TAC Update - Issue 87 - October 2023

News story
Training Accreditation Council's monthly newsletter providing information on important announcements, upcoming workshops, the TAC Regulatory Strategy, update on Revised Standards including the Pilot Program and a focus article on Online Learning and Assessment Fraud.
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Welcome to the October TAC Update

This month’s TAC Update provides the opportunity to focus on recent initiatives related to VET quality including the release of the Council’s biennial Regulatory Strategy, and recent announcements regarding the draft revised Standards for Registered Training Organisations and the planned TAC Pilot Program.

Focus on Quality: TAC Regulatory Strategy 2023-2025

The Council has released its Focus on Quality: TAC Regulatory Strategy 2023-2025, which informs RTOs and VET stakeholders about specific focus areas the Council has identified as posing the highest risk to the quality of VET and the regulatory actions to monitor and minimise those risks. Further details on the Council’s Strategy are in this TAC Update.

Revised Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs)

On 16 October 2023, the Commonwealth Government's Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) released a refined draft of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) (the Standards). The Standards are now progressing to the piloting phase ahead of their planned commencement on 1 January 2025.

The revised Standards aim to strengthen the focus on quality outcomes for learners and employers, provide greater clarity for RTOs and regulators, and allow for more flexibility and innovation in training delivery.

Pilot Program for the Revised Standards for RTOs

The Council is working with DEWR and VET Regulators to progress the revised Standards and is inviting TAC registered RTOs to apply to be part of the Council’s Pilot Program (the Pilot).

While the Pilot is voluntary, the Council encourages TAC RTOs to participate as this is an opportunity to test the functionality of the revised Standards and provide feedback to the Council. A focus group in conjunction with DEWR is also planned and further details will be provided in the coming weeks.

RTOs can register for the Pilot Program via the Expression of Interest form by 23 October.

As part of the suite of pilot activities being undertaken, DEWR is also running an online survey which seeks information on how RTOs would demonstrate compliance with the draft Standards. RTOs and VET stakeholders can access the DEWR survey via this link.

Quality Reform

On 30 June 2023 the Skills and Workforce Ministerial Council discussed potential changes to the current Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 to reflect the updated Training and Education Package, and support growing the available VET workforce, with a final suite of amendments to be considered separately. Visit the Quality Reforms page on the TAC website for information as it becomes available.

The Ministers also agreed to strengthened Fit and Proper Person Requirements to ensure integrity in the VET sector. More information on the changes to the Fit and Proper Person Requirements is available on the TAC website.

RTOs are encouraged to stay up-to-date with the latest information about the planned changes to the Standards and the Council’s regulatory priorities.

Focus on Quality: TAC Regulatory Strategy 2023-2025

The Council has released its Focus on Quality: TAC Regulatory Strategy 2023-2025, which informs RTOs and VET stakeholders about specific focus areas the Council has identified as posing the highest risk to the quality of VET and the regulatory actions to monitor and minimise those risks. In publishing the document, the Council seeks to engage and motivate RTOs to achieve quality VET outcomes for Western Australia.

Engagement with our VET stakeholders is critical and provides important information on the issues that impact the quality of VET. The insights shared by WA stakeholders made a valuable contribution to the development of the Strategy and is greatly appreciated.

During 2023 to 2025, the Council will:

  • Continue its commitment to an education program that delivers practical information to support quality outcomes and compliance practices.
  • Focus regulatory activities on areas deemed to pose a risk to quality training outcomes. These focus areas are categorised under three headings – Standards for RTOs; Training Products; and Sector Monitoring. The latter involving a review of training providers that have had minimal or no regulatory assessment to ensure sufficient oversight of the sector.
  • Aim to reduce regulatory burden where RTO registrations are due to expire during 2023-2025, by identifying opportunities to combine renewal of registration audits with monitoring audits on training products identified in the Strategy.
  • Undertake specific education and support strategies for training providers in relation to VET quality reform including the planned revised Standards for Registered Training Organisations.

