The Derbarl Yerrigan (Swan River ) was the backdrop for Dr Richard Walley OAM’s Welcome to Country for the unveiling of the Kep Katitjin – Gabi Kaadadjan Waterwise Perth action plan 2.
The new plan has a focus on connecting waterwise approaches with Noongar knowledge. The words Katitjin – Kaadadjan mean “knowledge” in the Whadjuk and Bindjareb languages.
The plan reflects the importance of Noongar values, history and 60,000 years’ experience of water and land management on Country.
Director General Michelle Andrews, Waterwise team members, Bindjareb Elders - George Walley and Franklyn Nannup, representatives from Aboriginal organisation Danjoo Koorliny, Noongar artist Darryl Bellotti, staff from the Minister’s office and Water Corporation attended the launch.
The Waterwise Perth action plan 2019 was the first of successive plans to transition the city to become a leading waterwise city by 2030.
The initiative moved from simply saving water to innovative water management in urban environments for healthy waterways, attractive green spaces and water security beyond 2030.
The latest plan builds on this foundation with revised objectives, actions and targets.
These include increased engagement with Traditional Owners in water resource management, providing households with practical water saving solutions and new climate resilient public green spaces.
Artist Darryl Bellotti designed the striking artwork featured in the plan. His art pays homage to the flora and fauna significant to the Aboriginal story of water. Visit Kep Katitjin – Gabi Kaadadjan to listen to his story.
Eleven agencies are collaborating to deliver the plan: the Departments of Water and Environmental Regulation; Communities; Finance; Planning, Lands and Heritage; Local Government, Sport, and Cultural Industries; Water Corporation; DevelopmentWA; METRONET; Department of Education; Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions; and Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. They will guide industry, research, community, and local government.
You can read more information at Kep Katitjin – Gabi Kaadadjan
Pictured: L-R DWER Director General Michelle Andrews, Bindjareb Elders Franklyn Nannup and George Walley, Water Minister Dave Kelly, Danjoo Koorliny Co-Director Richard Walley and Water Corporation CEO Pat Donovan with Kep Katitjin - Gabi Kaadadjan Waterwise Perth Action Plan 2