Register of Unclaimed Money Update

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Treasury has just released the latest update of the Register of Unclaimed Money.
Last updated:
Couple with money in their hands

Do you have some lost or forgotten money?

This update adds details of unclaimed monies reported to Treasury for the period ended 31 July 2021, with more than 166,000 amounts totalling almost $24.3 million added to the Register.

The full Register now contains around 942,000 amounts totalling $138 million.

The unclaimed monies typically relate to: rental bond refunds, dividend payments, vehicle licence refunds, overpayments of utility bills and refunds from education providers.

To help reunite people with their lost or forgotten money, Treasury provides an online portal for searching the Register and for submitting a claim, with funds able to be paid directly into a nominated bank account.

The Register can be viewed on the Treasury website.

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