Refreshed Battery and Critical Minerals Strategy released

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The updated strategy outlines WA's battery and critical minerals industry goals and priorities for 2024-2030.
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The Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation has developed a refreshed Battery and Critical Minerals Strategy, building on the vision set out in WA’s 2019 Future Battery Industry Strategy.

The Strategy was officially released at the AFR Mining Summit on 22 May 2024, attended by key stakeholders and leaders from the resources sector.

The WA Battery and Critical Minerals Strategy 2024-2030 outlines the State Government's vision to further grow the industry to 2030, building on WA’s established mining and advanced critical mineral processing industries. The refresh also accounts for global policy shifts in the critical minerals and renewables industries since the last refresh in 2020.

The broader goals the Strategy identifies for the next 6 years include:

  1. Become a destination of choice for critical minerals mining, processing and manufacturing.

  2. Decarbonise global economies by supplying high-ESG critical minerals, materials and products.

  3. Create quality jobs and support positive outcomes for Aboriginal people. 

Find the more information on the Battery and critical minerals: strategy for the industry page.