Our 2021-22 Annual Report is available now

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The 2021-22 Annual Report for the Department of Finance was tabled in Parliament on 11 October 2022 by the Hon Tony Buti, Minister for Finance. It details the audited financial outcomes for the year ended 30 June 2022.
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Department of Finance Annual Report

We're delighted to present our 2021-22 Annual Report.  Here you'll find out about the excellent work of our department and our people, and the projects and services we have delivered over the past year.  

As a central agency we play a vital role supporting the Western Australian Government to sustain and grow the economy while supporting the local community. Some of our highlights this financial year include:

  • Managing $2.5 billion worth of major projects for the State
  • Collecting $21.5 billion in revenue on behalf of Government
  • Delivering $230 million worth of non-residential infrastructure projects 
  • Overseeing the Aboriginal Procurement Policy which awarded $146 million to Aboriginal businesses (to 31 Dec 21)
  • Receiving an 80% customer satisfaction score for Finance service delivery

Find out more about our performance across four main functional areas – Advise, Build, Buy and Collect – and our results against key performance indicators, legislative disclosures and  audited financial statements.

 Please contact us with any enquiries about the Annual Report or to request a copy in an alternate format. 

You can also view our previous Annual Reports.

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