Study into replicating the capability of the Australian Marine Complex Common User Facility (CUF) begins

News story
Key stakeholders to be engaged through the study for alternative locations.
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CUF replication study

Over the past 21 years of operation, the Australian Marine Complex (AMC) has created more than 50,000 jobs and contributed more than $3 billion to the WA economy. 

In October 2024, the Commonwealth and WA Governments announced that parts of the AMC will be transitioned into a Defence Precinct over the next decade.  

The WA Government has launched a study into where the AMC’s Common User Facility (CUF) capabilities and infrastructure can be relocated. As part of the study, key stakeholders from the AMC, including CUF Users, will be engaged to prioritise needs and inform the selection of alternative locations.  

The transition to a Defence Precinct is expected to take place progressively over the next decade with this study one of the first steps. Transforming some or all of the current southern AMC CUF into a Defence Precinct will be a staged process in order to ensure sufficient time for both critical infrastructure to be replicated and for affected users to relocate. 

The State Government remains committed to supporting defence and non-defence industries that remain critical to the States economic diversification and the creation of jobs for Western Australians, whilst also enhancing the security and resilience of our Nation.  

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