Audit and Financial Advisory Services CUAAFA2018

Common use arrangement (CUA) buyers guide for audit and financial advisory services.
Last updated:

This common use arrangement (CUA) has the following categories:

  • A. Audit Services
  • B. Forensic Audit Services
  • C. Probity Services
  • D. Risk Advisory Services
  • E. Financial, Accounting and Taxation Advisory Services
  • F. Procurement Advisory Services
  • G. Financial Assessment Services
  • H. Program Reviews (non-mandatory)

Entities listed in the approved register of who can buy from CUAs may buy off this CUA.

Refer to the What’s on Offer in the Buyer’s Guide for an outline of the scope of services that are covered by each Category of this CUA.

The following Categories under this CUA are:

Mandatory for the Perth metropolitan region and non-mandatory in the regions for State agencies:

  • A. Audit Services
  • B. Forensic Audit Services
  • C. Probity Services
  • D. Risk Advisory Services
  • E. Financial, Accounting and Taxation Advisory Services
  • F. Procurement Advisory Services
  • G. Financial Assessment Services

Non-mandatory state-wide for State Agencies:

  • H. Program Reviews (non-mandatory)

Where the CUA is non-mandatory, you may:

  • Purchase under the applicable CUA from a CUA contractor; or
  • Exercise your discretion to purchase outside the CUA, and purchase in accordance with Western Australian Procurement Rules and Buy Local policy.

Before you buy, also check that your purchase falls within your organisation's procurement policies.


This Common Use Arrangement (CUA) is for outcome-based services with a scope it is not intended for temporary personnel services. For Temporary Personnel Services please refer to CUATPS2019 Temporary Personnel Services.

Services offered by the Western Australian Treasury Corporation (WATC) do not form part of this CUA; this means that State Agencies can elect to engage the WATC to assist with their requirements. Contact Advisory Services at WATC to discuss the range of services they offer to Western Australian public sector agencies, local governments and public universities.

In accordance with Western Australian Procurement Rules, you can buy outside of this CUA and directly source from an Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE) or Aboriginal Business.

Applicable GCOC

The General Conditions of Contract (Dec 2016) applies to this arrangement.

Category A: Audit Service

For audit services (other than for forensics or probity) including internal audits, performance (operational) audits, compliance audits, financial audits, information systems audits and corporate governance reviews.

The Institute of Internal Auditors’ Professional Practice Framework (PPF) defines Internal Audit as “an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organisation’s operations. It helps an organisation accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes.”

Treasurers Instruction Part XII outlines the basic requirements for an effective internal audit function and stipulates that audit services shall be carried out in accordance with the most recent Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing issued by The Institute of Internal Auditors.

Contractors should provide feedback and advice to the customer and/or audit committees on best practice in both the public and private sectors as part of the internal audit reporting function, as this will assist enhancement of the customer’s efficiency and/or effectiveness and its controls.

Category B: Forensic Audit Services

For investigations through forensic accounting to prevent and resolve commercial disputes, fraud, misconduct, and breaches of rules and regulations.

Category C: Probity Services

For independent scrutiny of a process (including activities such as outsourcing, procurement, disposal of assets) to ascertain whether procedures followed are consistent with appropriate regulation, guidelines and best practice principles of openness and transparency. Probity Advisors and Probity Auditors should address:

  • best value for money
  • impartiality
  • dealing with conflicts of interest
  • accountability and transparency

Probity Audits

Will examine and evaluate whether a customer is complying with a probity plan during the life of a project and also assesses whether the established criteria, standards and principles have been complied with at the completion of a project.

Probity Advice

Probity advice and assistance will be provided before and during a process to improve the outcomes of a process and/or address unexpected probity issues that arise.

Category D: Risk Advisory Services

For business/business unit, procurement, project, program or initiative risk reviews, assessments and facilitation services including advice and assistance in defining and assessing risk categories and treatments, workshops and training.

Treasurer’s Instruction 825 Risk Management and Security states:

“The accountable officer or authority shall ensure that:

  1. there are procedures in place for the periodic identification, assessment and treatment of risks inherent in the operations of the department or statutory authority;
  2. suitable risk management policies and practices are developed;
  3. an appropriate level of security is maintained over money, public and other property of or under control of the agency, including information held and intellectual property developed and controlled by the agency; and
  4. these procedures, policies and practices are documented in the financial management manual or other relevant policy manuals.”

The provision of risk advisory services will be in accordance with AS/NZS ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management – Guidelines which adopt an enterprise-wide risk management approach.

Category E : Financial, Accounting and Taxation Advisory Services

For advice on financial, accounting and taxation matters including:

Financial Modelling

The development of financial models to support financial forecasting and analytics. This may include financial model reviews, advice and design.

Financial Statements Analysis

Support and advice on the interpretation of financial statements and related data that would assist Customers in their financial planning, resource management and decision-making.

Development of Accounting Policies and Procedures

Advice on the formulation and implementation of accounting policies and procedures in accordance with the requirements of the FMA.

Preparation of Financial Statements and Annual Reports

Assistance with the preparation of financial statements and annual reports in compliance with the requirements of the FMA and International Financial Reporting Standards.

