Show moreContact details
About us
For more information, including dealer contact details, please view the COS Procurement Lifecycle document.
Fujifilm Business Innovation
Show moreContact details
About us
Orders to be sent via email to
Business Hours: 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.
Contact People
Contact Name: Dennis Duran
Role Title: Account Manager
Direct Telephone: (08) 9365 9630
Mobile Contact: 0428 881 441
Contact Name: Andrew Dutch
Role Title: Strategic Sales Leader WA / SA
Direct Telephone: (08) 8203 8212
Mobile Contact: 0414 349 799
About us
FUJIFILM BI Australia is a leading provider of document management solutions, helping businesses optimise their printing and document workflows. We specialise in Managed Print Services (MPS), which simplifies managing customer’s printing infrastructure, enabling them to focus on core business activities. Additionally, our digital transformation solutions streamline document processes and enhance overall efficiency.
Our Core Business:
- Tailored Print Infrastructure Solutions: We assess customer printing needs and design a customised solution with the right mix of hardware (printers, scanners) and software to maximise efficiency and minimise costs.
- Document Management Services: We go beyond printing to help customer manage their digital documents, making them secure, easily accessible, and searchable.
- Workflow Optimisation: We analyse customer document workflows and identify areas for improvement. This can include automating tasks, implementing document capture solutions, and integrating with existing systems.
Our Legacy and Clientele
With a strong focus on innovative technology and customer-centric solutions, FUJIFILM BI Australia has been a trusted partner in the Managed Print Services sector for over three decades. Our expertise extends across various industries, including:
- Education: K-12 schools, universities, and vocational training institutions.
- Healthcare: Hospitals, medical practices, and pharmaceutical companies.
- Finance: Banks, insurance companies, and investment firms.
- Government: Local, state, and federal government agencies.
- Corporate: Businesses of all sizes across various sectors.
We have built a diverse clientele by offering customised solutions that address each customer's specific needs and goals. This has enabled us to attract a range of clients, from small businesses seeking to streamline workflows to large enterprises looking to optimise their print environment.
Industrial Knowledge and Experience
FUJIFILM Business Innovation (BI) Australia leverages over 63 years of experience in printing and document solutions to deliver exceptional value to government agencies.
- Industry Leadership and Market Dominance: Our pioneering advancements in printing and photocopying technology have shaped the industry, ensuring we deliver highly reliable and efficient devices. These devices are specifically suited to the demanding workloads of government agencies. Furthermore, FUJIFILM BI Australia holds a dominant position in the Australian market, with nearly a third of all multifunction devices currently in operation nationwide. This dominance reflects our unwavering commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, resulting in solutions proven to meet the rigorous standards of the government sector.
- Proven Experience with Government Agencies: We excel within frameworks like CUAPC2018 Contracts. Our track record includes over 300 successful contracts and more than 3,000 devices deployed across Western Australian government agencies. This extensive experience has fostered a deep understanding of the printing and service requirements within the public sector. This knowledge is directly applicable to the challenges faced by other government institutions.
- Trusted Partnership: Our commitment to long-term partnerships is evident in our consistently renewed contracts and preferred supplier status with numerous government agencies. We combine our rich heritage with a forward-thinking approach, ensuring our solutions adapt and evolve alongside the changing needs of government agencies. In Western Australia, we currently deliver similar services to the WA Police Force. This experience enables us to hit the ground running and confidently address WA CUA customers’ needs. We possess a strong understanding of the specific challenges faced by government agencies, such as managing high-volume printing, optimising costs, and ensuring document security within diverse departments.
Konica Minolta
Show moreContact details
About us
Orders to be sent via email to
Business Hours: 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.
Contact People
Contact Name: Thomas Epple
Role Title: CUA Account Manager
Direct Telephone: (08) 6272 9341
Mobile Contact: 0401 060 661
Contact Name: Luke Brennan
Role Title: WA State Manager
Direct Telephone: (08) 6272 9317
Mobile Contact: 0420 942 343
About us
Konica Minolta is a market-leading provider of integrated information management, focused on enterprise content and technology optimisation. Our portfolio delivers solutions to transform business environments, improving each customer’s efficiency, enabling them to manage technology costs while facilitating the sharing of information to increase productivity. Konica Minolta products and services range from integrated print systems and software solutions, to managed print, content management, digital solutions and emerging technologies .
