Conducted on the last day of the July school holidays, six fisheries compliance officers from DPIRD, a Wildlife Officer and a Marine Park Ranger from the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) and two WA Police Force officers set up a road-side checkpoint near the Overlander Roadhouse on North West Coast Highway.
They stopped and inspected the vehicles of fishing tourists heading south from locations including Shark Bay, Carnarvon, Coral Bay, and Exmouth.
Fisheries officers spoke to more than 500 holidaymakers, helping to raise awareness that WA’s fishing rules are important. The engagement with the travellers also helps to reinforce that fisheries officers can be encountered anywhere, at any time.
There was a high level of compliance from the recreational fishers and no fines were issued.
DPIRD Supervising Fisheries and Marine Officer Jack Dawson from Denham said we appreciated the assistance of the DBCA Shark Bay District officers and the Shark Bay Police officers, so the operation could be run smoothly to avoid delaying travellers keen to get home.
“It was good that so many fishers had followed the rules and were aware of and complying with the new possession limits introduced in July last year,” Mr Dawson said.
“The new 10kg possession limit for finfish fillets (not including large pelagic fish, with skin on) were introduced at the beginning of July last year were aimed at addressing community concerns over increased fishing in regional areas and to help provide increased protection for demersal scalefish.
“We received numerous positive comments from the returning holidaymakers about the joint agency checkpoint, which also gave us chance to remind people around correct labelling of their stored catches.
“Special operations, like the roadside checks near the Overlander Roadhouse, will continue to be part of the compliance strategy and we urge anyone who suspects illegal fishing activity to report their concerns to FishWatch any day, 24/7, on 1800 815 507.”
Read a summary that explains bag, size and possession limits on the website.