Accounting Advice

Advice on the accounting treatment of large transactions, budget and cash flow management and advice on management models for facilities.

Taxation Advice

Advice on State and Commonwealth tax legislation and its impact on the operation and performance of Customers, and related reporting requirements.


Category F: Procurement Advisory Services

For procurement advice including:

Business Case Development

Strategic analysis and advice at project and program level to support investment planning and decision-making. Preparation of business cases in accordance with project concepts and guidelines.

Procurement Strategy Development

Preparation of procurement strategies at project and program level including the assessment of procurement options (e.g. design and construct, alliance, public private partnership, lease versus buy or other arrangements). Validation of procurement strategy through market capability analysis and market soundings.

Procurement Process Support

Development of selection/project evaluation criteria, development of tender documentation and support for tender evaluations, including value for money, financial and commercial evaluations. Assist in tender negotiation phase.

Category G: Financial Assessment services

For the assessment of the financial capacity of organisations including for pre-qualification, pre-contract award and post contract award monitoring of contracts. Financial assessment services provide a due diligence check to assess a contractor has the financial capacity to complete the work or supply the goods and services without becoming insolvent or experiencing financial distress.

The following reports are available:

Five Day Turnaround Assessment

Standard Financial Assessment Report

Standard Financial & Performance Assessment Report

Detailed Financial Assessment Report

Detailed Financial & Performance Assessment Report

Three Day Turnaround Assessment

Standard Financial Assessment Report

Standard Financial & Performance Assessment Report

Detailed Financial Assessment Report

Detailed Financial & Performance Assessment Report

Other Services

Customised Financial Assessment

Update of Prior Assessment & Reassessment (for assessments under 6 weeks old)

Electronic copy of previous Assessments

Monitoring Assessment for a Contract in Progress

Click here for the detailed Category G Specifications.

Category H: Program Reviews (non-mandatory)

For the appraisal and evaluation of Customer programs. Reviews are for identifying and understanding the results of a program and their impacts, as well as what can be the best alternatives to help in decision-making and lead to improvement in the process.

Out of Scope activity

  • Services offered by the Western Australian Treasury Corporation (WATC) do not form part of this CUA; this means that State Agencies can elect to engage the WATC to assist with their requirements.
  • Engagement of an Internal Audit Committee (IAC) Chair, who is not a public service officer, is out of scope of this CUA.
  • Engagement of Temporary Personnel Services.

   The CUA for Temporary Personnel Services (CUATPS2019) is for Customers that need an appropriately skilled temporary resource. This resource      will be managed by the Customer and is not required to deliver a completed outcome.

           The CUATPS2019 categories are:

                   a) Clerical and Administrative

                   b) Technical & Trades

                   c) Professional

                   d) Information & Communication Technology

Buying rules

State Agencies are also required to comply with the CUA Buying Rules.

It is mandatory for State Agencies in the Perth region to use this CUA to obtain services within scope of Categories A – G.  

Category H (Program Review) services are non-mandatory.

If you require an exemption from using the CUA (Categories A-G) or a waiver of the Buying Rules, you need to seek that approval from the Department of Finance. The  Procurement Practice Guidelines - Common Use Arrangements outlines how to seek a CUA exemption or waiver.

Please note that State Agencies are not required to request advice or approval from the Department of Finance when purchasing from an Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE) or an Aboriginal Business


Estimated Customer Contract Value (inclusive of GST)

Minimum buying rules for CUA AFA2018

Work valued up to $250,000 (GST inclusive)

Pick and Buy (No quotes required).

Buyers to refer to listed hourly rates and directly engage a contractor by confirming the work assignment via email and attaching Part A: CUAAFA2018 Quote Form.

Work valued above $250,000 (GST inclusive)

Quotes required.

If it can be foreseen that the cost of an engagement will exceed $250,000, then buyers must seek 2 or more written quotes from selected contractors by communicating requirements using the Part A: CUAAFA2018 Quote Form.

Buyers must publish all contract award details on Tenders WA where the contract is valued $50,000 or more.
Regional Customers & Other Approved CUA Users

All Categories of this CUA are discretionary for regional State Agencies and other approved CUA users. If your delivery point is in regional Western Australia, you may:

  • purchase from a CUA Contractor, or
  • exercise your discretion to purchase outside the CUA, in accordance with Western Australian Procurement Rules and the Buy Local Policy.
Before you buy, also check that your purchase complies with your organisation's procurement policies and processes.


Other policy requirements

State agencies should be aware of the following requirements under Western Australian Procurement Rules as they apply to purchases from this CUA. The table below is a summary of the requirements, and State agencies are encouraged to review the WA Procurement Rules.

Procurement planning

Requirement WA Procurement Rules
Buyers must prepare a procurement plan and submit it to the State Tenders Review Committee. No, when purchasing from this CUA.
Buyers must involve Finance.

No, buyers do not need to involve Finance when purchasing from this CUA.

(WA Procurement Rule C1).
Buyers must obtain approval from an authorised officer of Finance to purchase through an alternative arrangement to this CUA.