Our Australian operations include our corporate head office in Macquarie Park, NSW and six branch offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. Over 70 authorised dealers cover regional Australia.
Within Australia, we have over 65,000 devices under contract across over 7,000 customers. In addition, we indirectly support over 20,000 print devices installed through our authorised dealer network.
Konica Minolta is certified to AS/NZS ISO 9001-2016 for Quality Management, AS/NZS ISO 14001-2016 for Environmental Management and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 for Information Security Management System. We have robust Health & Safety and quality practices.
Konica Minolta has been a supplier to the Western Australian government under the Common Use Agreement for over 20 years. Having been a panel member under each of the last four agreements, Konica Minolta is highly experienced in providing printing, scanning and copying solutions to WA Government customers both in Perth and across all of regional Western Australia. Currently, we support over 3,500 devices across 128 WA locations, serving more than 350 clients under this agreement. Additionally, we deliver support for over 100 devices in over 40 national locations for nine of these clients that have sites across the rest of the country. The continued growth of our partnerships with clients on the CUA played an integral part in our WA Operation being named the Konica Minolta ‘State of the Year’ in 2023.
We are currently a preferred supplier under the following government procurement arrangements:
- Federal Government – DTA Hardware Marketplace Panel
- Western Australia – CUAPCS2024
- Victoria – DPC-ICT-02-2019
- New South Wales – Contract 2390
- South Australia – Print Equipment and Related Services (PERS)
It's our comprehensive national footprint and well organised supply chain that allows us to provide speedy, on demand and on time delivery and service to customers. Following we provide a sample of client implementations across our national footprint and client scope:
- Department of Defence: rollout of 10,000 devices across 700 locations, with 100 devices in 21 overseas locations (the largest print fleet and most comprehensive range of sites in Australia).
- Officeworks: implementation of 738 devices across 168 locations nationally across Australia.
- Department of Agriculture: rollout of 204 devices and associated service and support across Australian Capital Territory.
- Australian Broadcasting Authority: 300 devices managed with print management software, including wide format machines, 40 locations nationally.
- Melbourne Health: 400 devices managed with print management software, including scanners machines across 4 health locations.
- Newcrest Mining: 300 devices managed with print management software, including wide format machines, metro, regional and remote locations nationally.
- John Holland: 300 devices managed with print management software, including wide format machines, metro, regional and remote locations nationally.
- Disability Services Australia: Over 100 devices, managed with a print management solution across 90 locations.
Show moreContact details
About us
For more information, including dealer contact details, please view the Kyocera Procurement Lifecycle document.
QPC Group
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About us
Orders to be sent via email to or phone (08) 9303 3888.
Business Hours: 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.
Contact People
Contact Name: Lisa Spark
Role Title: General Manager
Direct Telephone: (08) 9303 3888
Contact Name: Jason Spark
Role Title: Director
Direct Telephone: (08) 9303 3888
About us
QPC Group is a Western Australian owned and operated company, established in 2008. With nearly 17 years in operation and a team boasting 60 years of combined industry experience, QPC Group has become a trusted provider of Managed Print Services across Australia.
The company's commitment to delivering efficient, cost-effective, and innovative print management solutions has earned it a reputation for excellence and reliability. QPC Group is also excited to announce its expansion into the New Zealand market, bringing its expertise to a broader audience.
QPC Group offers comprehensive Print Management solutions designed to optimise printing fleets, reduce operational costs, and enhance productivity. The Managed Print Service includes:
- **Maintaining Existing Fleet:** Ensuring current printing devices operate smoothly and efficiently, minimising downtime and disruptions.
- **Fleet Improvement:** Whether upgrading an existing fleet or integrating new business-grade devices, QPC Group provides tailored solutions to meet clients' needs.
- **Remote Monitoring & Auto-Ordering:** Advanced software enables real-time monitoring and automatic ordering of supplies, ensuring seamless operations.
- **Quality Supplies and Servicing:** QPC Group supplies top-quality toner, parts, and servicing to keep printing devices in peak condition.
