Mingenew Midwest Expo goers invited to DPIRD display

Media release
Regional digital solutions, carbon farming and electronic identification for sheep and goats are among the diverse offering at the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) display at this year’s Mingenew Midwest Expo.
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DPIRD officers Rachel Clarke and Jackie Dihm at telecommunications project stand

DPIRD officers will be on hand to assist growers with enquiries relating to the skeleton weed program, including eradication and winter treatment recommendations.

Biosecurity officer Carla Tassone said staff would be available to discuss the current status of skeleton weed across Western Australia, including developments in the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for surveillance, along with the program’s plans moving forward.

“Visitors can discuss outcomes of biological control research undertaken over the last two years,” Ms Tassone said.

“The display will also feature live skeleton weed plants to help landholders identify rosettes from other similar broadleaf weeds, publications including the Skeleton Weed in Western Australia: Management Guide and Control Program, and information on how to report suspect plants using the MyPestGuide Reporter app.”

Visitors can find out more about the Carbon Farming and Land Restoration Program, which aims to realise agriculture’s potential to sequester carbon in the landscape and contribute to the growth of WA's carbon farming industry.

The latest information on the move towards sheep and goat electronic identification (eID) will also be available.

Presentations in the speakers’ corner of the DPIRD marquee will include an introduction to carbon farming, the FutureSheep project, climate projections, as well as a Q&A session on sheep and goat eID.

Livestock compliance inspectors will be in attendance to assist with enquiries relating to animal welfare requirements in the agricultural sector.

Regional Digital Solutions project officer Sarah McCall said information on completed and in-progress mobile and fixed wireless projects across WA would be on display.

“The Regional Digital Solutions team is delivering new and improved access to essential fixed and mobile telecommunications services across the State,” Ms McCall said.

“Connectivity is critical for social and economic development, and for supporting regional growth.

“A new Starlink Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite technology solution will also be on display as an alternative high-speed, high capacity, low latency internet option for residents and businesses across regional and remote WA.”

Information will also be available on climate resilience and grains biosecurity.

The Mingenew Midwest Expo runs from 9–10 August. The department display is located at stand 27 on the Oval (off Yandanooka Street).

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