Yes, for all values and delivery locations where the purchase of goods and / or services under the CUA are mandatory (WA Procurement Rule C2.2).

Please note that State agencies are not required to request advice or approval from the Department of Finance, regardless of value, to purchase from an ADE or an Aboriginal Business (WA Procurement Rule C2.2).

Request development and contract formation

Requirement WA Procurement Rules
Buyers must prepare an evaluation report.

An evaluation report must be developed for all contracts valued $250,000 and above and in line with the buying rules.

The detail of an evaluation report must be commensurate with the value, risk and complexity of the contract (WA Procurement Rule D7(2)).
Buyers must submit an evaluation report to the State Tender Review Committee. No, when purchasing from this CUA.
Buyers must publish details of their contract on Tenders WA. Yes, for all contracts valued $50,000 or more (WA Procurement Rule D8.1), unless the State agency is not required to do so under WA Procurement Rule D8.2.
Buyers must record the contract on the agency’s contract register, as instructed within the buying agency’s financial management manual. Yes, for all contracts valued at $50,000 or more (WA Procurement Rule F5), unless alternative arrangements have been approved under WA Procurement Rule F5(6).

Contract management

Requirement WA Procurement Rules
Buyers must prepare a contract management plan. Contract management or project management plans must be developed for all contracts with a total estimated value of $5 million and above (WA Procurement Rule E1(1)), unless exempted under WA Procurement Rule E1(2).
Buyers must publish details of contract variations on Tenders WA. State agencies must publish variations on Tenders WA in accordance with WA Procurement Rule E3.1.
Buyers must seek advice from Finance on variations. No, State agencies do not need to seek advice from Finance on variations.

Exemption from using this CUA

Procurement Frameworks is responsible for processing and approving all requests from State agencies seeking exemption from using a mandatory CUA. Requests for an exemption are considered on a case-by-case basis, and a requesting agency must be able to demonstrate that a business need cannot be adequately met by the relevant CUA.

Exemption requests should be directed to the Assistant Director Procurement Frameworks through an email to the contract manager in the first instance. Requests for exemption may be received by posted letter or email, but must be in writing and provide sufficient explanation and background to enable the request to be considered. The requesting officer should be the Accountable Authority or delegate of the Agency.

For guidelines on what to include in an exemption request, please refer to the Common Use Arrangements Procurement Practice Guideline

Who supplies what?

The table below lists all contractors on the CUA and the Categories they have been contracted to provide. 

Refer to the Contractor Profiles for more information on their experience, skills and qualifications.

ContractorA. Audit Services B. Forensic Audit
C. Probity Services
D. Risk Advisory Services E. Financial, Accounting and Taxation Advisory Services F. Procurement Advisory Services G. Financial Assessment Services H. Program Reviews 
2020 Global Business Consultants


A&P Advisoryü  ü    
ACIL Allen Consulting    ü  ü
AEC Group Pty Ltd    üü  
Andrew Burchfield Consultingüü ü    
AOT Consulting Pty Ltdüüüüüüüü
APV Valuers & Asset Management    ü   
Assurance Advisory Group Pty Ltdüüüüüüüü
Australian Audit Pty Ltd (previously Avant Edge Consulting)üüüü   ü
Blue Zooü üü ü ü
Braxford Consultancy Pty Ltdüüüüü   
Business Risk Solutions (BRS)     ü ü
Charles Vinci Associates  ü     
Corporate Scorecard      ü 
CorpTax Solutions Pty Ltd    ü   
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu*üü üüüüü
Dry Kirknessüüü ü ü 
Equal Assurance Pty Ltdü       
Ernst & Young*üüüüüüüü
GHD Advisory*ü  ü ü ü
Gresham Advisory Partners Limited (GAPL)    ü   
Infosys Portland*     ü  
Jardine Lloyd Thompson (JLT) Pty Ltd   ü    
KPMG*üüüüüü ü
Lazard Pty Limited*    ü   
LogiKal Projects Pty Ltd     ü ü
Marsden Jacob Associates Pty Ltd    ü  ü
McGrathNicolüüüüü ü 
Moore Australia (WA) Pty Ltdü üüü ü 
Nexia Perth Audit Services Pty Ltd    ü   
Paxon Consulting Group Pty Ltdü ü üüüü
Protiviti Pty Ltdüüüüüüüü
Quantum Consulting Australiaü      ü
Quantum Management Consulting and Assuranceü üü ü  
Riskwest Pty Ltd   ü    
RSM Australiaüüüüüüüü
Sapere Research Group       ü
Stantons üüüüüüüü
The Nexus Networküü ü   ü
Ubique*üü üüü ü
William Buck Consulting (WA) Pty Ltdüüüüüüüü
ZED Management Consulting Australia    üü ü



Contractors marked with an asterisk (*) have negotiated departures to the CUAAFA2018 Request and/or the General Conditions of Contract (Dec 2016). Contact the Contract Manager if you would like a copy of the negotiated departures.


The CUAAFA2018 Request (Customer Contract Details) lists the insurance requirements for Customer Contracts.

If your contract is complex and/or high value, consider whether the insurance liability limits in the CUAAFA2018 Request are appropriate.  Please consult with RiskCover and if needed seek additional insurance cover from the Contractor.

