Making every eRide safe

News story
Commission staff answer community questions about eRideables at WestCycle Open Streets event.
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Commission staff answering questions at a display on eRideables, a woman stands by a table and banner that says 'Be Seen Be Safe' while talking to a couple with a child. An eRideable device stands in the foreground.

The Road Commission tent at the WestCycle Open Streets event.

There was a steady stream of visitors to the Road Safety Commission tent at WestCycle’s Open Streets event in Leederville on Saturday 23 March. 

Commission staff were on hand to answer questions about eRideables and encourage the use of helmets for people of all ages. 

A/Manager Corporate Relations Stacey Coppack said as eRideables continue to grow in popularity, it’s important the community understand the rules in place. 

'The Open Streets event was a great opportunity to chat to eScooter and eSkateboard riders about how they can make every eRide safe,' she said. 'It was also a chance to remind students and their parents that by law, eRideables are only allowed to be ridden by people aged 16 years and over.' 

Other rules for eRideables include: 

  • Keeping to the speed limit. On footpaths and pedestrian crossings, this is 10km/h. On bicycle paths, shared paths and local roads eRideables can be ridden up to 25km/h where safe.
  • One person per device. Never carry passengers or animals on your eRideable.
  • Wearing a helmet. Any approved bicycle, skateboard or motorcycle helmet can be worn when riding an eRideable.
  • Hands on the wheel, not on your phone. Always have at least one hand on the handlebars (if fitted). Don’t be distracted by your mobile phone – the same rules apply to eRideables as to bikes, motorcycles and cars.
  • Don’t drink and ride. eRiders must maintain proper control of their eRideable device at all times and are subject to the same drink and drug driving laws as car drivers. 
  • Put your eRideable somewhere safe. Never leave your eRideable on the road or path where it could get in the way of other users. 

Another important consideration when it comes to eRideables is ensuring the device itself is compliant with the size, weight and speed restrictions in place. The Road Safety Commission’s eRideables buying guide can assist consumers to purchase a compliant device - visit our eRideable buying guide page for more information.

More information about the safe and sensible use of eRideables, visit our main eRideables page.

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