Amendments which deliver a range of benefits, including increased opportunities and greater security for the pastoral industry, and a new form of non-exclusive tenure — a diversification lease - have been implemented on 10 August 2023 under the Land and Public Works Legislation Amendment Act 2023 (the Act).
The amendments will deliver a range of benefits, including increased opportunities and greater security for the pastoral industry, and a new form of non-exclusive tenure — a diversification lease.
The grant of a diversification lease will allow large areas of Crown land to be used for multiple purposes for a range of industries, including renewable energy, while supporting the State's objective to reach net zero by 2050.
The ability to have tenure across broad areas of land for multiple uses which is good security for borrowing, will create employment and business opportunities, capacity building, and other social and economic outcomes for Aboriginal people, and provide them with opportunities to establish new businesses and partner with proponents for renewable energy and other projects. An Indigenous Land Use Agreement will need to be negotiated with Aboriginal stakeholders prior to the grant of a diversification lease which will provide them with beneficial pathways for economic diversification.
The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage consulted widely on reforms to the Land Administration Act 1997 including public consultation on the policy framework guiding the use of diversification leases on Crown land.
For more details on the amendments and to view the published policy framework guiding the use of diversification leases go to Land and Public Works Legislation Amendment Act 2023