Contractors are required to maintain the following insurances: 

Public and products liability$10 million
Professional indemnity$2 million
Workers Compensation**$50 million

** Contractors who are sole traders are not required to maintain workers' compensation insurance

Making the most of this contract

  • Buyers should negotiate below the maximum hourly rates provided in the Price Schedule.

  • Refer to the Contractor Profiles for more information on their experience, skills and qualifications.
  • Ensure your Customer Quote/Order Form is clear, concise, correct and complete. This will ensure contractors can accurately quote and/or deliver as per your requirements.

What will it cost?


As maximum prices have been agreed with contractors on this CUA, State Agencies are encouraged to negotiate the prices quoted by the selected contractor(s) when purchasing services from this contract.

Payment for services purchased on this CUA can be made either by Purchasing Card, cheque or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and should be made within 30 days of receipt of an invoice from the contractor unless a fee is disputed.

A comparison of prices is provided in the Price Schedule which lists the maximum hourly rates for each Contractor in each category.  The rates are broken down by consultant position level (i.e. Partner/Director, Senior Manager, Manager/Supervisor, Senior, Intermediate, Graduate). These appendices will provide you with a guide to the maximum total cost of the audit services and/or financial advice based on your agency’s requirement.

While the Contractors may not quote a rate for a consultant position level that is higher than the rate listed in the CUAAFA2018 Price Schedule, you may seek to negotiate lower hourly rates or agree to pricing on a fixed lump sum basis.  

CUAAFA2018 Customer Contracts may be priced on an hourly rate or fixed lump sum basis.

  • Hourly rate contracts are priced by reference to the total hours for each consultant position level multiplied by the agreed hourly rate for each level, plus Other Charges (if any).  The Contractor and Customer will agree the hourly rates in the CUA Quote Form and the Contractor should provide an estimate of total hours for each consultant position level.  
  • Fixed lump sum contracts are priced by reference to an agreed total contract price and are not broken down by reference to consultant position levels and hours recorded

If you have a preferred pricing method, specify that preference in the CUA Quote Form (Part A).  If you don’t have a preference, select the “Either” option in the CUA Quote Form and the Contractor will have discretion to quote on either an hourly rate or fixed lump sum basis.  Contact the Contract Manager if you have queries about the pricing method to use.

The Contractors may charge reasonable disbursements, i.e. out of pocket costs such as travel expenses or accommodation.  The Contractor should specify the type and estimated cost of any anticipated disbursements in the CUA Quote Form (Part B).  The CUA pricing does not includes agreed rates for disbursements.

State Agencies can view hourly rate comparison data for all Contractors and State Agencies in the PowerBI CUAAFA2018 Expenditure Report.  For assistance with accessing or using that report, contact

Position titles

As defined in the Price Schedule.

Position Title Qualifications/Experience
Partner/Director Partner/ Director of the professional service provider. Extensive experience in the application of modern methodologies and practices in relevant discipline.
Senior Manager

Senior manager with ability and experience to lead a team of professionals. Extensive experience in the application of modern methodologies and practices in relevant discipline.

Manager/Supervisor An experienced professional with responsibility to manage senior, intermediate and graduate positions in team. Substantial appropriate experience in relevant discipline.
Senior An experienced professional with appropriate experience in relevant discipline.
Intermediate Two to three years of experience in a relevant discipline.
Graduate Person with professional qualification/affiliation and less than two years of experience.

Payment by Purchasing Card

The government Purchasing Card offers a quick and convenient method of payment allowing many goods and services to be efficiently purchased.

Always remember to inform the supplier that you will be paying by government Purchasing Card, at the time of ordering the product or service, and ensure they clearly understand that they must send the tax invoice directly to you, the cardholder.

How do I buy?

Step by step buying process

  1. Complete and forward Part A: CUAAFA2018 Quote Form Part B – Contractor Offer, and Part C – Acceptance Offer to selected Contractor(s) as per the CUAAFA2018 Buying Rules.  
  2. Customer discusses and negotiates with selected Contractor (if applicable). The published rates in the Price Schedule are the maximum rates allowable so State Agencies are encouraged to negotiate a lower rate.
  3. If applicable, the Customer notifies unsuccessful Contractors and the justification behind why a particular supplier was selected is documented and available for review.
  4. Contractor delivers services.

Whether you seek multiple quotes or you order from a single Contractor, you should use the CUA Quote Form to document the process.

If you seek multiple quotes, please ensure that you let all respondent Contractors know if they have been successful or unsuccessful at the end of the process.

Please ensure compliance with the Premier’s Circular 2019/06 regarding reporting on consultants engaged by government and Premier’s Circular 2018/02 regarding permanent engagement of fixed term contract and casual employees.

Other tips

Engagement Letters

You should use the CUA Quote Form (Parts A, B and C) to document the formation of a Customer Contract under the CUA.  

You are not required to sign a separate Engagement Letter issued by the Contractor and you are advised not to sign a Contractor’s engagement letter that incorporates their standard terms of business. See the Terms and Conditions section below for more information the CUA terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions that apply to all CUAAFA2018 Customer Contracts are set out in the CUAAFA2018 Request (Schedule 1, Customer Contract Details & Schedule 2), together with the General Conditions of Contract (Dec 2016).  