- **Cartridges and Consumables:** QPC Group provides cartridges and consumables for all major printer and photocopier brands, including HP, Canon, Epson, Brother, Lexmark, Samsung, Xerox, Ricoh, Kyocera, Toshiba, Sharp, Konica Minolta, and OKI.
- **Technology Integration:** Beyond print, QPC Group supplies and supports business phone systems, digital signage, interactive meeting boards, video conferencing, and IT equipment. This expertise allows QPC Group to troubleshoot and resolve issues quickly, even those arising from IT problems, power supply issues, or other technological integrations.
QPC Group has been recognised for its excellence through multiple awards, including the Telstra Business Awards, the Women's Telstra Business Award, and winning the WA Business Awards. The company's commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is reflected in its impressive 4.9/5 Google review rating. The company leverages monitoring technology and historical data to forecast stock requirements, ensuring businesses are always equipped to print. QPC Group provides all genuine products and is one of the main and last remanufacturing cartridge facilities in WA. The company's expertise in cartridges, printers, and photocopiers is among the best in the industry.
QPC Group's superior knowledge is driven by its core values of "communication", "wowing the customer", and "thinking outside the box". These values make QPC Group the supplier of choice for both local and global companies. The company's proactive approach to print management helps businesses streamline their printing processes, allowing them to focus on their core activities. With an Australia-wide reach and a new presence in New Zealand, QPC Group ensures consistent and reliable service, regardless of location.
Ricoh Australia Pty Ltd
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About us
Please see Buying Process Outline for instructions on how to place an order.
Business Hours: 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.
Contact People
Contact Name: Troy Anderson
Role Title: Southern Regional Wholesale Manager
Direct Telephone: 0419 772 313
Contact Name: Raquel Davila
Role Title: Sales Support Coordinator
Direct Telephone: (08) 9347 0444
About us
Ricoh Australia is a subsidiary of the global Ricoh Group and is a prominent player in the Australian imaging and IT solutions sector. Established in 1967, Ricoh Australia delivers a range of products and services to government and corporate organisations.
We maintain a direct physical presence in all Australian mainland capital cities, supported by a network of 61 regional dealers nationwide, including 16 in Western Australia. Ricoh’s Australian head office is in North Ryde, NSW, and our WA office is located at 251 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000.
Ricoh's product portfolio encompasses solutions, including multifunctional devices, laser printers, associated software solutions, production printing devices, managed print services, and digital services, including hybrid workplace solutions, cloud and IT infrastructure, workflow automation and cybersecurity.
The company caters to a diverse customer base spanning government, education, NGO, NFP and commercial sectors. By understanding and responding to the specific requirements of these sectors, Ricoh Australia seeks to provide relevant and practical solutions. By way of example of our capacity and capability, our WA operation supports over 5,900 devices under the current CUAPCS2018 arrangement, representing over 40% of the total WA Government fleet. Ricoh has provided a range of products and services to the WA Government for over 20 years under the previous state contracts WA CUA PCS2013, CUA25307, CUA8504, CT000302, and CUAPCS2018.
'Ricoh Australia's operations are supported by a team of over 500 staff nationally, 46 of which are in our WA office. The company's workforce collaborates to deliver technical expertise, support services, and tailored solutions to clients, aiming to meet the evolving demands of the market.
Aligned with Ricoh Group's global commitment, Ricoh Australia prioritises sustainability through energy efficiency and product recyclability. In 1998, Ricoh was one of the first companies to advocate environmental management. From 2020, we built on those efforts to align our business strategies and ESG following guidelines such as the United Nations Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs). Ricoh has identified 7 material issues and formulated 16 companywide ESG targets as key performance indicators. We have integrated ESG into the upper levels of our management systems and linked them to executive evaluations.
As part of the global Ricoh network, Ricoh Australia benefits from the strength of a broader organisation. This connection allows the local entity to leverage global resources and expertise, contributing to a comprehensive and responsive operational support structure.
Toner Plus
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About us
Orders to be sent via email to or phone (08) 9409 6664.
Business Hours: 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.
Contact People
Contact Name: Eddy Bulich
Role Title: Managing Director
Direct Telephone: (08) 9409 6664
Mobile Contact: 0403 317 851
About us
Please see the Procurement Lifecycle Document for more information.