Moving from traineeship to future career

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We chat to Lucas Wade about what life’s like after you complete a school based traineeship.
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Lucas Wade

One of the things Lucas mastered while doing a school based traineeship in his senior secondary years was the art of balancing work and study.

After managing part time work with school studies throughout Years 11 and 12, he’s stepped into a full time role with the Department of Communities while also studying for a Diploma in Business.

“The traineeship showed me areas and fields of work I never knew were options,” he said.

“It is a great way to find out what areas of work you enjoy as you get practical experience while at school you get theory or limited practice.”

Lucas talks about his experience for Youth Week WA

Lucas says he’s most proud of continuing his studies, his sights now set firmly on getting the qualifications he needs to pursue his chosen area of work in project management.

And he’s pleased to see his younger brother following in his footsteps!

His advice for other secondary school students thinking about what to do is simple: “Try as many different things as possible – that way you find out what you don’t like as much as what you do like.”

Applications for the WA public sector School Based Traineeship Program 2025-26 are open from 1 July to 7 August 2024.