If you agree to vary any of the standard CUA terms and conditions, the agreed variation(s) should be documented as a special condition in the CUA Quote Form.  See the Special Conditions section above.

When entering a Customer Contract under the CUA do not sign up to the Contractor’s standard engagement letter incorporating their non-CUA terms of business.

The CUA Contractors have agreed to provide services that comply with the terms and service specifications in the CUAAFA2018 Request, together with those specified in the General Conditions of Contract (Dec 2016)

Special Conditions (Customer Contracts)

Special conditions are negotiated conditions that apply to a specific Customer Contract.  Those conditions may be in addition to the standard CUA terms and conditions, or they may be negotiated changes to the standard CUA terms and conditions.  

For example, you may require Contractor police clearances, or you may need to reference specific confidential information in the Customer Contract or require that the Customer retains ownership of intellectual property rights in new material.

Please ensure that you clearly descript any applicable special conditions in the CUA Quote Form (Parts A & C). 

Conflicts of Interest

A conflict of interest is a situation arising from a conflict between an entity or individual’s public or professional duty and their private or personal interest.  A conflict may be actual, potential or perceived and may relate to either a financial or non-financial benefit.

Both CUA Customers and Contractors have a duty to identify and manage conflicts of interest.  

Your agency’s code of conduct and conflict of interest guidelines will outline your duty to identify, report and manage conflicts.  

You must consider and declare conflicts (actual, potential or perceived) when seeking quotes, evaluating offers, awarding and managing a contract.

CUA Contractors have contractual obligation under the General Conditions of Contract (Dec 2016) to identify conflicts and notify their Customer.  They are also required to complete the declaration that has been added to the CUA Quote Form (Part B) stating that they have done a conflict check and declared any identified conflicts to their Customer. 

If a conflict is identified they are required to notify their Customer and take reasonable steps to remove the conflict.  As the Customer you must determine whether it is possible to manage the conflict before you award the Customer Contract.

Intellectual Property Rights

The CUAAFA2018 Request (Customer Contract Details) specify that:

  • intellectual property rights in new materials are owned by the Contractor, and
  • the Contractor grants the Customer an irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to exercise any or all of the rights of an owner of intellectual property rights in the new material during the remainder of the duration of the intellectual property rights in that new material.

If the circumstances of the your Customer Contract require that your agency retains ownership of the intellectual property rights in the new material created under the contract, please include a special condition in the CUA Quote Form specifying that Part B, Clause 23.1 of the General Conditions of Contract (Dec 2016) applies.



After I buy

Active contract management pays off

  • Check your invoices to ensure the correct price has been charged.
  • Manage your contract term – keep an eye on your contract expiry date.
  • Monitor contractor performance and deliverables.
  • Test the market on a regular basis to see what the other contractors on the CUA are offering.
  • Document any issues as they arise even if they are resolved. This will assist in ongoing contractor performance management.
  • If you extend a Customer Contract, make sure that you obtain and keep a record of any internal approvals required by your agency.
  • If you encounter an issue and you are unable to resolve it directly with the contractor, please contact the contract manager.

Service Issues

The CUA Contractors are required to comply with the service requirements in the CUAAFA2018 Request (Schedule 2), together with the General Conditions of Contract (Dec 2016) and any special conditions specified in the relevant CUA Quote Form.

Detailed guidance on monitoring supplier performance and managing contract problems is available on

Notwithstanding the CUA service requirements, you may encounter contract issues that can arise for a variety of reasons. To minimise the chance of a minor problem escalating into a dispute, the issue should be identified, discussed and resolved quickly and efficiently at the lowest practical level. 

If you do experience a service issue with a CUA Contractor that you are unable to resolve directly with the Contractor, you can also seek advice from the Contract Manager.

Supplier Performance

The Department of Finance monitors the CUA Contractors at the Head Agreement level by using KPIs linked to the delivery and accuracy of sales reports, maintenance of insurances and by seeking feedback from Customers via ad hoc queries and customer satisfaction surveys.

Customers are also encouraged to monitor supplier performance under their Customer Contracts.  If your contract is of significant complexity, value, risk and/or duration, consider incorporating contract management requirements in the Customer Contract to facilitate the active monitoring of supplier performance (i.e. meetings, reporting, KPI’s etc.).

Active monitoring of ongoing Customers Contracts (e.g. invoice accuracy, service deliver and contract term), and regularly testing the market to see what other Contractors are offering can help you maintain good supplier performance and value for money. 


