TAC Update - Issue 74 - June 2022

News story
Training Accreditation Council's monthly newsletter providing information on important announcements, upcoming workshops and a focus article on 'The unit of competency or qualification I am delivering has a licensed outcome. What do I need to know?'
Last updated:

Welcome to the June TAC Update

The Council is committed to encouraging and supporting Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) to maintain quality training outcomes and continuous improvement in their operations. The Council implements a number of strategies to assist RTOs to achieve quality, including:

The RTO Annual Declaration on Compliance which requires RTOs to:

  • evaluate information about their performance and identify any issues;
  • use this information to inform quality assurance of their services and improve training and assessment; and
  • undertake appropriate action to ensure ongoing compliance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisation (RTOs) 2015. 

The Preparing for Internal Audit webinar and Fact Sheet provides information to assist RTOs in using their internal audit outcomes to evaluate performance, inform their quality assurance processes, promote continuous improvement and meet compliance with the Standards.

The Council encourages RTOs to access the range of support materials available on the TAC website and through the TAC Education Program to assist in their preparation for the Annual Declaration.

Further information on submission of the RTO Annual Declaration on Compliance and the TAC Education Program can be found in this TAC Update.

TAC Education Program - upcoming events

24 - Conducting an Internal Audit

5 - Distance and Online Training and Assessment 

Click here to view the full TAC Education Program schedule and/or register for an event:

The full list of Education Program recordings and resources is available on the TAC Website

Focus on quality - The unit of competency or qualification I am delivering has a licensed outcome. What do I need to know? 

When a unit of competency or qualification leads to a licensed outcome there are additional requirements that need to be met by the RTO. These can include:

  • content or tasks that must be included in the training and assessment;
  • the use of mandatory assessment tools;
  • specific requirements for people who train and/or assess the unit of competency or qualification; or
  • specified time frames for training and/or assessment.

These can be embedded within the unit of competency or qualification or mandated and published by the relevant licensing authority. 

When the unit of competency or qualification that the RTO delivers leads to a licensed outcome the RTO has several responsibilities. The RTO must:

  1. fully understand the licensing requirements and their impact on the training and assessment provided;
  2. comply with any licensing requirements relative to the provision of the training and assessment;
  3. fully and accurately inform potential students of any licensing outcomes and their impact with regard to participation, achieving an outcome and employability; and
  4. keep up to date with all changes to licensing requirements for the units of competency or qualifications on the RTOs scope.

For further information regarding these issues contact the relevant licensing authority and refer to TAC Fact Sheets:

TAC Secretariat Staffing  

Lisa Barron has been appointed to the role of A/Director Training Regulation in the Training Accreditation Council Secretariat while Morena Stanley is on extended leave.

Lisa has been with the TAC Secretariat as Manager, Risk and Information for the last three years with responsibility for the TAC Regulatory Strategy, Strategic Industry Reviews and the TAC Education Program.

TAC Fact Sheets  

Fact Sheets provide training providers with more detailed information and guidance on the Standards for RTOs. The suite of TAC Fact Sheets is available on the TAC website.

This month, TAC revised the following Fact Sheets: 

RTO Annual Declaration on Compliance

The Standards for Registered Training Organisation (RTOs) 2015 (the Standards) requires RTOs to provide the VET Regulator with an annual declaration on compliance.

The 2021/2022 RTO Annual Declaration on Compliance will be available on 1 July 2022. A link to the Declaration will be emailed to the Legally Responsible Officer at the RTO.

The Declaration provides an opportunity for the RTO to systematically monitor and evaluate improvements to business operations and training and assessment practice through their internal quality assurance processes, identify non-compliance with the Standards or areas for improvement, initiate action to ensure compliance with the Standards at all times, and foster a culture of continuous improvement.
The Declaration indicates that the RTO:

  • currently meets the requirements of the Standards across all its scope of operations, including services provided on its behalf through third party arrangement, and for all locations;
  • has met the requirements of the Standards for all Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) certification documentation issued in the last financial year;
  • has training and assessment strategies and practices that ensure all learners are trained in accordance with the Standards; and
  • uses the outcomes of monitoring and evaluation to inform improvements in business and educational practice.

RTOs will be required to complete and submit their Declaration by 30 September 2022. Click here for more information about the RTO Annual Declaration on Compliance 2021-2022.
If you have any questions regarding the Declaration, please contact TAC on (08) 9224 6510 or via email at tac@dtwd.wa.gov.au.

TAC website review

TAC is currently undertaking a review of its website and invites stakeholders to provide their feedback on:

  • purpose for visiting the website;
  • accessing information on the website;
  • ease of locating the information on the website; and
  • suggestions for website improvements. 

Please click here to provide your feedback.

TAC is on LinkedIn

Did you know that in addition to our regular TAC Updates, you can now also follow TAC on LinkedIn.

Register here to connect to TAC's LinkedIn Page.

Transition Extensions 

At its June 2022 meeting, the Council agreed to extend the transition periods for the following qualifications:

  • ACM20217 Certificate II in Horse Care
  • CPC31511 Certificate III in Formwork/Falsework
  • CPP51119 Diploma of Property (Agency Management)

A full list of training products approved for an extended transition period is available on the TAC Website.

Other important updates

New Commonwealth Government Department

Recent Commonwealth Government changes mean that from 1 July 2022, there will be a new Department of Employment and Workplace Relations to implement and administer the Commonwealth Government’s workplace relations, jobs, skills and training agenda. This new Department will replace the current Department of Education, Skills and Employment.

Latest NCVER Reports

NCVER have identified the following research currently underway.