Strengthening integrity in financial management

News story
New resources released today will help public authorities in the government sector in their use of public money.
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Strengthening integrity in financial management

New resources released today will help public authorities in the government sector in their use of public money.

Strengthening integrity in financial management provides:

  • examples of how weakened financial controls can be exploited 
  • red flags to be aware of
  • tips to develop a prevention first focus
  • a checklist tool to assess and strengthen controls to detect and prevent integrity risks in financial management. 

Public Sector Commissioner Sharyn O’Neill said the resources provide an easy to use and practical tool to help prevent financial misconduct and corruption.

“Integrity in our financial management systems is non-negotiable for all authorities in the government sector and we must be comprehensive in our approach to ensuring the security of public money,” Ms O’Neill said.

“The information and self-assessment checklist will support authorities reduce the risk of misconduct and corruption during procuring, contracting, general expenditure and cash handling.

“It is every public officer’s responsibility to ensure financial management is beyond reproach.”

The tool aligns with the 4 integrity improvement areas in the Integrity Strategy for WA Public Authorities 2020-23 and builds on outcomes from the Integrity Snapshot Tool.

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