2020 Global Business Consultants (2020 Global Pty Ltd)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Bruce Donald
Direct telephone:
General telephone:
2020 Global Business Consultants (2020 Global Pty Ltd)
PO Box 1345

About us

096 008 132
71 096 008 132

Category A - Audit Services
Category B - Forensic Audit Services
Category C - Probity Services
Category D - Risk Advisory Services
Category E - Financial, accounting and taxation
Category F - Procurement Advisory Services
Category G - Financial Assessment Services
Category H - Program Reviews
Other information: Small Business <20 people

Last updated: 19 June 2023

ACIL Allen Consulting (ACIL Allen Consulting Pty Ltd)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
John Nicolaou
Direct telephone:
General telephone:
ACIL Allen Consulting (ACIL Allen Consulting Pty Ltd)

About us

102 652 148
68 102 652 148

Category E - Financial Modelling and Financial Statement Analysis only

Category H - Financial Modelling and Financial Statement Analysis only

Last updated: 19 June 2023

AEC Group (AEC Group Pty Ltd)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Jayde Vine
General telephone:
AEC Group (AEC Group Pty Ltd)
PO Box 942

About us

087 828 902
84 087 828 902

Category E - Financial, accounting and taxation (Financial Modelling only)
Category F - Procurement Advisory Services

Last updated: 11 March 2024

Andrew Burchfield Consulting (Andrew Burchfield and Associates – Management Consultants)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Andrew Burchfield
Direct telephone:
General telephone:
Andrew Burchfield Consulting (Andrew Burchfield and Associates – Management Consultants)

About us

32 332 355 400

About us


  • Category A – Audit Services
  • Category B – Forensic Audit Services
  • Category D – Risk Advisory Services
  • Other information: Small Business <20 people


Last updated: 19 June 2023

AOT Consulting (AOT Consulting Pty Ltd) (AFA2018)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
David Taylor
Direct telephone:
General telephone:
AOT Consulting (AOT Consulting Pty Ltd)

About us

096 008 132
39 009 374 001

Category A - Audit Services
Category B - Forensic Audit Services
Category C - Probity Services
Category D - Risk Advisory Services
Category E - Financial, accounting and taxation
Category F - Procurement Advisory Services
Category G - Financial Assessment Services
Category H - Program Reviews
Other information: Small Business <20 people

Last updated: 19 June 2023

APV Valuers and Asset Management (Australia Pacific Valuers Pty Ltd)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
David Edgerton
General telephone:
APV Valuers and Asset Management (Australia Pacific Valuers Pty Ltd)

About us

089 058 775
23 698 472 195

Category E - Financial, accounting and taxation
Other information: Small Business <20 people

Last updated: 19 June 2023

Assurance Advisory Group (Assurance Advisory Group Pty Ltd)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Stephen Linden
General telephone:
Assurance Advisory Group (Assurance Advisory Group Pty Ltd)

About us

604 951 993
93 604 951 993

Category A - Audit Services
Category B - Forensic Audit Services
Category C - Probity Services
Category D - Risk Advisory Services
Category E - Financial, accounting and taxation (all services except Taxation advice)
Category F - Procurement Advisory Services
Category G - Financial Assessment Services
Category H - Program Reviews
Other information: Small Business <20 people

Last updated: 19 June 2023

Australian Audit Pty Ltd (previously Avant Edge Consulting)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Santo Casilli Chassey Davids
Direct telephone:
General telephone:

About us

166 712 698
63 166 712 698

Successful for the following Categories:

Category A - Audit Services
Category B - Forensic Audit Services
Category C - Probity Services
Category D - Risk Advisory Services
Category H - Program Reviews

Last updated: 19 June 2023

BDO Advisory (WA)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Kristy Porter or Karyn Lander
Direct telephone:
General telephone:

About us

607 899 570
84 607 899 570


Category A - Audit Services
Category B - Forensic Audit Services
Category C - Probity Services
Category D - Risk Advisory Services
Category E - Financial, accounting and taxation
Category F - Procurement Advisory Services
Category G - Financial Assessment Services
Category H - Program Reviews

Last updated: 5 July 2024

Blue Zoo (Blue Zoo Holdings Pty Ltd)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Pat Scally
Direct telephone:
General telephone:
Blue Zoo (Blue Zoo Holdings Pty Ltd)

About us

119 062 850
87 119 062 850

Category A - Audit Services
Category C - Probity Services
Category D - Risk Advisory Services
Category F - Procurement Advisory Services
Category H - Program Reviews
Other information: Small Business <20 people

Last updated: 19 June 2023

Braxford Consultancy (Braxford Consultancy Pty Ltd)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Gary Gliddon
Direct telephone:
General telephone:
Braxford Consultancy (Braxford Consultancy Pty Ltd)

About us

098 993 821
51 098 993 821

Category A - Audit Services
Category B - Forensic Audit Services
Category C - Probity Services
Category D - Risk Advisory Services
Category E - Financial, accounting and taxation
Other information: Small Business <20 people

Last updated: 19 June 2023

BRS (Business and Risk Solutions Pty Ltd)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Kym Williams
Direct telephone:
General telephone:
BRS (Business and Risk Solutions Pty Ltd)

About us

113 491 713
99 113 491 713

Category F - Procurement Advisory Services
Category H - Program Reviews
Other information: Small Business <20 people

Last updated: 19 June 2023

Corporate Scorecard (Equifax Australasia Credit Ratings Pty Ltd)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Samir Iqbal
Direct telephone:
General telephone:
Corporate Scorecard (Equifax Australasia Credit Ratings Pty Ltd)

