Welcome to the November TAC Update
The Training Accreditation Council is committed to supporting high-quality training in the VET system and operates within an agreed national VET regulatory framework which includes the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 (the Standards). These Standards set out the requirements that an organisation must meet in order to be an RTO.
RTOs are required to comply with the Standards through the establishment of effective business systems and processes that direct and guide day to day operations. Once registered, RTOs are required to self-manage their compliance with the Standards. This means their business systems and processes should be reviewed and improved regularly, so that they are effective and consistent with requirements.
As Australia’s VET system evolves and matures, regular reviews of the regulations supporting the system are required. As part of the national skills reform agenda, the Commonwealth Government’s Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) has released the draft revised Standards for RTOs. The revisions aim to ensure the Standards are clear, lead to quality outcomes for learners, and enable RTOs to deliver flexibly and innovatively.
The Council encourages all providers and stakeholders to participate in the consultation process to ensure the draft revised Standards are fit-for-purpose and effective in meeting the needs of the vocational education and training sector.
You can participate in the consultation process by:
- Reading the consultation paper and supporting resources.
- Providing written feedback using the online survey tool by 31 January 2023.
- Participating in one of DEWR’s face-to-face or online forums:
- Virtual session - 7 December; or
- Two face-to-face sessions in Perth on 25 November.
- A dedicated virtual forum for regional, rural and remote RTOs is also available on 7 December.
Holiday Closure Period
The TAC Secretariat will close for a short period from Monday 26 December 2022, re-opening on Tuesday 3 January 2023.
TAC Education Program - upcoming events
2022 Education Program - Register now for the last event in 2022
30 November - Industry Engagement
2023 Education Program
TAC's Education Program for January - June 2023 is now live. Register now
Focus on quality - Issuing Testamurs and Statements of Attainment
In line with the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Qualifications Issuance Policy, graduates who have achieved all requirements for the award of an AQF qualification are entitled to receive the following certification documentation:
- a testamur; and
- a record of results.
Students who complete part of the requirements of an AQF qualification in which they are enrolled such as individual units of competency, skill sets, and accredited short courses are entitled to receive a Statement of Attainment.
Sufficient information must be provided on a testamur and Statement of Attainment to ensure that the documentation can be authenticated, and to reduce fraudulent copying and use. More information on how to protect your certification from fraud is available in TAC's Users' Guide (Clauses 3.1‑3.4).
The TAC Fact Sheet: Issuing Testamurs and Statements of Attainment has been revised to provide additional guidance in relation to issuing certification for skill sets and accredited 'Course In'.
Catch up on the latest podcast episodes
TAC Talks - The Council's official podcast is now available on YouTube as well as Google Podcast, Apple, Spotify, PodBean or on the TAC website.
New TAC Fact Sheet Available
New TAC Fact Sheet on Assessing in the Workplace is now available on the TAC Website.
Transition Extensions
At the November meeting, the Council agreed to extend the transition period for:
- two qualifications from the Hairdressing and Beauty Services (SHB) Training Package; and
- one qualification from the Electrotechnology (UEE) Training Package.
A full list of training products approved for an extended transition period is available on the TAC Website.
The Council may consider requests to extend the transition period of a superseded training product when certain conditions apply. Further information is available on the TAC Website.
Course Accreditation updates
The Council extended the accreditation period for the following course to 31 December 2023:
- 52837WA Certificate I in Entry to General Education (EGE)
The Council extended the accreditation period for the following course to 31 July 2023:
- 52830WA Course in Electrical Trade Licensing
Other important updates
Establishment of Jobs and Skills Australia
The Commonwealth Government has established Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA), a statutory body to provide independent advice on current, emerging, and future workforce, skills, and training needs.
JSA will carry forward the work commenced by the National Skills Commission. It will have a broader remit, focusing on workforce planning and fostering working partnerships with state and territory governments, unions, industry, and education providers.
JSA will continue to provide advice to government and publish data and other information, including on Australia's current and emerging labour market, future skills and training needs and priorities, and the adequacy of the vocational education and training system.
You can stay up to date with Jobs and Skills Australia at the interim landing page at: jobsandskills.gov.au.
VET FEE-HELP Student Redress scheme extended for 12 months
The Commonwealth Government will extend the VET FEE-HELP Student Redress scheme for 12 months, and intends to waive all indexation applied to historical vocational education student loans affected by the IT issue recently discovered by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations. More information is available in the full media release.
Increase Cyber Threat to VET Sector
The Australian Cyber Security Centre has released their Annual Cyber Threat Report 2021-2022. It found a significant threat to the education and training sector, due to the preference for collaborative environments. Remote learning during the coronavirus pandemic also introduced large numbers of personal devices and new software into this sector. The report also provides guidance on how to protect yourself online.
Meeting of State and Territory Skills Ministers
Federal and State and Territory Skills and Training Ministers met on 18 November 2022 to progress a range of key vocational education and training reform and workforce matters. These key steps included:
- “urgent action” to address widespread skills shortages including finalising a 12-month Skills Agreement to deliver 180,000 fee-free TAFE and VET places from January 2023;
- agreed on updates to the TAE Training and Education Training Package and CHC Community Services Training Package, which strengthens the VET workforce and addresses findings from the Royal Commission into Aged Care;
- in preparation for the Industry Clusters commencing from January 2023, agreed to update the Training Package Organising Framework as a first step to a new model of qualifications; and
- committed to work in partnership to improve the apprenticeship support system and completion rates.
Australian Apprenticeship Services and Supports Discussion Paper
The Apprenticeship Services and Supports Discussion Paper explores the existing services and supports for apprentices and seeks views on opportunities to address three key questions facing the Apprenticeship System. Submissions to the discussion paper are due by December 16, 2022.
2022 Australian Training Award Winners
Congratulations to the winners of the 2022 Australian Training Awards. Click here to view the Finalists and Winners.
Latest NCVER Reports
NCVER have released the following new reports:
NCVER have also released the latest version of the Standard Enrolment Questions Example Form designed to assist RTOs collect and submit data compliant with AVETMISS for the National VET Provider Collection as required by the Data Provision Requirements 2020 and National VET Data Policy.