A copy of the Focus on Quality: TAC Regulatory Strategy 2023-2025 can be downloaded via the following link:  Focus on Quality: TAC Regulatory Strategy 2023-2025.pdf.

Upcoming Events

Register now for one of our upcoming events:

Webinar Recordings

View the TAC Education Program to access professional development opportunities, support and guidance materials and access previous webinar recordings and resources

Focus on Quality - Online Learning and Assessment Fraud

With the growth of online learning, there is an increasing risk of assessment fraud. This can take many forms, such as plagiarism, impersonation, collusion, fabrication, contract cheating and the use of AI to write assessments.

Assessment fraud is a serious issue because it undermines the integrity of VET qualifications. When a student submits evidence that is not their own, it means that they have not demonstrated the skills and knowledge required for the qualification.

There is no single solution to assessment fraud, but there are a number of things that RTOs can do to reduce the risk, such as:

  • Using a formal process to authenticate unsupervised assessment evidence. This process should be publicised to students so that they are aware of the consequences of cheating.
  • Utilising face-to-face opportunities to re-ask questions set online and look for inconsistency. This can help to identify students who may be using someone else's work.
  • Looking within the learner's work for changes in writing or ‘voice’. This can also help to identify students who may be using someone else's work.
  • Using digital systems to monitor authenticity. However, it is important to note that these systems can be defeated, and therefore RTOs will also need to have other measures in place.

Ultimately, the best way to prevent assessment fraud is to know your students and to be alert to atypical or unexpected performance evidence.

For further information on this topic, please refer to a number of useful links below:

Catch up now on TAC’s latest podcast

TAC's Podcasts can be listened to on most podcast apps, YouTube or on the TAC Website:

TAC Talks Ep 14 – Marketing and Advertising

This podcast provides further information on Standards 4 and 5 of the Standards for RTOs, which require RTOs to provide accurate and accessible information about themselves, their services, and their performance. It also requires RTOs to ensure that each prospective and current learner is properly informed.

How to Prepare for a Site or Hybrid Audit against the Standards for RTOs 2015

An integral part of the process of becoming an RTO and maintaining registration is participation in audits. The guide on How to Prepare for a Site or Hybrid Audit against the Standards for RTOs has been updated to assist your organisation.

Transition Extensions

At the October 2023 meeting, the Council agreed to extend the transition period for the following training products:

  • AHC31516 Certificate III in Indigenous Land Management (23 Jan 25);
  • AHC32516 Certificate III in Aboriginal Site Works (23 Jan 25);
  • HLT30113 Certificate III in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care (31 July 25);
  • HLT40213 Certificate IV in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care Practice (31 July 25);
  • MST20616 Certificate II in Applied FashionDesign and Technology (1 Jan 25);
  • MST40519 Certificate IV in Applied FashionDesign and Merchandising (1 Jan 25);
  • MST50119 Diploma of Applied Fashion Designand Merchandising (1 Jan 25);
  • MST60119 Advanced Diploma of Applied FashionDesign and Merchandising (1 Jan 25);
  • UETDRRF002 Perform EWP rescue (13 Oct 24);
  • UETDRRF003 Perform pole top rescue (13 Oct 24);
  • UETDRRF004 Perform rescue from a live LV panel (13 Oct 24);
  • UETDRRF006 Perform tower rescue (13 Oct 24); and
  • UETTDRRF08 Perform EWP controlled descent escape (13 Oct 24).

View the full list of training products with approved for an extended transition periods.

The Council may consider requests to extend the transition period of a superseded training product when certain conditions apply.  Further information is available on the TAC Website.

Other Important Updates

ANZSCO Consultation Round 3

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is currently reviewing the Australian and New Zealand Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) to ensure the occupations listed reflect a contemporary labour market. The third round of the ANZSCO review has now opened and closes on 5 December 2023.

Further information is available on the Australian Bureau of Statistics website.

Jobs and Skills Australia

Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) has released the following reports:

Latest NCVER Reports

NCVER has released the following new reports: 

TAC Update - Issue 87 - October 2023 (PDF)