About us

007 527 611
33 007 527 611

Category G - Financial Assessment Services

Last updated: 13 November 2023

CorpTax Solutions (CorpTax Solutions Pty Ltd)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Steven Molloy
Direct telephone:
General telephone:
CorpTax Solutions (CorpTax Solutions Pty Ltd)

About us

095 268 358
83 095 268 358

Category E - Financial, accounting and taxation
Other information: Small Business <20 people

Last updated: 19 June 2023

Crowe Australasia (Findex (Aust) Pty Ltd

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Cyrus Patell
Direct telephone:
General telephone:
Crowe Australasia (Findex (Aust) Pty Ltd)

About us

006 466 351
84 006 466 351

Category A - Audit Services
Category B - Forensic Audit Services
Category C - Probity Services
Category D - Risk Advisory Services
Category E - Financial, accounting and taxation
Category F - Procurement Advisory Services
Category G - Financial Assessment Services
Category H - Program Reviews

Last updated: 19 June 2023

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Janette McGinty
Direct telephone:
61 8 9365 7252 (Janette McGinty)
General telephone:

About us

74 490 121 060

Category A - Audit Services
Category B - Forensic Audit Services
Category D - Risk Advisory Services
Category E - Financial, accounting and taxation
Category F - Procurement Advisory Services
Category G - Financial Assessment Services
Category H - Program Reviews

Last updated: 30 April 2024

Dry Kirkness (formerly Butler Settineri Pty Ltd)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Marius Van Der Merwe
Direct telephone:
General telephone:
Dry Kirkness (Audit) Pty Ltd (formerly Butler Settineri)

About us

112 942 373
61 112 942 373

Category A - Audit Services
Category B - Forensic Audit Services
Category C - Probity Services
Category E - Financial, accounting and taxation
Category G - Financial Assessment Services

Last updated: 19 June 2023

Equal Assurance Pty Ltd (Equal Assurance Pty Ltd as trustee for the Equal Assurance Trust)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Leon Michailidis
Direct telephone:
General telephone:
Equal Assurance Pty Ltd (Equal Assurance Pty Ltd as trustee for the Equal Assurance Trust)
PO Box 313

About us

124 627 498
51 206 707 809


Category A - Audit Services (compliance audits only)
Other information: Small Business <20 people

Last updated: 19 June 2023

EY (Ernst & Young)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Bradley Hooper & Lauren Christiaens
Direct telephone:
General telephone:
+61 8 9429 2222

About us

75 288 172 749

Category A - Audit Services
Category B - Forensic Audit Services
Category C - Probity Services
Category D - Risk Advisory Services
Category E - Financial, accounting and taxation
Category F - Procurement Advisory Services
Category G - Financial Assessment Services
Category H - Program Reviews

Last updated: 19 June 2023

GHD Advisory (GHD)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Xavier Byrne and Justyna Mace
Direct telephone:
+61 8 6222 8907 (Justyna)
General telephone:

About us

008 488 373
39 008 488 373

Category A - Audit Services
Category D - Risk Advisory Services
Category F - Procurement Advisory Services
Category H - Program Reviews

Last updated: 11 March 2024

KPMG (KPMG Australia, KPMG Forensic, KPMG Financial Advisory Services (Australia) and KPMG Financial Services Consulting)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Beth Gould - Account Manager
Direct telephone:
61 8 9263 7218 (Lance Glare - Account Director)
General telephone:
KPMG (KPMG Australia, KPMG Forensic, KPMG Financial Advisory Services (Australia) and KPMG Financial Services Co

About us

51 194 660 183

Successful for the following Categories:

KPMG Australia Partnership [ABN 51 194 660 183]:

Category A - Audit Services
Category B - Forensic Audit Services
Category C - Probity Services
Category D - Risk Advisory Services
Category E - Financial, accounting and taxation
Category F - Procurement Advisory Services
Category H - Program Reviews

KPMG Forensic Pty Ltd [ABN 91 055 053 417 / ACN 055 053 417]

Category B - Forensic Audit Services

KPMG Financial Advisory Services (Australia) Pty Ltd [ABN 43 007 363 215 / ACN 007 363 215]:

Category E - Financial, accounting and taxation

KPMG Financial Advisory Services Consulting Pty Ltd [ ABN 91 144 686 046 / ACN 144 686 046]:

Category E - Financial, accounting and taxation


Last updated: 19 June 2023

Marsden Jacob Associates Pty Ltd (Marsden Jacob Unit Trust t/a Marsden Jacob Associates Pty Ltd)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Alex Marsden
General telephone:
Marsden Jacob Associates Pty Ltd (Marsden Jacob Unit Trust t/a Marsden Jacob Associates Pty Ltd)

About us

072 233 204
66 663 324 657

Category E - Financial, accounting and taxation
Category H - Program Reviews

Last updated: 19 June 2023

McGrathNicol (McGrathNicol Advisory Partnership)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Michael Shanahan
General telephone:
McGrathNicol (McGrathNicol Advisory Partnership)

About us

34 824 776 937

Category A - Audit Services
Category B - Forensic Audit Services
Category C - Probity Services
Category D - Risk Advisory Services
Category E - Financial, accounting and taxation
Category G - Financial Assessment Services

