The Training Accreditation Council (TAC/the Council) is calling for a second round of expressions of interest (EOI) from Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) to participate in its Pilot Program (Pilot) on the implementation of the revised Standards for RTOs.
The Pilot is an opportunity for:
- TAC to test its audit process, TAC application form and audit report to ensure alignment with the revised Standards; and
- participating RTOs to identify evidence that can be used to meet the requirements of the revised Standards and assist in transition.
The timing, content and structure of the Pilot includes:
- Pilot commences 24 March 2025 to 17 April 2025;
- RTOs will need to prepare for, and participate in an audit;
- RTOs must ensure relevant staff are available during this period to meet with the Auditor/TAC Secretariat staff;
- the audit will focus on one qualification only (nominated by the RTO);
- prior to the audit being conducted, the RTO will need to complete a revised TAC application form and submit evidence;
- audits will be conducted via site or hybrid audit; and
- the Outcome Standards and Compliance Requirements to be audited will be confirmed once the EOI process has been completed.
Participation in the Council’s Pilot is voluntary and the selection process will consider RTOs from different locations, size and scope of operations.
Outcomes from the Pilot will also assist the Council in identifying areas where additional TAC Education Programs or guidance may be developed to support RTO implementation of the revised Standards.
RTOs can register for the second round of the Pilot via the Expression of Interest Form by 24 February 2024.
For any questions regarding the pilot, please contact Cheryl Russell at tac@dtwd.wa.gov.au