Last updated: 19 June 2023

Moore Australia

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Michelle Shafizadeh and Greg Godwin
Direct telephone:
General telephone:

About us

009 297 769
99 433 544 961

Successful for the following Categories:

Moore Australia (WA) Pty Ltd for the more Australia (WA) Partnerships of Trust [ABN 99 433 544 961]:

Category A - Audit Services
Category C - Probity Services
Category D - Risk Advisory Services
Category E - Financial, accounting and taxation
Category G - Financial Assessment Services

Moore Australia Audit (WA) Partnership for assurance services [ABN 16 874 357 907]:

Category A - Audit Services
Category C - Probity Services
Category D - Risk Advisory Services
Category G - Financial Assessment Services

For More information, including the contact details please review the Contractor Profiles

Last updated: 29 August 2023

Paxon Group (Paxon Consulting Group Pty Ltd)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Michael Palassis
General telephone:
Paxon Group (Paxon Consulting Group Pty Ltd)

About us

131 116 268
23 970 908 281

Category A - Audit Services
Category C - Probity Services
Category E - Financial, accounting and taxation
Category F - Procurement Advisory Services
Category G - Financial Assessment Services
Category H - Program Reviews

Last updated: 19 June 2023


Show more

About us

108 473 909
27 108 473 909

Category A - Audit Services
Category B - Forensic Audit Services
Category C - Probity Services
Category D - Risk Advisory Services
Category E - Financial, accounting and taxation
Category F - Procurement Advisory Services
Category G - Financial Assessment Services
Category H - Program Reviews

Last updated: 19 June 2023

Quantum Consulting Australia (Quantum Consulting Australia Pty Ltd)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Simon Hood
General telephone:
Quantum Consulting Australia (Quantum Consulting Australia Pty Ltd)

About us

113 145 636
53 113 145 636

Category A - Audit Services
Category H - Program Reviews

Last updated: 19 June 2023

Quantum Management Consulting and Assurance

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Geoff White
General telephone:
Quantum Management Consulting and Assurance
PO Box 6882

About us

083 848 168
83 083 848 168

Category A - Audit Services
Category C - Probity Services
Category D - Risk Advisory Services
Category F - Procurement Advisory Services
Other information: Small Business <20 people

Last updated: 19 June 2023

Riskwest (Riskwest Pty Ltd as trust for Riskwest Unit Trust)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Sophia Harper
Direct telephone:
General telephone:
Riskwest (Riskwest Pty Ltd as trust for Riskwest Unit Trust)

About us

161 763 079
30 573 849 449

Supplies: Category D - Risk Advisory Services
Other information: Small Business <20 people

Last updated: 19 June 2023

RSM Australia

Show more

Contact details

About us

009 321 377
65 319 382 479

Category A - Audit Services
Category B - Forensic Audit Services
Category C - Probity Services
Category D - Risk Advisory Services
Category E - Financial, accounting and taxation
Category F - Procurement Advisory Services
Category G - Financial Assessment Services
Category H - Program Reviews

Last updated: 4 July 2023

Sapere Research Group (Sapere Research Group Limited)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Dr Vijaya Ramamurthy
Direct telephone:
General telephone:
Sapere Research Group (Sapere Research Group Limited)
PO Box 1210

About us

096 242 581

Supplies: Category H - Program Reviews

Last updated: 19 June 2023


Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
James Cottrill
General telephone:

About us

144 581 519
84 144 581 519

Category A - Audit Services
Category B - Forensic Audit Services
Category C - Probity Services
Category D - Risk Advisory Services
Category E - Financial, accounting and taxation
Category F - Procurement Advisory Services
Category G - Financial Assessment Services
Category H - Program Reviews

Last updated: 19 June 2023

Ubique (Ubique Partners Pty Ltd)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Luke Parson
General telephone:
Ubique (Ubique Partners Pty Ltd)

About us

602 781 653
27 602 781 653

Category A - Audit Services
Category B - Forensic Audit Services
Category D - Risk Advisory Services
Category E - Financial, accounting and taxation
Category F - Procurement Advisory Services
Category H - Program Reviews

Last updated: 11 August 2023

William Buck (William Buck Consulting (WA) Pty Ltd)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Conley Manifis
General telephone:
William Buck (William Buck Consulting (WA) Pty Ltd)

About us

74 125 178 734

Category A - Audit Services
Category B - Forensic Audit Services
Category C - Probity Services
Category D - Risk Advisory Services
Category E - Financial, accounting and taxation
Category F - Procurement Advisory Services
Category G - Financial Assessment Services
Category H - Program Reviews

Last updated: 19 June 2023

ZED Management Consulting Australia (ZED Consulting & Associates Pty Ltd)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Pam Zervas
General telephone:
ZED Management Consulting Australia (ZED Consulting & Associates Pty Ltd)

About us

613 859 699
20 613 859 699

Category E - Financial, accounting and taxation
Category F - Procurement Advisory Services
Category H - Program Reviews
Other information: Small Business <20 people

Last updated: 19 June 2023